How long does carding have to live?


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Hello friends! In my profile, I asked subscribers what topics you would be interested in seeing articles on carding, and I was asked to speculate about how much time was left for our favorite pastime. Let's get started.

So, it is probably worth starting with history first of all. As they say, without knowing the past, you will not know the future either. Almost from the very beginning of the development of the carding industry, every now and then we hear from everywhere that carding is dying or dead for a long time. But now, more than 20 years have passed, and everyone who is in the subject will not let a lie - everything is going like clockwork. Yes, methods change, technologies change, but there is ALWAYS a suitable key for any lock.

Previously, carding could be done simply by generating cards. There was no anti-fraud in sight. Just know yourself, generate card variations (number, name and expiration date) and drive in. Merch didn't exist and stores used your card details to manually make purchases.

Then Elon Musk appeared with PayPal and said: "How do you like that?" Online shopping has completely transformed. Other merch began to develop. PayPal had a fucking anti-fraud for its time and the card generators went into the dark.

Then came the guys from Israel, who used the groundwork for calculating terrorists to create a new generation of anti-fraud. Their system worked more than a hundred times more accurate and faster than PayPal.

In fact, the only essence of carding is to adjust everything as much as possible so that the store thinks that you are the owner of the card. IP change? So what? Anyone can go on a trip to other countries and even more so to another city. Another device? Also often. Every day more and more people use VPN for their own safety. Sitting at McDonald's without a VPN is just giving your data to hackers and sniffers with your own hands.

Do you get it? No system and antifraud can avoid one single thing - the human factor. And all this will work until the entire population is digitized.

There is already such a precedent - China. The majority of the population has already been digitized, the databases have faces, fingerprints and at least an account in WeChat and AliPay (a messenger and payment system without which it is already impossible to exist in China in 2021), which can only be registered with official passport data. That is, you cannot have more than one account in China. And what do you think? The Chinese have the largest account farms for everything, and even WeChat, Weibo, and so on. In addition, China is the country with the largest army of carders and hackers. Blockchain is not far off, but I am sure that some methods will appear there too.

Let's go back to the carding. Yes, the antifraud improves - but the quality of the material also improves. If just a couple of years ago, everyone was using ordinary phishing material (when people enter data on a fake site that visually resembles the original), today you can buy logs and material from botnets (full data, along with cookies, ip, passwords and fingerprint data). You can directly buy access to the computers from which the logs were obtained and drive anything from them. You do not even need to adjust to the owner of the card or account, because you are making a purchase DIRECTLY FROM HIS COMPUTER. 2021, yes, carding is dead :D

Over the past week, 6 people have asked me that carding is dead and whether it is worth breaking into it. Honestly, I do not know who scares you and where it comes from, but personally, I, my friends and colleagues simply do not feel any radical changes.

Shops open and close, new ones open. Material changes, methods change. But the very essence remains the same as always. Only those who do not want to do anything and think with their own heads whine about the death of the carding. If you just want to sit around, so that they immediately bring you on a saucer not just work topics, but ready-made money - yes, carding is dead for you, and has been dead for a long time.

Carding 4 Carders

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What did carding give me?​

Hello friends! To begin with, I have never done carding for the money. Yes, of course, he already brings huge, by the standards of most people, money, but I have a constant income from various areas of business, so I have always perceived and continue to perceive carding as a hobby. It's kind of "fishing" for the IT generation like me. Well, or something like cheap shopping on aliexpress, when you can just buy, buy and buy whatever you want.
But back to the main question from the title - what did carding give me so much?

The first and most commonplace is dating. Before that, in my life I had many useful connections and connections throughout the country and beyond, but after I got on the darknet, my network of contacts expanded significantly. Now I can push through information on any person of interest to me, I have long had all the data on all my friends. Passport data, numbers used, social networks, location at any time, call details, purchased air and train tickets, credit history in the end. All this I can and, unfortunately, sometimes use it as leverage.
When meeting a girl, you can always punch her through the escort bases (in MSC and St. Petersburg, at least 2/5 of beautiful girls are in these databases) or get access to her social networks and check pictures.

The second and most obvious - big bucks. As I said, I am not doing this for the sake of money, but everything develops itself in such a way that dozens of options and interesting topics constantly appear from which you can get quick bucks.
Either the gear did not fit either me or my friends in size, so we push all this for sale. Either the merchandise is updated and it beats once or twice with passes of $ 10,000. Just a couple of days, only we and the cash in our hands are burning the loophole.

Clothes and stuff
The third and most beloved thing is things. Believe it or not, I don't have to shit, but I only have $ 1,000 worth of cowards . And this despite the fact that these are not some super cool brands like Versace with $ 500 panties - these are stock Calvin Klein, Diesel and similar brands.
Somewhere else for $ 3000, just T-shirts and polos. Also stock, regular basic t-shirts for every day. Often I just wear them one or two times and throw them in the trash, and the next day I put on a new one. I don't remember the last time I wore the same socks twice, because I have hundreds of pairs of them.
By the way, yes, I also have a huge box of $ 1000 Durex Tornado condoms. If I bought all this with my own money, I would go broke. Just kidding, I'm not broke, but after carding you look at any things as a wild overpricing. A $ 300 T-shirt at the store? What kind of dumbass do you have to be to buy it? After all, I can get it for only $ 10.

I used to watch interviews with rappers and all kinds of famous artists, and I fucked up their wardrobe - hundreds of pairs of the coolest sneakers I could only dream of. Now what?
Now my apartment looks like some kind of warehouse made of a heap of boxes, which stand on top of each other and rest against the ceiling, because there is simply nowhere physically to store so many shoes and clothes. I have a carder friend who just lives by carding and he has to rent a separate room to store so much stuff somewhere.

Something I have now realized that if I continue to write, the article will turn out to be 3 times longer. Therefore, I propose to end this, these were 3 main points that carding gave me and next time I will write about the consequences of the carding on the emotional and physical levels.


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Whether carding died or I want to study now, in 2021
Hello, carders. Today I would like to analyze a very relevant question that concerns almost all of you - "Is it worth learning carding now?"
First of all, I would like to warn you that no one will pat you on the head for this act if you are caught. But the risk of being caught tends to zero using even the most basic anonymity skills and brain.
Think for yourself, who will start a cyber crime case in the United States, for the sake of 500-1000 dollars? No one needs it, the guys have their own concerns, and they hardly have the desire and time to look for a Russian carder. After all, people work there and they are also too lazy to mess with nonsense that may not bring any results. Connect an international search team, and you know what the political situation with the United States is like right now, submit thousands of requests, fill out tons of paperwork.
Let's go back to another question.

Will carding die, or is it time for its prosperity and development?
No, carding will live forever as long as people pay with cards, buy things in online stores, book hotels or air flights.
I would like to say that everyone who is currently interested in this craft will survive the era of evolution in the field of carding.
At the moment, a lot is changing in the world of carding and I am sure that all those who start now will be successful in the future.
Think carefully before you learn from this or that person, about their professionalism.