How not to postpone things on the back burner and enter the stream of productive carding?


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For starters, strength and energy are born the moment you act out of true motive. There is a simple technique in Psychomagic called "straight shcha". The essence of the technique: some idea came, you don’t sit, don’t think, don’t put it off until tomorrow, but immediately call your friend, friend, or anyone else who can help to start implementing it, and you start to act. This triggers the flow of energy within. Any business postponed for a day, for an hour, for 5 minutes slows down the flow, which, in the end, simply leaves you.

Everything can be done at the moment when you enter the flow and are simply stunned as you move from one process to another and complete them all. Any completed action releases energy, namely the completed one. You can also say that "I will not deal with this project," and this is also a kind of completion. Even admitting to yourself that you will not do this gives you a release of energy. And all because your attention is no longer there, and it returns to you.

If you constantly worry, for example, about 5 processes at the same time, which may or may not take place, then your energy is inside all activity, and this objectively leads to your weakening, because no one has canceled the law of conservation of energy.

There are difficulties in the fact that due to the large number of cases, you do not know what to do first. To get out of the state of confusion, everything must be alternating. You have to say to yourself now, “first this, and when I finish this, then this” - and so on. You must have a plan of action for consistent implementation, then everything will be productive.

But God forbid that you start rushing from business to business or doing them in parallel, this will not end well. Start with the one that is closest to you and quickly achievable, then accelerate further. Take the easiest tasks that you have on the way, start with them. Having realized the simplest, you go to a higher frequency, to a higher level.


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