How much does it cost to order a murder and pay off the law?


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Where to hire a mercenary, from whom to buy anti-personnel grenades, how to close a criminal case and generally forget about the existence of the law for a relatively small amount?
From the outside, everything is fine with us. Organized crime has been defeated. The legislation is almost in line with international standards. There are more law enforcement officers than the size of the armed forces and not even all the cells are occupied yet. Meanwhile, representatives of the judiciary can still stroll through the streets in the evenings. Almost a European country, not some kind of Mexico.
In reality, everything is somewhat different. A huge number of prisoners and exorbitant hordes of representatives of law enforcement agencies of all stripes coexist peacefully with absolute impunity. In Ukraine, you can do whatever you want. And it does not matter at all how the actions are called - actions, deeds or crimes. One condition is that if there is no untouchable status (judge, deputy, prosecutor, etc.), then you will have to pay for the misconduct. Of course, not by emotional experiences and some kind of pangs of conscience, but directly by conventional units. Moreover, the amount is quite affordable for the average Ukrainian. Isn't it a democratic condition?
It is surprising that with such "advantages" the authorities have not yet figured out how to organize extreme tourism in Ukraine: “Look what a wonderful waterfall. The terrain is excellently shot here! "It would even be possible to suggest trips of interest, for example, the tour" Counterstrike with "Alpha", "Quest with traffic police", "Knockout with" Berkut ". Upon completion - souvenirs and bracelets for memory. There would be no end to those who want to take their souls away for several thousand dollars. In the meantime, all these "benefits" can be enjoyed by the Ukrainians themselves, especially since in some cases there is no other way out but to resort to the services of corrupt officials or criminals, which are often the same thing.



It only seems that it is impossible to acquire firearms in our country without connections in the criminal world. In fact, you can buy, for example, a pistol in the most ordinary shopping center by visiting one of the many shops selling pneumatic or signal weapons. Local craftsmen, of course, from among the sellers, convert these toys into a real murder weapon. For example, the Blow-Magnum 2000 signal-noise pistol is being modernized so that it can be loaded with cartridges with rubber bullets and shot. The cost of such a "product" is $ 180, which is almost four times cheaper than, for example, a Tokarev (TT) pistol, for which they ask for about $ 800. There are no problems with ammunition either. The content of signal cartridges is filled with buckshot.
Converted gas pistols are even cheaper than noise pistols. For $ 100, the buyer will receive a cannon loaded with shot that can quickly turn an animated creature into a stationary object. It is noteworthy that the modernization of the bogeyman does not require special knowledge or special skills. Any student can remove the partition in the barrel that prevents the bullet from flying out and arrange Showdown in the Bronx according to his own scenario. Fortunately, such weapons do not always bring the expected results. Especially if you shoot from a distance.
Fans of classic weapons, and not some homemade ones, acquire them from real specialists, namely, defenders of the fatherland or law and order. Remember the recent events at the Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, where 140 Makarov pistols, 3 machine guns and army equipment disappeared? And how many more paramilitary universities are there, not to mention the numerous military units with hungry soldiers and demotivated officers.
It is surprising that people in the country do not yet drive battle tanks or fly military aircraft. This is, apparently, the next stage in the development of trade. In the meantime, representatives of the middle officer rank for a relatively small amount will be able to arm even a small detachment. The AK-47 Kalashnikov assault rifle will cost just $ 1000. Pomegranates are much cheaper. Approximately $ 50 for an F1 with fuse.
Of course, former prisoners, who have had some supplies for a rainy day since the dashing 90s, also sell weapons. Sometimes antiques sellers throw up rarities. They say the German "Schmeisers" are still trouble-free.



Illegal gun owners often become perpetrators of more serious crimes. Although sometimes among them there are law enforcement officers who decided to improve their financial situation in such an unconventional way. The cost of the order directly depends on the level of the victim's well-being. Based on the decisions of the courts in criminal cases, the price ranges from $ 1-50 thousand. The life of ordinary citizens is estimated at a maximum of $ 8 thousand. Businessmen are much more expensive. The judicial history is silent about the cost of orders of politicians or officials.
Most often, Ukrainians settle scores with each other for everyday reasons - to get an apartment, repay a debt, etc. Moreover, customers and their victims are often related. In general, typical marginal stories: the wife is unhappy with her husband, the sister does not want to share the apartment with her brother, etc. And businessmen are eliminated by their offended partners or competitors.
For the "cheapest job", newcomers are most often taken on. Fortunately, for their purposes, crimes are not always followed through. For example, a homemade mine planted in a car by an amateur pyrotechnician emitted a cheerful pop under the driver's seat and tinted the interior with black smoke. The potential victim did not even immediately understand what had happened. Or, here's a completely ridiculous story. The amphetamine lover bought a converted gas pistol, intending to fulfill an order - to remove three people at once. As in a real thriller, he went into the tavern where the three were and shot them point-blank. Fortunately, the victims escaped with only a slight fright and a temporary loss of sense of reality. The modernization of the gas pistol was not very high quality. Soon the offender was behind bars.
Professional killers use traditional weapons. Most often they are hired in other cities or in general in fraternal republics. Usually, these are former law enforcement officers or repeat offenders.
A too cheap price, as well as a significantly overpriced one, is not a guarantee of the result. If the customer pays little, it is very likely that they will slightly turn their heads up and hand them over to law enforcement agencies. And if he pays a lot, then he himself may become a victim.

Hire special forces


It is possible to show strength and power to your competitor not only with the help of professional knowledge and skills. Very quickly, tall guys in masks and in full combat ammunition can reason with him. And what's funny is that the fighters are not fake.
It's just that the guys in their free time from the service can agree to earn extra money. Of course, we are not talking about all the security officers and law enforcement officers. And, nevertheless, some of them are ready to provide, so to speak, assistance.
For example, one ex-policeman went into business and decided to take money from his client. And so that he did not strongly resist, he invited employees of one of the elite divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. And not just anyone, but middle-level officers. For only $ 2,000, the fighters helped rid the client of the surplus cash. Why they burst into a hotel room wearing masks and with weapons, making an indelible impression on their victim not only by their appearance.
It is good that another detachment of the same special forces knew very well about the part-time work of colleagues, "quite by accident" was resting in the next room, and everything ended up relatively well. But this is not always the case, is it?
An interesting detail. To heighten the effect, the fighters were not afraid to show their documents to the hotel staff, while committing a banal robbery.



It is also not difficult to obtain a new identity card, both in Ukrainian and abroad. The second passport will cost only $ 1,000, which, in general, is not much more expensive than urgent restoration of lost documents. Another thing is that now the client will have two surnames, different ages and addresses of residence. Usually, fake passports, especially foreign ones, are necessary for unhindered travel abroad to get a job or obtain permanent residence. For example, the customer needs to become older so that a young appearance does not become a problem for the employer, or to correct the nationality.
Fictitious entrepreneurs or financial fraudsters are most often interested in fake Ukrainian passports. In the first case, a company is issued for a "left" passport for any kind of fraud. In the second, a loan is issued at the filing of employees of banking institutions.
Numerous consultants and companies specializing in the employment of Ukrainians abroad or facilitating the departure for permanent residence are well aware of who to order the production of fictitious passports. They act as intermediaries between the customer of the documents and the employees of the Department for Citizenship, Immigration and Registration of Individuals of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
At the dictation of the "interested" department inspector, registration cards with a fake surname, age and address are filled out. Although it happens that only a photograph is required from the customer, and the whole process takes place without him. In general, who and how will be able to agree.



It is not by chance that Themis is blindfolded. Still, it is somehow inconvenient for its representatives to take money from the participants in the proceedings. Therefore, most often they are taken by assistant judges, so that the higher authorities do not sink so low.
The most expensive judges, of course, are in the capital. According to the investigators of the Prosecutor General's Office, they take from $ 3 to $ 5 thousand. Note that we are talking about the workers of the district courts. The higher courts - the courts of appeal and the Armed Forces of Ukraine - are likely to be significantly more expensive. But in the provinces, the representatives of Themis are not so spoiled by money. In small towns and villages, the correct decision of the court will cost a symbolic 2-6 thousand UAH. And this is without intermediaries. After all, the judges are closer to the people there. Why substitute helpers?
Note that the indicated amounts relate only to civil cases. If we are talking about a criminal offense, then freedom will cost more. The same UAH 6,000 in a small town will turn out to be $ 6,000 when it comes to the storage and manufacture of drugs. In the capital, obviously, you can safely add zero to this amount. However, why bring the case to court if you can come to an agreement with the investigators?



In the dashing 90s, one year of freedom was estimated at $ 1,000. Since then, a lot has changed, and the price has doubled. Inflation seems to have affected. If the term is from 3 to 8 years, for example, for abuse of power, accompanied by violence, the senior investigator of the district prosecutor's office can ask for $ 15-20 thousand. For this amount, the potential criminal will be able to avoid any punishment, since the investigators, with all their great desire and despite irrefutable evidence of guilt, they will not be able to detect the corpus delicti. But then again, why bring the matter to the prosecutor's office?
Policemen are much cheaper. For example, a thief will be released for $ 2,000. And for a minimum of $ 2.5 thousand, transferred to the operative, petty drug dealers can avoid punishment. It is somehow even absurd to remember the sins of the traffic cops. Although, for example, in the event of a collision with a pedestrian, the course of events can be corrected in the right direction, and for $ 800 to avoid further proceedings.
In judicial practice, there has not been a case when operas or snoopers were caught for bribes received from criminals who committed especially grave crimes. Which, in general, is not surprising. If we proceed from the ratio of $ 2-3 thousand per year of freedom, then we can assume that the killer will escape punishment for an amount of approximately $ 30-45 thousand. And this almost corresponds to the cost of the order. An almost "ideal" situation. Killed a man - earned, caught - left with nothing. They also say that our country is not free.
Any person prone to displaying aggression and violence towards others, having only $ 50-60 thousand, can feel like a fish in water in Ukraine. What can we say about wealthier citizens?



  • $ 50 buy F-1 grenade
  • $ 100 buy a converted pistol
  • $ 800 buy a pistol of the Tokarev system (TT)
  • $ 1,000 buy a Kalashnikov assault rifle
  • $ 65 for the right to brew and sell moonshine
  • $ 1-50 thousand cost of contract murder
  • $ 1,000 buy a fictitious passport
  • $ 200 for refusing to document possession
  • $ 2.5 thousand to avoid criminal prosecution for drug possession
  • $ 6 thousand to avoid litigation when growing and storing drugs
  • $ 2 thousand to avoid criminal prosecution for theft
  • $ 15-20 thousand to avoid criminal prosecution, providing for up to 8 years in prison
  • $ 2100 buy non-ferrous metal at a military training ground
  • $ 120 to pay off firefighters in case of fire safety violations at the enterprise
  • $ 150 transfer to a private trader to the general taxation system
  • $ 200-500 for permission to operate a catering enterprise in violation of sanitary legislation
  • $ 300 fee for the lack of documents for the product being sold
  • $ 300 for accrual of minimum penalties without tax audit
  • $ 100 to avoid punishment for violation of trading rules
  • $ 9 thousand to avoid punishment for serious violations of tax legislation
  • $ 500 to remove the arrest from the apartment in the executive service
  • $ 350 monthly fee for the smooth operation of the slot machine hall
  • $ 300-500 acceptance of a construction site into operation by the inspection of the State Architectural and Construction Control
  • $ 1 thousand cost for a positive decision of the district council on the allocation of 1 hectare of land in the periphery
  • $ 6 thousand cost for a positive decision of the authorities on the allocation of 1 hectare of land near Kiev
  • $ 10 thousand to import 20 non-cleared vehicles and disassemble them for parts for further sale
  • $ 3 thousand to drive freely the car that Interpol is looking for
  • $ 750 to get the right decision from the provincial civil court
  • $ 3-5 thousand to get the necessary decision of the district court in a civil case in the capital
  • $ 60 positive testimonial from the place of work
  • 10% of the VAT refund amount, the customs does not check the origin of goods when exporting from Ukraine
  • $ 4 thousand to cover up the case of illegal VAT refund for several million hryvnias
  • $ 60 thousand for the right to lease premises in the center of Kiev with further privatization
  • $ 800 for refusing to initiate a criminal case and returning the car from the penalty area when a pedestrian hits
  • $ 200 for the right to use unlimited electricity
  • $ 200-300 for getting a disability group 2-3 for several years
  • 2% of the amount of accrued salary, the cost of a fake income statement
  • $ 120 for a fake certificate stating that a person works in a company
  • $ 10 thousand to remove the arrest of 20-30 tons of meat products of unknown origin
  • $ 100 thousand for the alienation of land plots in their favor from the NJSC "Nadra Ukraine"
  • $ 200 thousand to become the head of the regional environmental inspection