How to automate information security processes and where to apply predictive analytics-Innostage experience


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Innostage IT company took part in the National Information Security Forum "Infoforum-2024" as a gold partner.

The forum was held on February 7-8 in Moscow and brought together about 3,000 information security specialists to exchange experience, jointly search for solutions to current industry problems and discuss prospects for business cooperation.

Innostage's own solutions were presented at the Innostage stand: a tool for automating key SOC processes - Innostage IRP, a program for automating typical operations of influencing IT infrastructure and security tools, responding to information security incidents-Innostage Orchestrator, an access rights control system-Access Matrix, and the Innostage In-DAP data collection and analysis platform . In addition, the forum participants were presented with the capabilities of the Innostage SOC CyberART ecosystem of cybersecurity services and the Innostage training cyber polygon, which help improve the information security of key business processes and IT infrastructure of companies.

The main audience of the forum - government agencies and state-owned companies-was actively interested in solutions for automating processes aimed at comprehensive protection of IT assets. The competitive advantage of Innostage Orchestrator, which the guests of the stand asked the most questions about, is its extensive capabilities. In addition to being tied to incident management, the solution can build cross-system integrations for various information security tools to interact with each other.

The Access Matrix was also popular – a highly specialized solution that provides access rights control at different levels (DBMS, IP, file system) and has no direct analogues. Similar products are larger and more expensive, while Matrix is compact, affordable and covers all the main" pains "of customers.

Innostage IRP, a tool for automating key SOC processes, integrated work of SOC specialists and information security incident response teams, has attracted the attention of commercial rather than government customers due to its specific nature.

Also, the Innostage In-DAP solution was presented at Infoforum, on the basis of which the Situation Center of the Republic of Tatarstan was created and operates. The project has a high potential for scaling: In-DAP solves the problems of data collection, aggregation, and interpretation using predictive analytics, which allows you to use it to make optimal decisions on managing a business, region, or economic industry. Representatives of government agencies were interested in the applicability of the product to assessing the effectiveness of top officials of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the activities of the IOGV according to 20 criteria linked to the achievement of national goals. Starting from 2021, such an assessment is carried out in each region and allows you to analyze the effectiveness of local authorities ' actions.

"Predictive analytics can also be used to assess the effectiveness of digital transformation of urban improvement and the use of Smart City technologies. The main problem in this area is the collection and preparation of data. In-DAP, which works on the basis of AI technologies, and our expert analysts are able to help in the selection of methods for collecting indicators, " said Leonid Filippov, Head of the Innostage Situation Center in the Republic of Tatarstan.

An agreement with Astra Group, a developer of system and application software, was also signed at Innostage's booth. The companies agreed on joint actions to promote and develop sales of import-independent solutions, strengthen technological cooperation between the parties, conduct marketing activities aimed at informing the target audience, popularize software products, and cooperate in the training of IT personnel.