How carding programs your poverty


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Sergei Kapralov describes the internal desire of carders not to pay for products or services, to save on literally everything, and explains why this line of thinking inevitably leads to limitation and poverty.

Unfortunately, we grew up in a culture where stealing was not considered shameful. And foreigners paying for books, programs or films were perceived as stupid eccentrics. Only you can see the consequences for yourself: honest residents of the United States earn tens of times more than provincial thieves in the post-Soviet space. And this is natural.

The one who steals pays a hundred times more than if he bought something with money. Loses luck, health, family happiness, unearned profit. So he continues to live in a world of aggression and lack of resources.

To stop stealing, it is important to realize why carding is unprofitable for the lover of easy money. This is how the human subconscious works, that the act of carding is perceived as an admission of one’s own inability to buy the same thing. The thief’s brain broadcasts to itself: I am a beggar, I cannot buy this book for 200 rubles. So I'll steal it - and no one will notice anything!

The thief's hat is on fire and his sable coat is smoldering​

After the carding is committed, two parallel mechanisms are activated, energetic and psychological. Firstly, what is not paid for and stolen is not valued and turns out to be absolutely useless. Secondly, the subconscious is still tuned to ethical behavior, so the committed act will not be perceived positively, and the brain will equate the decision made with the label of a bad person. I steal, therefore, I am a bad person, I am a beggar, unable to earn and buy, I act ugly towards those whom I rob.

The thief experiences a subconscious feeling of guilt, and this feeling, like an ulcer, eats away a person from the inside and causes daily suffering. The mechanism of auto-aggression, punishing oneself for bad behavior, is also activated. A person who makes decisions in favor of carding gets sudden injuries out of nowhere or stupidly loses money. Hence, by the way, the saying about money that comes easily, goes easily. When finances are obtained dishonestly, the brain strives to get rid of them as quickly as possible.

Gratitude or deception?​

Some carders are stupidly surprised: why pay for courses or books if they are available for free? This is an infantile, self-centered, unconscious position, which ultimately leads such carders to serious problems in life.

The authors of any program, book, course, film have invested effort, time and money in the production of their product; they rightly expect that if their work was useful to someone, readers (users, viewers) will pay a reward and express gratitude for the pleasure or benefit received .

However, dishonest young carders from provincial Russia or Ukraine are so stupid and incapable of making honest money that they prefer to steal everything they can steal, taking advantage of holes in the law, making money by selling stolen goods or selling advertising on their websites with stolen goods.

When you download other carders paid products for free, you are helping thieves. And you deprive the person who brought you benefit, in fact becoming an ungrateful creature. Your subconscious mind is well aware of the unethical nature of your actions, despite the fact that you are consciously trying to pretend that nothing is happening. And as a person who pays thieves and helps them in their business, you find yourself on the same level as these carders who live in a paradigm of stupidity, poverty, lack of resources and intelligence. You join them and find yourself among the marginalized population, depriving yourself of the opportunity to be among grateful carders, capable of exchanging in excess, living in a world of abundance and prosperity.

One day you too will be deceived​

I recommend that you think about it: do you really want to spend your whole life among the marginalized? If not, then you need to learn to be grateful. For example, if you downloaded a book, do not be lazy to find the author’s wallet and transfer the money that you consider necessary to pay for the knowledge or pleasure gained. This is what all normal carders do.

And only egocentrics believe that they do not owe anything to anyone and, in general, they were given just little; I should also add that it is the author of the book who must pay them for the fact that they deigned to read his book. This way of thinking leads to losses in life, and this is not some esoteric laws of karma, but a completely understandable pattern.

If you are an infantile, self-centered outcast, then normal, decent, ethical carders will shy away from you - you are too stupid for them and generally “stink.” But these same thieves and egocentrics feel like they are “their own” and are happy to scam those who are stupid enough to fall for their next deception. They will very quickly find a way to screw you. Your final loss will be a hundred times higher than what you gained by stealing from someone.

This is how “karma” works, nothing supernatural, pure logic.

How do you program yourself for poverty?​

The majority of carders born and living in the post-Soviet space have formed and strengthened the opinion that saving is the correct and only way to live, and if something is given for free, you should be happy and take it without reasoning. Here, as elsewhere, there are nuances.

All these subtle points with savings need to be clearly understood. And be sure to be aware of your motives before taking the next step. Because motives and subsequent actions are a direct transmission of global meanings to your subconscious. For example, do you consider yourself poor or rich, worthy or unworthy of having something.

What motivates you to download a pirated copy of a book or movie? For what reason do you refuse to pay for your purchase? Do you consider yourself the smartest and best hacker in the world because you were able to save money? Or is there a feeling of guilt, albeit small, but present?

In this case, you quite consciously convey to your subconscious the idea that you don’t even have money to pay for a book.

And if, for example, you ask a friend for a suit so that in the evening you can go to a gala reception on the occasion of the opening of a new exhibition or to a restaurant for business negotiations, instead of renting clothes from a specialized store for a fee or simply buying them - all these are links one chain.

You may even think that you are a smart fellow and don’t spend too much. So, most likely there will never be money for this “extra”.

The main mistake is to feel pleasure from how cleverly you got out without money. This is the philosophy of Aladdin the monkey, but not the philosophy of a woman who plans to become successful, independent and wealthy.

Believe me, there is absolutely nothing to be proud of in this situation. Perhaps you are interested in the very process of how cleverly you get out without money. For further prosperity, it is best to avoid such situations, remove such attitudes and get rid of it as quickly as possible. Just telling yourself: “I won’t do this again” is not enough. You will, and more than once.

Each person has his own “toad” and its size is individual. Someone, even with very high incomes, morally cannot afford clothes that cost several thousand euros without a discount - the “toad” raises his voice and begins to croak, making it clear that this is definitely unnecessary and can be done without.

And someone in the grocery store is not able to take even toilet paper without a yellow promotional price tag - the habit of “freebies” is firmly ingrained in the brain.

This does not mean that you need to squander money left and right. Of course not. You need to deal directly with the “toad”. You need to understand what it holds you back and what it encourages you. In whose voices does she do this? And then separate all this from yourself and make a situational choice from your “I want”.

By the way, without the “toad” inside, very soon the desires themselves will change. You will understand the meaning of the words “inner freedom”. And you will be able to attract money much easier for your wishes, desires and major goals.
