How much is your freedom worth? Carding: training


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Hello Anonymous. So that your pants remain dry, even at the moment when the money is debited from your furry brother’s card, I decided to roll out a couple of amendments to your work.

It would seem that resetting other people's cards is a difficult moral choice. Because if the bank does not reimburse the cabbage, you come face to face with your conscience. Money backs happen in rare cases when there is confirmation that the data was sent by the bank or was insured. Of course, this is not easy and few people will devote time to the proceedings. And, it would seem, block the card and be more careful next time. More than once I have encountered the same cards being re-worked. Sometimes it seems that the person himself wants to be deceived. Let's get back to us. How soundly you sleep depends on your conversation with your conscience. But, this is not the first day I’ve been alive, I know you better than it seems. After all, what frightens you more than your conscience, my gentle anonymous, is the bottle of justice, twisted on you most unwillingly. And in the bottle there is a neat package. With instructions to slowly wring this wonderful gift out of you over the next 7 years, with the confiscation of everything they find. Our colleagues are milked quite heavily. The more you manage to farm, the more people will follow you, and each of them wants to eat.

So the question arises: How to work so as not to be afraid for the most important thing we have - freedom?!

1. Air tickets - if you harm yourself or your family - prison. Take orders from people you don’t know and will never meet in your life. Because there is a huge chance that at the airport, in addition to the friendly flight attendant, the little man will be met by an operative-in-piss and will plan a new trip. Do not give reasons to participate in this act. It is unlikely that you will be greeted with open arms and a welcome drink. The easiest way would be to sleep on the trans. Only crypto. There was already an article on the forum about anonymity in crypt; the Monero method is still relevant. We don’t worry about transaction fees - we use it.

2. Hotels - the same bolt, only in a different hand. You can see from the bank where the funds were transferred. Finding out what day and time bro is a piece of cake. One call and your friend - a master of saving - will prove in tears that he didn’t know anything and just saw the promotion on the Internet. Bullshit. When they put his woman in front of him and say that they will beat her if she doesn’t tell anything. He will do anything to get clean. And these are Belarusians; you can only guess what scenario your fellow villagers will propose. As a last resort, I advise you to choose countries without extradition. There are always risks, only in this case they will be minimal.

3. Clothing - if you decide to do clothing, you want to resell clothes or equipment - never beat yourself up. Don't attack your friends, family, acquaintances. The problem will be the same. Only drops, only stingy. I personally promote this topic and know how to make you crystal clear in front of the system. Training until your profit, for 25% of the profit from each collaboration. Individually from setup to write-off. A plus will also be a place on the team while there are free ones.

A couple of tips on what my students and I do to avoid getting overwhelmed.
  • high-quality anonymity settings
  • work in a geo where we will never find ourselves
  • the helmet is stingy, there can be no contact with the box
  • all transactions are crypto
  • from the store the goods go to drop
  • launder profits, transactions must be clean
  • no letters about carding (not wives, not mothers, not brothers, not godfathers, not wedding guests)
  • abstaining from unreasonable spending (even with pure crypto, taking a $4k laptop in a month will be suspicious) - loans are our salvation
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