How to buy for free on AliExpress


Reaction score
Refund types:
  • full refund - full;
  • portal refund - partial (at least from 50%, there is no point below).

The main reasons for refunds:
  • counterfeit (most profitable);
  • inconsistency with the description;
  • untraceable package.

I consider this reason to be the most profitable, since such disputes proceed faster than others and in the case of the right approach to the right product, we always get back the entire cost. The main thing that needs to be done is to find a deliberately fake suitable product, of which there are a bunch of them. It should be supposedly a branded item. Most often, the Chinese gloss over product logos in photographs, but send them with them.

It is very important to look at the reviews with photos, from here we will find out that the goods will come with the logo. However, there may be a logo in the pictures, but a product with a different logo will come, this is also only in our hands, and you can also learn about this from the reviews. The dispute should be focused on the fact that the logo of the goods that came to you differs from the declared one, that you are afraid that it is a fake and that you are very upset, and also refer to the rules prohibiting the sale of fakes (which is why the real logo is sold and masked). Thus, you can get it for free from a video card to cowards.

Let's summarize the reasons for the refund:
  • it was without a logo, it came with it;
  • it was with the logo, it came without it;
  • there was one logo, another came.
We always ask for a full refund.

Description mismatch
Due to the discrepancy between the description, it is almost impossible to achieve a full refund, unless this discrepancy is interpreted as a fake (see above). The main refund range is 50-80% of the cost.

One of the most common products for this reason will be power cans; they often lie about their real capacity, which can be checked using a special tester. You can also dispute the technical characteristics of various devices by digging into their properties. I also advise you to pay great attention to discrepancies in the description, each of which should be interpreted in your favor, since the Ali rules prohibit misleading the buyer (this can also be referred to).

For example, the description says "tea" and the title says "coffee". Tea arrives, we take a picture of it and screen the inscription "coffee", we argue (and vice versa). Or the name says only "RED" pants, and when buying you can choose blue / yellow / green / red, respectively, by ordering any other than red, you can get up to 80% of their value. This, as you understand, is not all possible reasons, but knowing the basic principle, you can return a lot of goods without any problems.

Let's summarize the reasons for the refund:
  • discrepancy in the description;
  • incorrect characteristics of any kind;
  • or simply a mismatch in the description.
Initially, we always ask for at least 80%.

I must say right away that I do not seriously consider this method, since it does not justify hemorrhoids with benefits (rarely more than $ 3).

The essence of this method is that sold in order to save money gives us an invalid track number, or a track number that tracks the parcel only in China. The plus is that it is impossible to prove the receipt of the goods by the buyer. The downside is that you need to open a dispute (the goods did not arrive) only a few days before the expiration of the buyer's protection period, therefore you need to wait a lot and keep a record of deadlines so as not to forget.

In general, only numeric tracks are not valid (except for ePacket).

This method will probably be just a nice bonus if you have found an inexpensive Ali niche for yourself.

Let's summarize the reasons for the refund:
  • tracking only in China;
  • not a valid (alien) track number.
Requesting a 100% refund.

Examples of dispute registration



The item that I received do not match description and original. I'm very upset and I'm counting on a refund because rules forbid misleading consumers. I think that it is fake, because I see no other reason to publish a photo with another logo.

Description mismatch


The product that was delivered to me, does not correspond to the description. The declared capacity is three times higher than the real one. I'm counting on a refund, because the rules of aliexpress prohibit misleading shoppers.

There are several things you need to know about this topic. First, every significant order should be placed from a new account, or from an account that has no active orders.

Second, to create an account, you do not need to confirm it by mail, this greatly simplifies our hard work.

Third, it is worth creating a table in Excel so as not to confuse accounts and dates.

Fourth, know that at the time of placing an order, a full snapshot of the product page is saved, so do not worry if the sold item changes something later, you need to argue based on this saved snapshot, it is available through the "my orders" section.

Fifth, there is a refunders database between the sellers, in which you can find yourself, and then some of the sellers will refuse to send you an order.

In this case, you need:
  • change qiwi wallet;
  • do not indicate the street, apartment and house (let them just send them to the post office);
  • change the spelling of the full name (for example Andreev Andrey Andreevich - Andreef Andreay Andreevih), although it looks pathetic, the main thing is that the postman understands.


Reaction score
ChargeBack AliExpress
In general, ChargeBack is an interesting thing and also not bad earnings on a par with Overdraft. In this article, we will look specifically at ChargeBack on Aliexpress.

ChargeBack is a chargeback, a procedure for protesting a transaction by the issuing bank (in order to protect the payer's rights), in which the payment amount is deducted without acceptance from the recipient (acquiring bank) and returned to the payer, after which the recipient is responsible for proving the truth of the transaction.

ChargeBack Visa Codes
30 - Service not provided or product not received
41 - Canceled recurring transaction
53 - Product does not match description or is damaged
57 - Multiple fraudulent transactions
60 - Fuzzy execution
62 - Fake transaction
71 - Declined authorization
72 - No authorization
73 - Card expired
74 - Late submission
75 - Transaction not recognized
76 - Wrong currency or transaction code or internal violation of transaction processing
- Incorrect account number 80 - Wrong transaction number or account number
81 - Fraud with the presence of a card
82 - Re-processing
83 - Fraud without the presence of a card
85 - Loan not processed
86 - Paid in another way
96 - The amount of the transaction exceeds the limit

ChargeBack MasterCard Codes
4802 - Requested / Required information is unclear or missing
4807 - File of accounts included in the stoplist
4808 - Requested / Required authorization not received
4812 - Account number not in file
4831 - Transaction amount is
different 4834 - Repeated processing
4837 - No authorization of the cardholder
4840 - Fraudulent transaction processing
4841 - Canceled recurring transaction
4842 - Late submission
4846 - Correct transaction currency code not provided
4847 - Requested / required authorization not received and the transaction is fake
4849 - Questionable seller activity
4850 - Dispute over payment of next installment
4853 - Cardholder Challenge - defective product / not matching description
4854 - Cardholder Challenge - not description anywhere (US only)
4855 - No goods or services provided
4857 - Card-activated telephone transaction (fraudulent only)
4859 - Change in the supplementary agreement, failure to appear or dispute on the ATM
4860 - Loan not processed
4862 - Fraud using a fake magnetic stripe of the cash register
4863 - Failure to recognize by the cardholder - possible fraud
4870 - The rule of transferring responsibility to the "non-chip" party who made an illegal operation)
4871 - Rule of transferring responsibility to the non-chipped side / PIN side
To work on Aliexpress ChargeBack, it is best to use Visa cards.
The codes we will be using for ChargeBack.

30 - Service is not provided or the product is not received
53 - The product does not match the description or is damaged

4855 - Goods or services not provided
Once again, it is better to use Visa, they are more loyal to ChargeBack and actively make refunds.

How long does it take to write an application to ChargeBack
The deadline for submitting an application for ChargeBack is 120 days from the date of the transaction, or the moment when the service or product should have been provided.

Well, now to the scheme itself
We will pay for goods on Aliexpress by card - as you already understood. For this we need manual drops, without them nowhere. Here we have a manual drop, we send it to the bank to produce a regular Debit card.
The banks that we will use should not be top-end. Visa cards only
Having the card in hand, we register the drop on Aliexpress, after which we can order the goods. You can order any product, I ordered electronics from one seller for about 100,000 - 150,000.
We pay for the order with a card, the order is being processed, we are given a track number, we are waiting for the goods to arrive at the drop's address, we send it to receive our parcel, he receives it. The package is in our hands. (I think it makes no sense to paint it, each of us at least once ordered on Aliexpress).
We are writing a complaint to the seller that the product allegedly came broken.
(If it's phones, then we go to the radio market, take pictures of broken phones that were handed over for spare parts, of course, take pictures of the same brand, if it's laptops or plasma, we do the same operations).
Here, 50% to 50% will return your money, most likely they will refuse, but there is an option that there will be double ChargeBack.

Now comes the fun part, ChargeBack
  • The drop goes to the bank that issued our card
  • Requests a statement of the card transaction towards Aliexpress
  • Requests to provide us with an application form for ChargeBack in the form of MPS
(They are obliged to provide it, but sometimes incompetent employees do not know what it is, let them immediately contact the manager).
We fill out the application and indicate in it the code "53 - The product does not match the description or is damaged", we attach the transaction statement, describe the situation that you received the product, but it turned out to be defective, we attach a photo of the received product (If it is the phones, then we go to the radio market, take pictures broken phones that were handed over for spare parts, of course, take pictures of the same brand, if it is laptops or plasma, we do the same operations), we attach a photo of the received goods there, as well as what was on the parcel (That is, the delivery address and so on, data of our drop).
Drop makes an outraged look and repeats the scammers every time! Cheated! They sent a broken, not working product! I will not leave this alone, I will apply to the higher authorities if this case is left just like that.
(Your chance will increase that your application will be sent on the same day to the IPU).
Application processing time for Visa - 45 days
Application processing time for MasterCard - 180 days
Your application will be considered within 45 days, and ChargeBack 99% will be done, since Aliexpress will have to prove that he sent the goods really working and usable, but he will not be able to do this, since he is just an intermediary between the buyer and the seller ... And they will not bother.

But I want to repeat it again. Not every bank will fit. Try non-top banks.
As for the consequences, the map and address of the drop go to the Aliexpress blacklist for life. The seller remains dissatisfied without money and goods.