How to avoid getting caught by security forces


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As has been written many times, doing business in our country is difficult and dangerous.

These are constant new laws, and impudent competitors, and various regulatory bodies, most of which set themselves the task not to ensure the rule of law, but to fill their pockets.

In the 90s, businesses were cut down by various gangs. Everyone remembers the concepts of "roof" and "showdowns". Now we live in a state governed by the rule of law, and there is only one group left. It is called "Siloviki". These are the guys who decide who will pay whom and how much.

And almost all the more or less large businessmen pay.

The question of frequency. That's life.

True, they have no special interest in putting pressure on small and medium-sized businesses. The main thing here is not to get caught. According to some data, interest is shown in a person when he reflects more than 5 million per month in declarations. But even then, not always. Usually, work begins when there are major tax blunders or an order. At the same time, in 99% of cases everything is resolved. Because there are no people in the authorities who don't take them. And if they do, they decide through their boss.

There's no other way to become a boss.

❗ Every case when security officials work on business is calculated from the point of view of potential profit. Based on that, they set the price for the decision. And here everything depends on how much evidence they can collect. If there are looming additional charges in the amount of tens of millions or a criminal case for a long term, that's one price. If it's less than 10 million or a suspended sentence, that's a completely different price. Again, the process often needs to be agreed upon with the prosecutor's office. That's why they don't take on suspended sentences.

Unless they want to close their "stick" plans. For those who didn't know, the stick system is alive and well, and they still need to put someone in jail. If it didn't exist, we're sure that everyone who has the means would be solving the issue. That's why sometimes you can negotiate with these guys for reasonable money, but get, for example, a suspended sentence. So both money and a stick.

Everyone knows about this. But there are nuances. No one will ever tell you the price of the issue directly. Even if the entire event for some company is obviously fake and aimed solely at squeezing out the entrepreneur. They don’t like to be seen and exposed in the system. After the first act, they just wait for the desired reaction from the businessman. And if it is wrong, they continue to ram.

👉 The desired reaction is for someone to come “to solve”. And then they look at who and how. Entrepreneurs are also different. Some may have such connections that the security forces themselves will get it. And they don’t want that.

Therefore, it is very important for the entrepreneur to find the right contact here. Then the conversation will be adequate and it will be possible to bargain. For those who encountered this for the first time, this is often a problem.

Firstly, this market is full of scammers who boast about their connections and promise to solve everything, and then stupidly disappear or disappear altogether.

Secondly, you can simply choose the wrong person, who may have connections, but he simply went to the wrong place or could not come to an agreement. And the more people know about your case, the more expensive it becomes to resolve it.

Thirdly, you can run into intermediaries who will resolve it through other resolvers, which will simply increase the cost by an order of magnitude. We know of cases where the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs asked for 10 million, his deputy set 15, the first resolver - 20, and the second - 25. As a result, the entrepreneur refused simply because he did not have that kind of money, and got further problems.

They do not like refusals there.

Look for ways to contact the head of the structure that can resolve your issue. This is usually done through deputies. The bosses themselves do not like to be seen. To do this, raise all the connections you have. Or work through proven resolvers about whom you have reviews.

There are few of them, but they exist. They will not intimidate you and will quickly offer solutions. They will also explain in detail how everything will be done and through whom. As proof of competence, the same boss or investigator will call you and say a code word.