How to determine the direction and step on the "carding" track?


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Hello, today we'll talk about how to choose a direction and whether you need it.
As I wrote in previous articles, there are a lot of directions and you can get lost in them, in this article I indicated several main directions for work?
But still I will list a couple of main directions from which to start, their way CyberSpartans carding.

1. CC
Working with cards (driving someone into an online shop on the bank card details of someone bought in a special go-kart shop.
The direction is very profitable, but there are a lot of nuances.
The most important thing is that you need a lot of money to start, because without a base of working bins (bin is the first 6 digits of the card, which can be used to determine the type of card and bank), bins are obtained with sweat and blood.
I'll tell you a secret, not every card you buy will give you a kick, even if there is a balance. This is what the giver bins are for.

2. Hotels / Air
I say immediately crap bins, warming up the wizard (you need to be able to do it correctly and know where), setting up the system, ala with vpn it will not allow.

3. Banks
Dark forest, high level for work, learn how to work here, you will drive lambas and this is not a joke.
The direction is definitely not for beginners.

4. Crypt
We need our own logs, the purchased ones have already been processed.

5. Amazon
There are several types of work with amaz, one is simple, just for beginners, but it is better not to start with it, the other is difficult, for those who are already fumbling.

6. Paypal, stick, pp - synonyms
We came to the most important thing, where I advise you to start.
Stick, the best beginner direction you can think of. It is the work with logs.
Here you will learn how to work with shops, how to forward packs to yourself or to a miser. How to interact with people in need of clothing karting.
I myself started with it and am still doing it, because it is a very cool direction. Now the truth is less, because there are other things to do, I love everything new, I am an informational vampire, I always need more and more new things.
You must understand that this is not a loot button, here you need to work and try.

If you think that this is by the type of bets, you went in and threw 2k, in the evening took 10k. Better leave right away, I have nothing to talk about. There is no easy money.
There is quick money.
Carting is just about that.

Today they drove from a stick within 2 days, your pack of goods arrived at the buy-in and you received money either on the same day or within a couple of days. The cycle is very short. And this despite the fact that after driving in, you do not need to do anything, just make sure that your pack goes where you need to.

But there are also some nuances here, namely:
Finding shops (most importantly, finding the right shops)

Where to get material for work.
To be able to think logically, in this work, logic is needed more than ever.
So if you decide to set foot on this path of the CyberSpartan, then it's better to start with this. The material on the stick is in my bot, well, this is a hint to you. I will also talk about this direction on the channel, so stay tuned.

Well, the positive aspects of this lesson.
  1. You do not depend on anyone, your own boss.
  2. The more the dollar came out, the more we earn)
  3. Very interesting
  4. There is a lot of money here
  5. Work from anywhere in the world "practically" where there is Internet
  6. You can wear shoes for your whole family, you can buy, of course, for your own money, in the store, but what the fuck? ?
That's enough, I think.

All the best

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Disclaimer: Everything is written for educational purposes. The author does not call anyone to anything and is not responsible for the actions of people.