How to correctly withdraw cash from ATMs


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Today we will discuss how to bake pita bread, remove cash, and get crunchy bills in your sweaty or not-so-hot hands.

Portrait of a typical cash collector

1) Age from 30 years.

Teenagers, of course, are not suitable for us.

2) Decent appearance: not just clean and tidy - this goes without saying, but decent-the fact of using superpuperplatininum should not cause confusion.

A LV-type wallet is welcome - a dude who takes out superpuperplatinum from a rag wallet for $ 1 looks strange.

3) Having a car on the go.

Well, everything is clear here, there is where to put it, there is where to wait, moving along the route is safer.

4) Perfect reputation.

Here the selection process is steeper than in law enforcement agencies. The reason is obvious.

5) No bad habits.

Only smoking is allowed. Alcoholism and drug addiction will be left to management - they can.

6) There are no cards in the banks we work with.

And why give someone a face with a passport?

Nuances of the process

1) The route is made up in advance. It should include 6-7 ATMs of each of the banks you use. Branches with 5-6 ATMs standing next to each other count as 1.

The route is not repeated more than 2 times a week.

There is a very important point here for cards opened in the A-branch, there should be no withdrawals in this branch. Withdrawals are allowed from any neighboring ones-limited to a reasonable area. A situation where the cards are filled at the other end of the city is unacceptable. Keep in mind that people usually withdraw large amounts of money in some plus or minus places - we attach the map to the route conditionally - we try to use it or nearby only to withdraw it.

2) There are 2 people on the route. Everyone's responsibilities are as follows.

The first one is the driver, who doesn't take his license or documents for the car with him, and doesn't take his personal phone number - only the official one.

The second one is a runner, runs around filming, returns to the car, does not have any documents with him, as well as a personal phone.

We leave the car with a set of cards for the 1st person and go ahead.

3) We shoot in two shots - each no more than 100k. That is, we loaded the Classic of the Savings Bank at 150 - we removed it twice for 75k. We figure out how to load the rest and the logic of the process ourselves :)

4) Remember that ATMs can have the "almost empty" state. That is, on the example of Sberbank - you approach, and the amount allows you to withdraw not 40k at a time (when the cashbox 5000 ended), not 200k (when everything is OK), but a different number. This means that these bills are at the bottom of the cashbox - we do not contact them - due to incorrect stacking, issuing errors are very, very frequent-or they will short - calculate or give out the impossibility of the operation when actually debiting from the account - we don't want to deal with the bank later. So we ignore them.

5) We remember that a couple of hundred should be taken out with a change - that is, if 5000 ended at the ATM, then we calmly withdraw 40 bills of 1000 each.

6) The algorithm of actions is simple:
- we enter the room with the ATM;
- we inspect the premises for the presence of people in uniform, muddy types just standing on the sidelines - if there is no one - we get in line/go to the ATM;
- enter your pin and start withdrawing money, safely from ONE ATM;
- we put the money and card in the wallet, study the receipt;
- turn around and go on;
- at the end of the withdrawal from Ivanov's cards-we return to the car - we throw off the cash and take a new set.

7) Withdrawal takes place from 8 am to 20 pm.

8) Calm - only calm is our motto.

9) If the ATM ate the card and processes something there-hold down the cancel button the card will be returned. We remember this ATM and don't approach it again.

10) At the last withdrawal from the card, we take a check - we hand over the check together with the card and cash at the end of the working day.