How masturbation will ruin your life


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Just be honest. Do you masturbate? And I know you are. From where? Banal statistics. In this world, everyone masturbates, except maybe some priests. If everything - then it is normal? In theory, Yes. But why then, a bunch of young people began to worry about the dangers of regular self-satisfaction? I know that. At least once in your life, you definitely googled "harms of masturbation", having done your dirty deeds more than once a day. Well, there are many reasons for this. Mostly misinformation from the yellow press and ambiguous statements of all sorts of pseudo-doctors on YouTube. In this post, we will try to separate the seeds from the chaff and find out if masturbation is really harmful. The post is mainly for guys, since it is we, the representatives of a very sensitive sex, who are most worried about the performance of a key organ. Yes, and there are more myths about male masturbation. As for the ladies - masturbate to your health, you definitely can.


The most monstrous mechanisms against masturbation.


Anti-masturbation device. Negative ones, you're getting burned))

Where do the legs grow from?
Initially, everything was fine, everyone masturbated without any remorse. Even animals like camels. I am also very interested in how the Humpbacks managed such a special operation, but this post is not about that. Then suddenly the Bible appeared and forbade Masturbation. There was such a freak onan, who constantly interrupted sexual intercourse with his brother's wife. The clergy, as usual, distorted everything and came up with the idea that onan actually did it. Hence the onanism. So masturbation was banned for almost 2 thousand years and was considered an invention of Satan, because it did not bring dividends to the Church in the form of children=new parishioners. All sorts of things were invented to prevent people from masturbating. Above I will attach a picture with various "genital limiters". Then there was the USSR, in which there was no sex at all, and consequently no Masturbation. The Union broke up, people scratched their turnips and began to study the phenomenon of self-satisfaction with might and main. As a result, a lot of conflicting research + religious background has given rise to thousands of myths about the dangers of manual labor. You've definitely heard a couple of them. This is impotence and infertility and the fall of the genital organ, not to mention a direct ticket to hell. At this point, forget everything you've ever heard about Masturbation. Let's start with a clean slate.

The benefits of masturbation
Let's start with a pleasant one. We all remember this wonderful feeling after the next "session". Stress goes away, you are happy and corny feel much better and more cheerful. Endorphins, what to take from them. Masturbation is the most beautiful thing that gives us the opportunity to reboot in the middle of the working day, relieve tension, raise our mood and satisfy our constant sexual desire. Here the mechanism is like sex and if you do not have a permanent partner, Masturbation is the best medicine. To whom-to whom, and teenagers masturbate the most important thing. This is my age. This is a very important exercise, so that the young individual understands how everything works and does not embarrass himself during the wedding night.

In addition, masturbation has another important function. Strange mucus is constantly secreted from our genitals. This is a secret produced by our glands. It should be constantly lowered, because if it stagnates for too long, men may experience unpleasant diseases that can only be treated with prostate massage. This is through the ass, if anything.

Real harm
It doesn't exist if several conditions are met. You have a clean head, do not masturbate more than 2 times a day and do not pervert with your penis, as if with twigs to light a fire. So you can really damage the skin, and if the "tool" is bent too much, it can break. All other problems are exclusively in our heads and directly affect only our sex life. What does it mean. If you masturbate very often and watch porn, regular sex may become unusual for you. Afterwards, you can finish quickly, finish hard, or you will not get up at all. There will be problems with the other half. But everything will return to normal as soon as regular sex is established. There will be no impotence, there will be no erectile dysfunction, the sperm will not run out and the children will grow up healthy. Masturbation also causes tolerance, but since it's harmless, it's a good thing.

Jerk off to your health. Here is my personal guide: 1 time in the morning, after you woke up, 1 time in the middle of the working day to combat routine and stress, 1 time before going to bed in order to fall asleep faster.


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How porn will break your psyche​

What do we know about porn? This is the most popular type of entertainment content that each of us has consumed at least once in our lives. As in the case of Masturbation, constant porn viewing is attributed to a lot of negative effects and is generally considered harmful. Let's take a look at the most popular ones.

Loss of motivation
It is believed that if you watch porn every day, you may lose motivation to do something and achieve something. They say that dopamine is produced in the same way as during sex, a person gets full moral satisfaction and automatically considers himself successful in life. This is especially often attributed to teenagers who, after regularly watching porn, allegedly do not want to learn and win the attention of their classmates. To summarize: watching porn=a loser.

Distorted perception
The second most popular opinion about regular consumption of porn content is that a porn addict becomes sexually inadequate. Like, starting with light eroticism, it increases the degree, goes to BDSM and other perversions. The further they go, the harder content they need to get excited. Subsequently, he loses interest in the other half and constantly comparing it with his favorite porn actress. Also, libido drops, which leads to erectile dysfunction. Total: watching porn=loss of interest in real sex = problems with your health and overall life

Personal opinion
Personally, I watch porn quite rarely, so I can't talk about its harm objectively. In porn, I try to find only positive moments. For example, practical benefits - you can discover many new poses and techniques in order to please your partner. And of course, porn is a great tool for Masturbation, and Masturbation is great.


Social research
Right now, I'm going to need your help. Let's find out together whether watching porn is harmful or not. What is required for this. Write in the comments about your experience watching porn. How long have you been watching it (I started when I was 10), how often, and whether you feel any negative impact of porn on your life. You may have already experienced the real harm of porn described above, so be sure to share it. Personal opinions about the dangers of porn are also welcome. In a few days, I will carefully review all your stories and release a post summarizing all the data collected. Together, we can shed some light on this controversial topic!


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How abstinence will make you superhuman​

Results on the dangers of porn
As I expected, the opinions under the previous post were divided about equally.

In order to overcome all the problems associated with excessive masturbation, the practice of abstinence was invented.

Who should stop masturbating right now?
First of all, try abstinence, it is worth porn dependent people. Their dopamine receptors will eventually return to normal along with their motivation. So if you are suffering from any negative effects of masturbation, try abstinence. It should help. What to do to those people who are self-satisfied every day, do not feel problems in sexual life and are generally handsome? In general, if nothing bothers you, continue with your health. In the matter of Masturbation and porn, the main thing is not to overdo it and feel the measure. Then such an occupation will only be for the good.


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Please note, if you want to make a deal with this user, that it is blocked.

How abstinence will make you superhuman​

Results on the dangers of porn
As I expected, the opinions under the previous post were divided about equally.

In order to overcome all the problems associated with excessive masturbation, the practice of abstinence was invented.

Who should stop masturbating right now?
First of all, try abstinence, it is worth porn dependent people. Their dopamine receptors will eventually return to normal along with their motivation. So if you are suffering from any negative effects of masturbation, try abstinence. It should help. What to do to those people who are self-satisfied every day, do not feel problems in sexual life and are generally handsome? In general, if nothing bothers you, continue with your health. In the matter of Masturbation and porn, the main thing is not to overdo it and feel the measure. Then such an occupation will only be for the good.

Interesting :)


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Yes, I have a wife, I myself only did it in my teens.
Unfortunately, I am divorcing my wife, but I do not want to masturbate.
I want to find a girl who is engaged in carding, so that everyone can develop a business. I have a lot of drops. I will buy material and order goods for them and make money transfers.


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Quit masturbation: simple and effective ways, tips and tricks
The indecent content of masturbation is rarely discussed. However, the scale of dependence on it is amazing. According to statistics, more than 95% of men are engaged in masturbation. However, few people think about what harm it brings. Why is masturbation the reason for the unsuccessful miserable life of a man? Quit masturbation: about a real opportunity to seize true freedom. And why is masturbation compared to a drug?

What is masturbation - the choice of the weak?
You can regularly hear about the dangers of masturbation. This is an independent type of sexuality, sexual satisfaction that occurs without the participation of a partner. More commonly known as masturbation. Many men who have a sexual partner resort to masturbation. Even in the case when in an intimate sense - complete satisfaction. For many couples, masturbation is a taboo topic. If both masturbate, then secretly from each other.

Why is it difficult to quit: a psychological reason
Masturbation is a drug-like sex addiction. If you can't quit masturbation, this is the first sign of serious problems. On the strength of the impact, masturbation is equated to alcohol or drug addiction. This is not an exaggeration, as many may now think. After masturbation, a man usually feels tired, depressed, and short-term satisfaction. Such an act "knocks down" the attraction to a real partner. Many men, especially singles or teenagers, use masturbation as a way to "ground sexual desire." Yes, it is the simplest one. You don't need to show courage, ingenuity to meet a girl you like. Personal charm, male attractiveness is replaced by mechanical satisfaction. The masturbator usually replays sex scenes in his head. This entails psychological dependence. Moreover, masturbators consider a real intimate relationship uninteresting.

The act of masturbation is addictive for the genitals to be stimulated without erection. Hence, there is a problem with erectile function. Along with this, another psychological problem appears: self-doubt. The secretory function of the prostate gland is hypertrophied. The body adapts to these changes and requires daily self-pleasure routines. The masturbator is the partner of his imaginary partners. It's much easier than trying to achieve one in reality.

Masturbation - demotivating a man
During masturbation, a vicious circle appears. The masturbator is no longer interested in the female sex at all. Even if he looks like a handsome and personable man, then subconsciously he gives signals to women that he is not interesting. Such changes occur at the level of a man's hormonal changes. With chronic passion for masturbation in a man, the secretion of testosterone decreases. This is a consequence of the physiological self-regulation that occurs during feedback denial. During stimulation of the genitals, the body becomes generally fatigued. Therefore, the body perceives this as an excess of sexual intercourse. The "task" of the body is to reduce overall desire and erectile ability.
With a lack of testosterone, there is a decrease in all masculine qualities, both physical and psychological. For the opposite sex, his male attractiveness decreases. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the release of the male pheromone decreases. On an intuitive level, a woman will reject such a man.

Sexologists have long established that personal male magnetism and attractiveness is due to the secretion of aromatic substances: pheromones. They are secreted by the mucous membranes of the genital organs and sweat glands. The secretion of pheromones is usually stimulated by the male hormone testosterone. Reducing it reduces the pheromone level by 70%. Will such a man be interesting to a woman? Hardly. Masturbation is like a drug, if not quit, it is fraught with the loss of not only male attractiveness, but also loneliness.

Signs of a man addicted to masturbation
A man who has been in dependence on masturbation for many years can be seen with the naked eye.
Typical signs of a masturbator:
  • apathetic mood;
  • anger;
  • resentment;
  • unhealthy indifference (if everything is left to chance, it will be resolved faster);
  • indecision; putting things off for later;
  • discomfort when meeting new people;
  • shyness in dealing with people of high social status (hoarseness appears in the head, increased timbre);
  • being bored with friends;
  • reduced performance;
  • fast fatigability;
  • inattention;
  • inability to make decisions;
  • breakdown of anger and resentment towards loved ones;
  • the gaze is always directed through some object;
  • in real life, it resembles an offended child.
Agree, with such signs, a man is unlikely to achieve success in his career, family and personal life.

Masturbation today - loss of family tomorrow
Ordinary people count their work experience, and masturbators count masturbation experience. Frequent relapses cause family quarrels. Here, signs appear that are manifested by financial insolvency, a decrease in erectile function, aggression against a spouse and a loss of sexual interest in her.

In real life, a masturbator can be considered a cheater, a traitor. Let not physically, but psychologically, he is cheating on his wife. He changes his spouse to imaginary models. Quitting masturbation is the first step to getting your wife and family back.

Global danger
The act of masturbation is a gross irritation of the genitals, as opposed to real sexual intercourse. Over time, the sensitivity of the genitals dulls. In real life, intimate intimacy with a partner does not give complete satisfaction to the masturbator. A tendency to get new sensations gradually develops. So, there is an interest in homosexuality, sadomasochism and other perversions. Psychologists and investigators unanimously assert that almost all rapists and maniacs are masturbators with great experience.

Who benefits from this habit?
This habit provokes men to visit intimate goods stores. Men are becoming more and more interested in sex toys, porno, erotic products.
Masturbators are beneficial for the development of such a business area. Exactly to the same extent as alcoholics are beneficial to moonshiners, local drug addicts are beneficial to drug dealers. In our time, there is an exaggerated tendency to maximize the sexualization of women. Every year the age of expression of sexuality decreases. Today they are already 14-year-old girls. If you think about it, they are still children! In the male part, a lot of desires and fantasies are kindled. Hence, dissatisfaction is "grounded in the cam" (so to speak). Moral norms and Christian commandments about the sin of adultery remain in the pages of books on etiquette and in the walls of temples. And male masturbators are increasingly becoming a massive herd: fearful, indecisive, indifferent and easily controlled.

Withdrawal symptoms
Lost buzz does not go unnoticed. Many people ignore the change in their state and do not realize the possible consequences. Withdrawal symptoms are a series of inappropriate feelings that a man experiences when he quits masturbation. These signs are manifested at the psychological level. Only when you realize them, you can understand: how to quit masturbation.
After the act of masturbation, the person feels relaxed, but not for long. In just an hour or two, the following symptoms appear:
  • increased anxiety;
  • feeling anxious;
  • panic, fear;
  • it seems that the world is cruel and uncontrollable;
  • you lose control over your thinking and inner state.
5 misconceptions that prevent you from quitting masturbation
Quitting masturbation forever gets in the way of typical excuses. "Legends" about masturbation:
1. Masturbation is an inborn need. Rather, it is an acquired need. The reproductive system is exploited to get a "high". Does it matter how you get it: through alcohol, drugs or genitals. The negative consequences are obvious in each case.
2. If rarely, then you can. If a person is constantly engaged in masturbation, he develops an addiction. Each act of masturbation increases the level of addiction to this habit.
3. Everybody does it. This is normal. If others engage in masturbation, this does not mean that this is the norm. This is a strong addiction that people suffer from. Usually, the realization of this habit does not come. Still talking about the "high", and not about the consequences and addiction?
4. This is useful. The legend about the usefulness is equated to the folk "fable": "a glass of beer a day is useful." The deceptive feeling that it is difficult to quit masturbation confirms the existence of this addiction.
5. Masturbation relieves sexual tension. It is impossible not to agree. Indeed, with the help of masturbation, sexual tension is relieved, but it also creates it again. If you quit fantasizing about sexual topics, then the energy will spread to other equally important areas of life.
How to quit masturbation - let's talk further. Let's look at the step-by-step instructions.

How to quit masturbation: step by step
You need to be patient, enduring and aware that you have an addiction. It is also difficult for drug addicts to grasp it. But this is the first way to quit masturbation. It will take 14 days.
Let's take a look at the specific steps:
1. Stop thinking about sex. You need to stop even imagining sexual images of girls in your head. Your fantasies are the reason for masturbation.
2. Refuse to view pornography, as it is a provocateur of masturbation.
3. Abstaining from masturbation. Any act is support for addiction. If you fail at least once, the previous failure steps will be in vain.
4. Do not touch the genitals with your hands.
5. Prepare yourself mentally for the withdrawal period. Think about the dangers and consequences of masturbation. We talked about them above.
6. Meet a girl in real life. The courtship process will take you a long time. It takes savvy, confidence, and interest.
A stable sexual relationship will forever replace masturbation.
7. Conversion to religion helps many. A trip to holy places, a conversation with priests will help you tune in a different way.
8. Sign up for a gym. From increased training, you will not even have a thought about masturbation.
Getting rid of masturbation is a long and difficult process. The psyche had already been damaged before. It takes time for a normal restructuring. Sometimes the withdrawal period can last up to several months.

Feedback from those who dealt with the problem
People who quit masturbation are advised to overcome the first temptation - to touch the genitals. 10 squats, 10 push-ups, cold showers and vigorous athletic training are the recipe for fighting masturbation. And yet - more likely to find your soul mate in real life.
How does a person who quits masturbation feel. Feedback from people is only positive. Men on the forums claim that masturbation causes a disorder of the nervous system, a weakening of mental activity, impairs memory and causes a lot of psychological problems. Almost everyone who has previously engaged in masturbation does not respect themselves. After people gave up this destructive activity, they felt renewed and happy. Practice other ways to relax and unwind. Before each breakdown, remember how this "harmless" occupation will turn out for you in the future. Remember that everything real is much better than fictional. Stop living in fantasies! Connect to a life that is happy and fulfilling!