How carding works: why this form of cybercrime remains popular


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Carding is the dark side of the digital world, hidden behind the glitter of online stores and the convenience of cashless payments. This type of cybercrime, which involves the theft and use of stolen banking information, continues to flourish despite stricter laws and improved security technologies. Why is carding still attractive to scammers and what risks does it pose for ordinary users? In this article we will analyze the mechanisms of operation and methods of protection against this threat.


  • How carding works
  • Why carding is attractive to cybercriminals
  • Precautions and protection against carding
  • Punishment for carding
  • Conclusion

How carding works​

It includes several methods of illegally obtaining and using banking information. Let's consider the main ones:
  • Phishing
Phishing is a form of Internet fraud where criminals seek to gain access to users' personal information, such as usernames, passwords, and bank card details. To do this, they often use fake emails or websites that imitate legitimate sources. For example, attackers may pose as a reputable bank and send an email asking you to verify your banking information, offering a link that actually leads to a fake website designed to steal information.
  • Skimming
This is a method of copying information from the magnetic stripe of a bank card using a special device called a skimmer. These devices are often installed on ATMs or payment terminals in stores. When a customer swipes their card to complete a transaction, the skimmer quietly reads the card data.
  • Database Hacking
Attackers can exploit weaknesses in organizations' security systems to penetrate databases that store sensitive customer information, such as credit card numbers and expiration dates. This access is often achieved through sophisticated cyberattacks. One common method is the use of SQL injection, in which malicious code is injected into a database through web forms, allowing attackers to extract or manipulate data.
  • Carding Tools and Software
Carders use various tools to carry out attacks. For example, phishing often uses specialized toolkits to help create convincing fake sites. For skimming, portable skimmers are used that can be easily installed and removed from ATMs.

Carders also have software to check the validity of stolen credit card data. Such programs allow you to automatically check large volumes of data for activity and sufficient balance for fraudulent transactions.

These methods and tools are constantly being improved, making the fight against carding a challenging task. Understanding how carding works and the tools used helps in developing effective countermeasures and protective systems.

Why carding is attractive to cybercriminals​

Carding continues to attract cybercriminals for several reasons, despite active measures to combat this type of fraud:

Carding technologies and tools have become widely available through various platforms on the Internet. Specialized online markets and forums offer everything you need, from skimming software to databases of stolen information. This lowers the barrier to entry for newcomers to the world of cybercrime.

The Internet allows criminals to easily cross borders, making international transactions accessible and hidden from the eyes of the law. Many countries with varying degrees of cybersecurity and legislation create gray areas where it is difficult to prosecute cybercriminals.

Carding can generate significant income with minimal initial investment. The cost of illegally acquired credit information is small compared to the potential profit from its use, which makes this activity extremely attractive to fraudsters.

Despite the development of security systems such as 3D Secure, criminals are constantly looking for new ways to circumvent these measures. Phishing, hacking, social engineering are just some of the methods that are constantly being improved. Plus, many victims don't realize they've been carded until they experience financial loss, making it difficult to respond in a timely manner.

Many countries still do not have clear laws regulating cybercrime, or these laws do not correspond to modern realities. This creates additional difficulties for international cooperation in the fight against carding.

Precautions and protection against carding​

Protection against carding in modern conditions requires an integrated approach and constant updating of protective measures. Here are the main ways to help protect personal and corporate finances from cyber threats:
  • Multi-factor authentication
It is one of the most reliable methods of protection, requiring the user to confirm his identity through the use of several independent verification methods: this could be a password, a code sent via SMS, biometric data such as a fingerprint or facial scan. This system makes it much more difficult for fraudsters to gain unauthorized access, since having only one stolen password is not enough without access to the owner's physical device.
  • Transaction monitoring
To identify abnormal activity on accounts or bank cards, financial institutions and companies use machine learning methods that scan and analyze behavioral transaction patterns. If suspicious activity is detected, the system has the ability to temporarily pause the transaction and request additional confirmation from the user, which helps prevent a number of unauthorized transactions.
  • Data protection in the system
Securely storing and handling sensitive data is key to preventing data theft. Using encryption, tokenization, and strict access policies helps protect sensitive information from external attacks and internal threats.
  • Awareness and education
Providing regular cybersecurity training to employees and customers will help reduce the risk of carding by increasing awareness of various fraudulent schemes and how to prevent them. Particular attention should be paid to the dangers of phishing and social engineering.
  • Active security measures for online platforms
For platforms conducting online transfers or trading, it is important to regularly update security systems, including antivirus programs and firewalls. This will help protect them from the latest viruses and hacker attacks.

These measures will help significantly reduce the risks associated with carding and provide greater protection for both individuals and businesses.

Punishment for carding​

Legislation and consequences for carding are closely linked to measures to combat cybercrime around the world. Using stolen banking information for carding is handled under cybercrime laws, and those found guilty often face serious legal consequences.

In most countries, carding is classified as a criminal offense. This means that there are legal consequences for unauthorized use of others' personal and financial information, such as credit card numbers and personal information. Perpetrators may face not only criminal prosecution, but also civil lawsuits from affected individuals.

The extent and type of punishment for carding vary depending on the legislation of a particular country and the seriousness of the crime committed. Possible measures include fines, correctional labor, arrests and even long prison sentences. The level of punishment usually depends on the amount of damage caused and whether the offender acted independently or as part of a criminal group.

In Russia, carding is considered a type of fraud using electronic means of payment and falls under Article 159.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. For such crimes, various types of punishment are provided, ranging from fines of up to 120 thousand rubles. In more serious cases, especially if the activity was carried out by a group of people and resulted in large financial losses, imprisonment for up to eight years is possible.

Thus, engaging in carding-related activities carries serious legal consequences, highlighting the importance of complying with laws and ethical standards in the use of the Internet and financial services.


Carding remains a pressing threat in the world of cybersecurity, both for ordinary users and for large organizations. This form of cybercrime continues to evolve, adapting to new technologies and bypassing security measures, making it particularly dangerous and difficult to predict.

However, despite the apparent complexity of the problem, there are a number of effective methods for protecting against carding. Smart use of technologies such as multi-factor authentication and data encryption, as well as consistent digital hygiene, can significantly reduce risks. In addition, it is important to understand the importance of regular software updates and the use of reliable cyber defenses.

The responsibility for preventing carding falls not only on the shoulders of individual users, but also on companies providing financial and online services.
