How much money do you need to start carding?


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Hello Anonymous. As you might have already guessed, we will talk about how much it costs you to get into carding. This question comes up often. Probably the only more popular question is: “What do I need to start working with you?” Apparently it’s worth looking into it on a large scale and answering everyone at once.

I wouldn't call this question simple, I think you understand that. But I won’t leave you without an answer. Let's start with what can affect the cost of your “entry into the game”.


The concept of vertical is more common in traffic arbitrage. It is important that you and I can agree and understand each other, so I will try to make it simpler.

Verticals in traffic arbitrage are a group of related offers that are combined into one topic and on which traffic can be merged. The vertical is determined not only by the set of offers, but also by the methods and means by which traffic is generated. It’s the same in carding. The cashout method determines which vertical the topic will belong to. This could be clothing (putting in clothes), Facebook (outflow of funds for advertising campaigns), Gifts (gift certificates), BA (bank accounts). I wrote about this in more detail in previous articles - you can refresh your memory and re-read.

For each vertical, you need to have a certain set of consumables, in addition to software and knowledge for the job.
Software is the least of the problems. You can find it in the public domain, it doesn’t cost a lot of money (unless we are talking about malware and special programs), in some cases you don’t have to spend a penny) Antidetect browser, dead-keyed server, virtual machine, various kinds of emulators are mandatory for any vertical. VPN, coxclients, utilities - the same.

For any cashing method, you must imitate the victim! This is achieved by setting up the system config, Internet fingerprints and operation algorithm.
Now about the cost. Virtual computer and emulators are the cheapest way - $0. But if you value your time, then it will be easier to find a dedicated space and pay $10-50 for monthly rent. I, like many (including students), work through antique. After all, if you need access to several systems at the same time (more than one session), then you should turn your attention to it. Free only dolphin or trials. Working with them is not difficult, but when checking the ideal config there will be holes. I advise you to use Linken sphere or a browser. The sphere is $100 per month, enough for my work + I share it with my students. While you work with me, you don’t have to buy yours.

VPN 0 - 100$. Socksclient from $40 per month, the same VIP72 can be taken. As a result, software can cost from 0 to 200 $

Knowledge is certainly an important element. Moreover, knowledge that can be monetized cannot be cheap or cost nothing at all. Let's divide knowledge into theoretical and practical. Yes, both the clearnet and the dark are full of theory on all possible topics and verticals. Read, collect, everything can be useful in practice (or maybe nothing, a matter of time and relevance). But it’s not theorists who make money. Practice, experience - that's what really matters. Either you make your own mistakes, or you go to those who already have experience. Some people sell, others (like me) scale by percentage. I don't recommend buying anything. If a person can really teach you something. He is not obliged to demand money in advance, and the percentage of profits is much more profitable (don’t argue, he has calculated everything several times). If you decide to buy, do it at your own peril and risk. Don't give away your last in hopes of recouping. Write down the conditions under which he will be obliged to bring you to profit. If you agree, buy it; if you don’t agree, think about it.

What's the price? I know one popular forum that asks for 1k$+, I’ve also seen dozens of manuals for 10-250$, individual girls can be 100-5000$. In terms of interest rates in clothing carding, I won’t hide it, I get $700 per person in the first month. But this is money from your profits. You don’t give them to me at the start, so we won’t include them in the general list.

Consumables are things you use once or several times. What generally is included in the list of consumables in carding?

Logs - a very popular word, I think many have come across it. This is a file containing system information of the device or server. Personal accounts, accounts, chronological sequence of actions. The concept of log is very broad. Therefore, I advise you to read the additional information. information from other sources. The price tag depends on the information that will be stored in the log. For example, a log from Asia Minor Facebook will cost about $2 if it is an empty autoreg. But, if there is heated billing, the price tag can rise to $50. Sold both individually and as bases. Wholesale is highly likely to be worked out. Workers could work on Amazon's account, but you need, for example, eBay. Take the base and work it out to suit your needs. This is the case when working out can be bought and even bring you money. There can be no guarantees, even if the villager tells you that he worked for Amaz, it’s not a fact that he didn’t work out everything, or didn’t buy it from someone who did.

Proxy protocols, ipv4, ipv6, socks - this is what you can buy individually if you don’t have a good sox client, or the pool of servers doesn’t satisfy you. I prefer ipv4-6, they work smoothly, it’s not difficult to find, the price tag is super 0.1 - 5 $. If you need a proxy for xx, I start the selection with them.

CC - clone of card, cardboard. The work will start from $5, and if these are fulks, some hands also with replacements, then for 1 you can pay 20-120$ (the most expensive fulks with which I worked). Again, the price range may change with geo. Hey, for example, 30-80 for a fulka with replacement. Yusa from 20

Enrolls are cards with access to a bank account, it’s not difficult to work with these, you can go through 3ds in no time. But the price tag, attention, is 30-80% of the balance. If someone sells a video for $120 with a balance of $1200, fuck off)

Drop is a person who sells his face or his data. The dirtiest work, the biggest risks. Therefore, we also include it in expenses. Drop can work for a percentage, can work on an advance payment, or a mixture. But it’s better to cooperate with a dropshipper. I advise deposit droppers who leave their money to the dropmaster. Usually this is at least ×1 of the cost of the product. This one won't quit. I pay $40 for 1 drop and 5% for each shipment.

Drawing - documents for verifications, passports, insurance, licenses, etc. The average price tag for rendering is now $10, for a video with a neuron they charge x2-5

Drop cards - for cash out. The price tag for one such card is $100-300. They are used so as not to pass all your black/gray money through yourself to your loved one. Nobody needs unnecessary questions. But nowadays, drop cards are not needed in 100% of cases. If there are ways to stay white and fluffy without them. Less cunning ones will have to search/pay. Again a question of knowledge and experience.

I don’t count numbers and mail, these are things that are taken for granted and they cost pennies.

I chose a vertical - collected consumables - worked it out - corrected errors - repeated
All in all. The cost of consumables will depend on the topic and your experience in it. To sell a liquid product in an Australian shop, today I need $170, of which I can earn ≈700$ (with the deduction of all interest and costs). In order to set up a working link on Facebook, $250, of which I can make ≈1.5k.

Add to this the Linken Sphere of 100 $ per month, and a VPN that I pay every month for $50.

I also didn’t get the knowledge right away. I had to pay money for tests. I stopped counting ≈-3k$ for equipment in Australia and ≈-7k$ on FB. I see no point in adding to the total amount. After all, this is a very subjective number. But, if you plan to do carding yourself in 24. Get ready for at least $1.5k for tests. Tests, by the way, cannot fail permanently.

Advice: always leave money for tests. One topic dies, another starts.


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To start in carding, for initial consumables, beginners need no more than $50-100 of which:
$5-10 - VPN not logging
$15-25 - valid CC
$1-5 - socks5 proxy (or $30 fee per package)

Additionally you may need:
$5-15 - call to confirm the order to the store (call service)
$10-25 - selfie drop or document scans (drawing service)