Handicraft re-binding of the Ukrainian passport


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I decided to write my first article on this forum, to make a small contribution)

What is useful to us:
1. Glue, the moment (super does not fit)
2. Photo (if age is more than 25, then 2)
3. Stationery knife
4. 5 kopecks))

And so let's get started, take our most likely sizzling pass, because with a clean blank, you don't need a lot of mind. Here we need a clerical knife. We cut the photo in the passport, it must be stratified into two parts so that only the white lower part of the photo remains in the pass.


Next, we do the same with our photo that needs to be pasted.


Now we have everything to bring the matter to its logical conclusion.
We take our favorite rescue penny, its diameter completely coincides with the diameter of the stamp in the passport, we attach it, with the coat of arms to the top, to the part of the seal that remained on the passport, we put our thin photo on top, and roll it with something not very hard, I took the usual rubberized roller.
And so, part of the coat of arms is printed, and the outline of the seal on our photo.
We take glue and glue the photo to the passport.
That's all, there is little complicated. Such a pass is suitable freely for accepting staff in the mail, and small scams. You can open cards in banks, but for this you need a TIN, if it is not there, then I just went to the tax office for registration, and asked for a new one, they issued it immediately, but spent only with fresh passports, I did not dare to take a chance with those that were stale.


Don't scold me too much, I'm not a writer.