How To Create New User on Dedicated Server Without Admin Privilege?


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I bought a dedicated server but it doesn't come with admin rights and I want to create a new user but every time I go to Command Prompt and input: net user admin test /add
I get an error saying access is denied. Also, I am unable to download or run any files r since I have to enter the administrator password and I don't know what it is.


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I will tell you how to create an account on Dedicated Server if you do not have Administrator rights.
I must say right away that it is not possible to create an account on all Dedicated Servers. On about every 5th Dedicated Server can be created.
We will create accounting using the cmd vulnerability.

Let's start:
First, we need to download a program called vdmallowed.exe
We find it in Google, download it, unpack it, run it.
2 windows appear, like this.

First window

Second window

The second window has the right to the system and can create an account for you.
Insert this text there.
net user SUPPORT_388945a0 pass123 / add
net localgroup Administrators SUPPORT_388945a0 / add
net localgroup Remote Desktop Users SUPPORT_388945a0 / add

If you did everything right, it will turn out like this.

You also need to take into account the Dedicated language. In this article, we used Russian Dedicated Server. Alas, I don’t know how to create it in other languages.

A little help for those who have not worked with Dedicated files.

1. How to connect to Dedicated Server?
Everything is very simple: press "start" "execute", enter the command mstsc. In the window that appears, enter the name of the computer - i.e. given to you ah pi address, then click on additional (or parameters), enter the username, and then click on Connect. The login to the remote desktop will open, where you will need to enter the password and click "ok". Actually, in front of you there will be a server desktop, where you will create)))).
When connecting, it is advisable to use a VPN connection or a soxifier (for example - freecap_setup.exe, or proxifiersetup.exe

2. How to upload software to Dedicated Server?
Also, there is nothing difficult. If it (software) is on the Internet - then you do everything as on your computer - open the browser and download, if it is on your computer - then first you need to upload it to any file hosting service (,, etc. .), and then using the received link from the Dedicated Server's browser - again download it.
You can also connect your local disk to the Dedicated drives using the mstsc options.

3. After purchase, we recommend that you change your password
After the purchase, we recommend that you change the password to any of your own (this applies to servers from the plate, where there is already a separately created account; you cannot change the granted access on XP, you should create an account for yourself and put a patch for multi-use from the XP page). How do I change my password? On the Dedicated Server press "start" "run" cmd. Enter: net user user password and enter, for example: net user sql KJur665ed, this will assign the password KJur665ed for the sql user.

4. How to create a new user on the Dedicated Server?
(When buying an admin Dedicated Server from a plate on the site, nobody needs to do this, since you are given a ready-to-use account, you can only change the password. If you bought an XP / Win7 Dedicated Dedicated File, then the accounting must be done by you) For example:
Click: "start" "run" write cmd and enter:
net user sql 1234567 / add
net localgroup Administrators sql / add
In this case, a sql account will be created with the password 1234567
Do not forget that the group of administrators is called Administrators only on English-language Dedicated computers, on other language varieties of Windows - the Administrators group is called differently (for example, Russian Dedics: Administrators, Spanish Administradores, etc.) The name of the admin group can be found in compmgmt.msc or (if the domain is on the Dedicated Server) - dsa.msc
It should be borne in mind that on new versions of Windows Server (for example, 2008), when you create a new account or change the password, you may receive a response from the system about insufficient rights to perform these operations. There is no need to rush to be indignant that you were sold a Dedicated Server without admin rights. This is the specificity of the security settings and everything is perfectly solved - you just need to run the command line from the start - through the right mouse button - "run as administrator", after which everything will work. Likewise, you may need to launch your software in the same way, through the right mouse button.

5. What to do if, when connecting, it displays the message: terminal exeeded the maximum connections?
In this case, in 99% of cases, the so-called console connection, or connection through a zero session, will help. To do this, in start-run, type:
mstsc /v / admin and hit ENTER or: mstsc /v / f -console (of course, instead of zeros, we type Dedicated Server's IP);
if your RDP shows after loggin the message: terminal exeeded the maximum connections you can login there by next way:
- go to your "start" button, than choose "run" (or Win + R)
- paste there all this: ( as example) mstsc /v: / admin
- type the login and password in fields end push Enter

6. When you enter the Dedicated Server, you can't change the layout
When you enter the Dedicated Server, you can't change the layout to enter your username / password in english. The solution is as easy as shelling pears: after dialing the IP, we do not press the connection to the Dedicated Server, but go to the "additional" option, where we enter the login on the desired layout and just stomp on to the Dedicated Server and enter the password (it will be entered on the same layout as the login;

7. It happens that when buying a Dedicated Server with limited rights
It happens that when buying a Dedicated Server with limited rights, it happens when the browser, due to the security settings, does not allow anything to download or enable Java, Active-X, etc. There is also a simple way out of this situation. We read and do it carefully:
first download the opera portable on your computer:, from the off site, for example, it’s for yourself, not for your Dedicated Server.
before connecting to your Dedicated Server, go to the connection parameters ( mstsc)
there will be a section called local resources, or local disks, or something like that (depending on the Windows it can be called differently), find there the connection of your local disks (all or one if available) and only then connect to the Dedicated Server.
Already on the Dedicated Computer, open "my computer" and there will be your disk, from it just drag the previously downloaded opera and that's it there will be no problems with Java or downloading anything.

8. What does "Log in to local computer" mean?
In this case, when entering the Dedicated Server, after entering the password, you need to select another line in the field that is UNDER the password, the one where it says "...... (this computer)" and after that we log into the server;

9. Sometimes it happens that after entering the username and password, the desktop is not shown
Sometimes it happens that after entering the username and password, the server desktop is not shown, because any program (such as 1C, etc.) will auto-start. This issue can be easily solved in the following way - we log into the Dedicated Server, after which we press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + End, which will call the task manager (Dedicated Server! And not yours), after which we go to the File menu, new task, and type explorer, after which Click OK and the further loading of the Dedicated interface will go.

10. I bought a Dedicated Server, and a locker is running on it, what should I do?
How to remove a locker from a Dedicated Server? In fact, there is nothing complicated, excellent video on this topic to help on youtube.

11. The clipboard does not work on the Dedicated Server, I cannot copy anything to it
First, do the logoff again and log back to the Dedicated Server. If it does not help, then we do the following: on the Dedicated Server we start "start-run", write the command gpedit.msc. In the tree that appears, go along the following path, as in the picture and switch the mark as shown:
Click ok, do Logoff from Dedicated Server and go back, check the buffer operation :)

12. After a while I go to the Dedicated Server and it seems to have rebooted, there is a new login, all programs are closed
If there was no physical reboot of the Dedicated Server, then there is an automatic end of the session, which can be configured. On the Dedicated Server, start "start-run", write the tscc.msc command and then go and do everything as in the picture:
Click ok, ok again and do Logoff from Dedicated Server and go back, the problem is fixed.

13. What if I see other "left" users in the purchased Dedicated Server?
In this case, there is no need to panic and rush to accuse the service of selling "not in one hand" - this has never happened and never will. First, you should definitely be sure that these are NOT local users of your Dedicated Server (so to speak, the owners). Secondly, getting rid of unwanted neighbors is pretty easy, and with this request you should contact a consultant at ICQ 311582 and you will definitely be helped.

14. I can not switch the layout in the Dedicated server to enter the username and password
Like everything else, it is very simple to solve. After entering the IP, go to the connection parameter.
We enter the login there without any problems, in the language we need, click to connect to the Dedicated Server and, without touching (!!!) the keyboard layout (regardless of what it is signed there, inside the Dedicated Server) - enter the password and log in.

15. How to "work properly"?
The main thing here will be: - hide your software deeper in system folders, such as c: / windows / system32;
- do not create many additional accounts. in addition to what was given to you upon purchase;
- rename your executables by analogy with system ones, for example svchost.exe;
- warn antivirus alerts - immediately configure them to work together with your software;
- do not touch accounts already existing on the server;
- do not overload the server unless absolutely necessary;
- avoid heavy load on the processor (up to 50% dangerous maximum);
- in case of installing programs - make sure that no shortcuts appear on the desktop and in the start menu, or manually delete them from the All users profile.

16. When I try to login to my Dedicated Server, we see the message No licenses available
When trying to login to the Dedicated Server, we see the message No available licenses for the terminal server (Remote session was disconnected because there are no Remote Desktop client access licenses). Treatment: press "start", "execute" on your computer and insert the reg delete "HKLM \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ MSLicensing" / f command there. After that we connect to the Dedicated server.

17. I purchased a Dedicated Server in automatic mode, but it is not working. Have I been thrown? Money down the drain?
Of course not. We have been working on the market for these services for several years and are always loyal to all customers and are committed to long-term relationships. There is force majeure / technical difficulties in which neither we nor you are to blame. You can also send a message to the seller's mailing address (mail is indicated in the details when invoicing you) describing the problem and you will be contacted shortly. In this case, you should not make nervous movements and actions like that - printing negative reviews, etc., this is absolutely worthless.
The answer to the question - how safe is it to use Dedics for work - here:

A very common situation is when Internet Explorer "refuses" to download files from the Internet
Fortunately, 99.99% of this is easily configurable via the browser properties.
Go to the "Security" tab, select the "Internet" icon, click on the "Custom level" button.
In the list that appears, we scroll to the items in which permission to download files is set, in fact, we allow it:
Then click OK. we confirm this decision in the window that appears, OK again and that's it, rubbing our hands pretty - let's go download whatever our heart desires;)
By the way, through the same menu - Java is turned on if IE will "swear" at it (by finding the corresponding items in the list and enabling them).

An equally topical question is what Dedicated Server is with "direct IP"? (synonyms - "white IP", "external IP")?
In this case, it is assumed that a Dedicated IP address is NOT assigned and there is no NAT (router) between it and the Internet space, or the latter is configured in such a way that the connection to the Dedicated Server passes through almost all ports without hindrance.
How to check for the presence of this very direct IP?
The first criterion is "start" - "run" - "ipconfig" - we must observe that the IP adress line contains an explicit (not local) IP address (like the one to which we connect to the Dedicated Server).
The second criterion is checking the port's openness. It is convenient to use icqmsgloger.exe for this.
We launch it on the Dedicated Server, click Start.
After that, from our working machine we type.
And if the IP is direct, then we observe the following picture (or a similar set of symbols and smiles).
In all other cases, IP is NOT.

Do not forget that the group of administrators is called Administrators only on English-language Dedicated computers, on other language varieties of Windows - the Administrators group is called differently (for example, Russian Dedics: Administrators, Spanish Administradores, etc.) The name of the admin group can be found in compmgmt.msc or (if the domain is on the Dedicated Server) - dsa.msc

It should be borne in mind that on new versions of Windows Server (for example, 2008), when you create a new account or change the password, you may receive a response from the system about insufficient rights to perform these operations. There is no need to rush to be indignant that you were sold a Dedicated Server without admin rights. This is the specificity of the security settings and everything is perfectly solved - you just need to run the command line from the start - through the right mouse button - "run as administrator".