How to cultivate flexible thinking in a carder


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The flexibility of a carder's thinking is the carder's ability to quickly and easily find new solution strategies in the field of carding. Flexibility of mind is the ability to see a situation as it develops: to decompose it into components, redistribute it, look at a problem (task) from a different angle and be able to predict all possible options for the outcome of an event.

Why is it so important for a carder to have flexible thinking?
Today, developing the flexibility of a carder's thinking is not so much entertainment for smart people, but rather a matter of survival for any person. If you look closely at the evolutionary processes that took place on the planet, you will notice that the species that had the greatest flexibility and the ability to adapt to a changing external environment remained alive.

Such a quality as mental flexibility is necessary for both a modern carder and a seasoned manager. It will help you find non-standard solutions in difficult situations, see any situation in a favorable light, and make a rational, optimally correct and original decision. Successful carding in our time is no longer possible without the ability to think outside the box and quickly.

The ability to think flexibly helps carders avoid open confrontation in conflict situations. Flexibility of mind, amenability and diplomacy in any controversial situation can set opponents in a peaceful mood. Also, the flexible thinking of a carder is a good assistant in the learning process and in research activities.

The highest degree of flexibility of a carder's thinking is a rather rare phenomenon (characteristic only of gifted individuals), however, as is the extreme level of its opposite - inert thinking. However, it is possible to develop mental flexibility, you just need to know how to do it and, having learned, show persistence in achieving your goal in carding. Of course, you can sign up for carding trainings that promise to increase the plasticity of your thinking, but I think that for you to start moving in the right direction, the tips that will be given below are enough.

Development of carder's thinking flexibility
Fundamental advice that will help you develop mental flexibility and become the basis on which others will lay is a quote from Robert Greene’s book, “33 Strategies of War” - “It is important to understand that great commanders, talented tacticians and strategists were able to prove themselves not because knew more than anyone else, but because, if necessary, they knew how to discard bias and concentrate exclusively on what was happening around them here and now. After all, only then do creative sparks flare up and creative and original solutions arise. Life experience and theoretical knowledge are good for the time being: no matter how much you think in advance, trying to predict the situation, it will not prepare you for a series of endless possibilities, for the chaos of the realities of life, and will not teach you the art of improvisation.”

Once again, studying history and getting acquainted with various theories can broaden your horizons, make you smarter, just fight the petrified dogmas within yourself and the inner voice that every now and then demands to bow to authorities. Clear the necessary space in your mind for new experiences.

Also, openness to everything new, new experiences, impressions, experience, etc. will be useful for the flexibility of the carder’s mind. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle said that life can be defined as movement. What doesn't move is dead. The one who is mobile has more life and always has a sharp mind and flexible thinking. So gentlemen, there is more life, interests and fresh emotions.

Exercises to develop the flexibility of a carder's thinking
There are many different techniques that allow you to develop flexibility of thinking (it’s impossible to put everything in one article). One of them, which is definitely worthy of attention, is the system proposed by V.N. Kelasiev. Let's look at this approach in more detail. It includes the following steps:
  1. Changing habitual time connections A method of separating two interconnected sequential processes that stand in a time series familiar to people. An example would be trying to imagine thunder without lightning, which is essentially a gunshot.
  2. A method of replacing the time order of some process with the absolutely opposite one. For example, imagine that thunder rumbles first, and then lightning flashes.
  3. A method of reducing the time interval between certain events. You can try to reduce the interval between the birth and death of a person to one day and try to describe such a period of time. Another way is to imagine a dialogue between people from different eras or two personalities from the past and the future.
  4. Mental movement of some familiar object along the time axis. An example would be a discussion about what a TV is now, what it will become in the future, and what its prototypes were in the past. You can also imagine anything, such as a library of the future.
  5. Changing habitual spatial connections A method of replacing traditional spatial connections with unusual ones. For example, you can imagine that the car is not on the road, but under the road.
  6. A method of combining different objects that normally exist separately. You can imagine a blade of grass as a fountain pen or a picture as a fruit.
  7. A method for separating traditionally related objects. An example would be a fish without water or a store without money.
  8. Changing the connections of community that are familiar to a person. A method of logical subtraction of a community feature from objects. The planet and the ball have the same property - a spherical shape. You need to imagine the Earth, provided that it is not round.
  9. Method of strengthening a common feature. For this practice, you should find something similar in two completely different objects. For example, rain and a rocket fall to the ground. And if you split water into oxygen and hydrogen, you get rocket fuel.
  10. A method of replacing traditional relationships with completely opposite ones. You can imagine that smoke is healthier than clean air.
  11. Changing the usual connections of transforming actions The method of separating actions implies depriving some object of the opportunity to perform traditional actions. For example, just imagine a load that has no weight, a car that carries nothing, or food without calories.
  12. A method of obtaining a certain result in the absence of a usual source of action (a building built without builders, or a festival without participants).
  13. A method of blocking a standard expected result during a certain sequence of actions. For example, a car carries a passenger, but he remains in place.
  14. A method of changing the standard direction of action (cigarettes are not harmful to humans, but humans are dangerous to cigarettes).
  15. Increasing some property of an object to incredible proportions (a car carries one hundred thousand passengers).
  16. A method of strengthening or weakening the main property of an object (car-motorcycle-bicycle).
  17. A method of creating scenes using pre-selected objects. A group of interconnected objects is used, after which roles are given to participants, who must describe their capabilities as clearly as possible (train, passenger, platform).
  18. A method of forming new objects from those that already exist. This method is a kind of synthesis of a new object.

This approach ensures the development of flexibility of thinking, which is very important for maintaining one’s creative potential in good shape. You need to understand that it is difficult to develop mental flexibility in a few days. That is why you need to use these exercises regularly.