A quick guide to cryptocurrency carding through attractions:
1. Prepare your phone for use. Details in this lecture:
Carding training 2021 Lecture - "Android" I would single out 2 types of work with android: 1) for those who do not want to dig too much - this is by driving from the browser 2) by driving from the application, the option is more difficult, but in general it can be useful to everyone.But in any...
Enable a VPN that does not log.
2. Buy NON VBV or AUTO VBV cards.
3. Select and install a proxy for the card owner.
4. Download and install the application.
5. Register an account in the application.
6. Buy the required amount of cryptocurrency by paying with a card.
7. Withdraw cryptocurrency from your ZenGo wallet to another anonymous wallet.
8. Buy cryptocurrency until there is a positive balance on the card or until the card is blocked.
9. Mix the cryptocurrency in a reliable mixer.
10. Exchange cryptocurrency in a reliable exchanger for cash.
11. Change the parameters in your phone using the programs specified in the lecture and register a new account with a new card. Repeat the steps and get profit.