How pickpockets work. Methods and schemes.


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Pickpockets are not just clever magicians, but very subtle psychologists. Some representatives of this "profession" reach such heights in psychology that they are invited to participate in research on the structure of human consciousness.

Classic technique-pushing

One pickpocket seems to accidentally bump into the victim, and the second, just as" accidentally " passing by, pulls the purse out of the victim's bag or pocket. Sometimes the pusher and the passer play out a public quarrel in order to completely distract their "client" and disperse his attention.

Receiving with headphones

People wearing headphones are the perfect victim, as they are already distracted by the music. The easiest way is to borrow their phone: thieves quietly pull the earphone wire out of the phone and deftly take the last one. The music lover does not immediately understand what has happened: the first thing he does is look at the headphones, thinking that the problem is in them. And only after a while does he realize what happened. This method is especially popular near turnstiles in the subway: when a person focuses on searching in the bag for tokens, travel cards, etc.

Daring tricks in the subway

If you managed to run into the subway car last and stand at the door during rush hour — hold your things tight: there is such a subspecies of scammers as "cheeky pickpockets" who run up to the car doors a couple of seconds before they close and completely openly and honestly snatch things from people. Before the person has time to realize what has happened, the doors will have already closed.

If during rush hour in transport you are desperately harassed by some incomprehensible man, in any case do not turn your back on him! He only pushes you to turn your face in the direction of others, and your pockets and bag - to him. At the same time, he may look like a victim of the onslaught of the crowd, or he may seem completely unsuspecting (for example, reading something diligently with a phone in his hands).

Restaurant receptions

If you hang your things on the back of a chair, you give free rein to pickpockets ' imagination — they just need to distract your attention, for example, play a scandal at the next table: while you enjoy watching the show, their accomplice will simply collect your things.

If you hang your outerwear on a common coat rack, the contents of your pockets can be picked up by the owner of the neighboring coat, who is just allegedly looking for cigarettes in his pockets.

If the company went to a cafe, but for some reason everyone dispersed and sat down separately, and even talk on the phone, wait for the show — they calculate the victim.

Cheating with a city map

In tourist spots, thieves often pretend to be tourists: they ask people to help them determine their own location by showing them a map, and while the victim is genuinely trying to help, the pseudo-tourist surreptitiously pulls something out of her bag or pocket. Distinguishing feature: these criminals shove the card as close to the victim's face as possible.

Theft and use of credit cards

If you think that stealing a bank card without a PIN code is a little awkward, you are mistaken. In many stores, you can ask to enter a product without entering a code, for example, instead of showing a PIN code, you can show a passport with the owner's name, which is not so difficult to fake. In addition, some online services do not send a verification code to your phone, which allows you to easily make purchases from any card.

"Dirty the passerby" technique

The scene with this trick is played out mainly at ATMs. A pickpocket "accidentally" spills coffee, drops ice cream, or smears hot dog ketchup on a victim who-coincidentally-has just withdrawn money from an ATM. This is followed by a scene of violent apologies and help in cleaning clothes, including pockets. A curtain. Applause.

Kids ' Raffle

This performance is performed by a child or a group of children. With all the attributes of beggars, children run in cafes, among the crowd with signs for help. While you feel sorry for the cute poor kids and look for a change for them, these young businessmen are picking your tables and pockets. Most often, tourists abroad fall for this trick.

Reception with flowers

Have you ever tried to sell a flower abroad to some homeless person? Know this: he doesn't always want money just for a flower. Even if he tearfully begs you, shakes hands, hugs, do not take this flower! He's just trying to distract you and pick out your pockets, remove your watch, etc.


Sometimes you can meet activists who collect signatures in support of a bill or money for charity. While responding passers-by read or sign booklets, one of the activists collects their valuables.

Funny People's Draw

This technique is "practiced" on people who are currently experiencing alcoholic euphoria. Usually the action takes place in bars. Some prankster, who is also a very cheerful thief, can offer the victim to determine her weight on a bet by lifting her in his arms. While hugging the victim, the criminal pulls out a wallet or mobile phone. It seems like a stupid prank, doesn't it? But if you were drunk, you'd think it was brilliant.

Porter service

Mostly elderly people fall into this criminal ruse: the thief offers to help carry heavy bags to the apartment, takes them and rushes up the stairs, checking the presence of a purse in the bags along the way.

Supermarket reception

If you are the type of person who likes to hang your bag or backpack on the handle of a shopping cart, then you may be a victim of shoplifters. Representatives of this subspecies of pickpockets usually heartily ask for help in finding him a certain product. While you are trying to help, directing all your thoughts to the search, something may disappear from your bag as if by chance, which you will find only at the checkout.