How to fake your own death


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Preparation stage.
To fake your own death, you need to carry out preparatory work[/B]. Choose a shelter. Everything will go down the drain if family and friends see the "dead man" a week after the "funeral". We need to find a safe place where we won't meet people we know. Naturally, the further it goes, the better. So, the option to hide in the attic will not work.

You must collect a sufficient amount of money in advance.
The acquired freedom will not bring joy if there is no money for living. You need to create a secret cash reserve in advance. As soon as the bank receives notification of a person's death, all accounts and credit cards will be frozen. Therefore, it is necessary to start removing them gradually six months before the expected death. The most important thing is to withdraw a small amount at a time to prevent possible suspicions in the future.

Edit documents.


Today, in an era of increased security, it is impossible to travel freely without any documents. Therefore, the best way out in this situation is to buy a fake passport, driver's license, TIN, birth certificate on the black market. Before you go out to buy new documents, you need to come up with a name and date of birth.

Change your appearance.


Even if the authorities do not detect a forged document, they can recognize a person by their appearance. So, it is better to change the hair color, haircut; maybe stick a mustache or beard, or, conversely, shave them off. Currently, plastic surgery offers a wide range of options for changing the appearance.

If someone is considering a suicide prank, please leave a suicide note.
It is necessary to write about the disappointment due to unjustified expectations or about loneliness in a cruel world. Don't include the return address in your email. Before leaving the kingdom of earth, you need to behave as usual, without arousing suspicion. You can't sell real estate, say goodbye to someone, or insure your life.

Many suicides are thrown off the bridge.
In our case, it should not be real. We just need to make everyone think it was suicide. Over the next few weeks, you need to be constantly sullen, not make contact with anyone, and, most importantly, there must be witnesses to this terrible act of suicide. After getting out of the water, you will need to urgently jump into a pre-prepared car and quickly escape from the scene.

Death in the tropics.


In many third world countries, people are willing to do anything for one dollar. You can go on vacation to a tropical area, bribe some local government official to give you a death certificate, and then send it to the embassy. Only the cause of death should be plausible, for example, you drowned in the rough waters of the Kikitaki River while hunting crocodiles, or you were mowed down by malaria in a particularly severe form.

You can fake a disaster and leave your wallet with your documents nearby.


A fire or explosion is best, as there will be no trace of it.[/B] Everything must be done professionally, so that they can't be accused of arson later. This method is very popular in movies. To do this, you will need:
• fast response time;
• car;
* a steep slope or mountain from which the car could fly, and then explode and break into thousands of pieces (before the car crashes into the road fence, you need to jump out).

Act out the scene of your own death.


Every year, thousands of people die from the penetration of bandits into the house. Why not choose such a death? To set up a "number", you will need weapons, blood, from one to two hours of time.
First, you need to create such an environment in the house that it seems that there was a struggle here.
Then take out all the values. Spray your own blood (necessarily your own, as they will check the DNA) on the floor or walls. The easiest way to do this is to slightly cut the right arm just above the elbow. And finally, make a few shots at the walls and immediately run away. Of course, the absence of a body will look suspicious, but after a futile search, they will decide that the killers took the body with them.

Another convincing way to use a goodbye scene is through a kidnapping for ransom.


If the salary is low and there is no point in abducting such a person, you can go to Mexico City, where the abduction of any European is comparable to winning the jackpot. After a person goes on a journey, he needs to disappear. It is absolutely necessary to choose a safe place where no one can recognize him or recognize him, where the police do not happen. After twenty-four hours of "serving time", it is necessary to make sure that a "third" person contacts a loved one or close relatives and demands a ransom from them. It would be ideal if this person can be trusted, so that in the future he will not be able to blackmail.

You need to call from a pay phone that is located far from the place of shelter.
The call should not last more than 30 seconds, so that the police do not track the location of the abductor. For the first time, you need to describe the situation in dark colors and demand a ransom (in the amount of 300 to 500 thousand dollars). A time frame must be set: "The money must be delivered within forty-eight hours, otherwise the kidnap victim will be killed." When these forty-eight hours have passed, the artificial kidnapper must call again and make the same demands. If your loved ones do not have such money, you should immediately hang up the phone. If there is, then it's great, 2 million rubles will be added to your pocket!
No matter what the outcome of this case is, the kidnapper must refuse to hand over the hostage.
After a while, relatives and friends, having no news, will realize that the abducted person was killed.

Only Lazarus returned.
Oddly enough, playing a fake death is a lifelong commitment. If someone has committed such a deed, they must disappear from the planet once and for all (or move to another city or even country). Otherwise, relatives and loved ones who mourned the passing of a loved one will be upset when they find out that a lot of money was spent on an artificial funeral. By the way, before you dare to take such a step, think about it, for sure among your environment there will be people who will be very hard going through your "departure".


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Signs of a staged murder

Signs of a staged fall from a height:
- an excessively large distance between the body and the extreme part of the object (the outer wall of the building) from which the deceased allegedly fell;
- inconsistency of the version about an accidental fall from a height with the nature of injuries on the corpse;
- the presence of signs of a fight, struggle in the place of the object from which the victim allegedly fell;
- statements of any persons who cast doubt on the version of the accident.

Signs of faking death as a result of careless handling of firearms:
- inability to fire a shot from a weapon found near the corpse;
- inability to fire a spontaneous shot;
- the discrepancy between the gunshot marks on the corpse and those that are real;

Signs of staged suicide with the use of firearms:
- the absence of weapons at the scene of the incident or their presence where they could not have been in the suicide.;
- no signs of a close-range gunshot on the body;
- the physical inability of the deceased to cause a gunshot wound to himself in the part of the body where it was found;
- determination that the bullet found in the body of the corpse was not fired from the same weapon that was at the scene of the incident.

Signs of a murder disguised as self-hanging:
- the presence of hand strangulation marks on the corpse (linear or semi-lunar abrasions, rounded bruises on the victim's neck from the strangler's fingers);
- detection of abrasions, bruises around the victim's nose and mouth, and other signs indicating that death occurred due to closing of the respiratory openings;
- the presence of a closed, horizontally located furrow on the neck of the corpse, etc.