How an ATM works and what to do if the lights are turned off


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Two weeks ago, I was withdrawing money from an ATM. I inserted a card, dialed a pin, and selected the amount. But then the lights in the mall were turned off, and I found myself in complete darkness in front of the switched off ATM. I have a train in two hours, and the only card is in this piece of iron. I didn't know what to do.

I decided to figure out how the ATM works and how it is protected from unforeseen circumstances.

What is an ATM
An ATM is a safe with a computer.
Below, in an iron box, money is stored in cassettes. There is also a feeder: it takes money from the cassettes and gives it out. You probably know its characteristic pleasant crackle.
A screen and a keyboard are installed above the safe. Behind them is a computer and office equipment: a card reader, a receipt printer, security systems.
The ATM is connected to the bank by a secure communication channel.

How an ATM works with money
Banknotes are stored in cassettes, usually 4-6. Each cassette contains approximately 2,500 banknotes.

The cassettes are loaded in the bank with verified banknotes. Money is checked several times and by different employees. Then the cassettes are sealed. The bank guarantees that there are no counterfeit banknotes in the ATM.

Each cassette is customized for a banknote of its denomination. Instead of 50 R, you will not be able to charge 5000 R : the ATM will simply refuse to work with such bills. Do not believe the stories about how, instead of hundred rubles, the ATM issued five thousandths.

Some ATMs can accept money. Accepted bills are sent to a separate cassette. The ATM will not give them out to other customers, even if they run out of money in the main cassettes. The cassette with the accepted banknotes will be taken to the bank and carefully checked before they go into circulation.

The ATM saves information on every transaction, every bill and every card. This information is instantly sent to the bank. In addition, the ATM has a video camera that records the customer's face. All this is linked automatically and stored in a single database. The bank will easily track any fraudulent transaction.

For example, if a person was able by some miracle to credit fake money to his account, then when checking the cassette, the bank will find out about it. The bank will track the transaction, pick up the photos from the ATM and, if it wants, contact the police - after all, it will have the fraudster's photographs and the passport details of the account holder.

The ATM knows how much money is left in each cassette. If you want to withdraw 50 thousand, and there are only 30 left, the device will fail. Additionally, the ATM recounts all bills before issuing.

All bills have been counted at the ATM
More than a million rubles are charged into an ATM, sometimes
2-3 million at once . However, in crowded places, money quickly runs out, and the ATM is empty.

If you need to withdraw large amounts on a regular basis, do so
on the 5th and 25th of every month. These days, banks are loading more money into cassettes, relying on advance payments and salaries of the population.

How an ATM communicates with a bank
An encrypted communication channel operates between the ATM and the bank. The ATM informs the bank about the card details, the bank gives the go-ahead for the withdrawal of money (or does not give it).

Sometimes the bank approves the transaction, but the ATM, for some reason, does not dispense money. Do not be alarmed, the bank already knows about such a mistake. Call the hotline (it is indicated on the map), describe the situation. Most likely, the funds will be returned to your card immediately. Another option - you will be asked to write a claim, then the money will be returned to the account after collection and recounting of notes in cassettes. This usually happens in a week or less.

What will happen to an ATM without electricity
The ATM is powered by the network. If the electricity goes out, the ATM turns off.

An old ATM without electricity leaves your card in itself. When the light is given, he will give the card back. If it is not picked up in a few seconds, then the ATM pulls it into a special storage and gives it only to the collector. New ATMs give the card back even without electricity.

Neither the old nor the new ATMs will give out money without light, even if they have already counted it out. This operation will be canceled.

The ATM is well protected from intruders - it doesn't matter if there is electricity or not.

ATM will not dispense money without electricity
Sensors are installed inside the safe and computer room. They report slope, noise, temperature rise. The sensors will work even if you hit the ATM with your fist out of anger: in a couple of minutes, a rapid response team will arrive at the scene.

There are active defense systems against serious intruders. When attempting to open the ATM, it can deafen with a powerful siren or release acrid smoke. If explosive gas is pumped in, the ATM will release a neutralizer gas that will prevent an explosion. In extreme cases, the ATM will ruin the bills with indelible paint.

How to protect yourself from ATM scammers
Attackers are afraid to get into ATMs, and they come up with other ways to steal money. For example, pads and skimmers are installed on the ATM. They are trying to steal not money, but your personal data: card number and pin.

It is difficult to recognize skimmers; every year they become more imperceptible and more perfect. To avoid getting caught, give up street ATMs. Withdraw money at bank branches. Attackers are afraid to put skimmers in the compartments under the cameras.

Safety checklist
Avoid ATMs in suspicious places: on the streets, in squalid shopping centers, in markets. If you doubt the reliability of the ATM, do not come.
If suspicious persons hang around the ATM, do not approach the ATM. Nobody canceled the banal robbery.
Watch your surroundings in the convex mirror found on most ATM machines. In it you will see that someone is approaching you or someone is waiting for you.
Cover the digital pad on which you are entering a pin with your hand. The intruder's camera can be directed at it.
If you started withdrawing money from an ATM, and a person came up to you from behind, ask him to move away. Or press the "Cancel" button, pick up the card and leave. Do not withdraw money if you feel in danger.
If something went wrong while working with an ATM, do not leave the ATM and immediately call the bank. The bank employee will instruct you on what to do.
If you plan to make a large purchase (for example, make a deposit for a car), call the store first and find out if they accept cards. Paying for a large purchase with a card is safer than withdrawing a large amount and taking it with you.

  1. The ATM will not issue a fake.
  2. The ATM will definitely give out the money of the required denomination.
  3. The ATM will accurately issue the verified bills.
  4. The ATM will give you the exact amount you need.
  5. If the connection with the bank is interrupted, the money will not be debited from the account.
  6. If the ATM has not returned the card, call the bank.
  7. If you sense something is wrong, do not go to the ATM.