Hackers from Dumpforums uploaded 3.5 terabytes of Datadvance data to the network


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And then they also laughed at the Datadvance information security employee.

Today in the Telegram channel of the popular darknet forum, a message appeared that hackers broke into the infrastructure of Datadvance and its pSeven platform, which develop and sell software for data analysis and process optimization. According to published data, the attackers had 3.5 terabytes of information at their disposal, including files from the internal cloud, corporate databases, scripts and software sources.

The description of the leak says that the incident was the result of a targeted attack, as a result of which the attackers managed to gain a foothold in the organization's infrastructure and remain there for a year to date. Sending greetings to a Datadvance information security officer named Evgeny, the attackers posted a fragment of the extracted information in the form of a 6.3 gigabyte archive. The hackers claim to have had full access to the company's network for more than a year.


Apparently, the publication of the archive aroused interest, by now several hundred people have already managed to download it. The archive itself is a collection of folders, many of which are named after companies that are supposedly clients of Datadvance, which contain contract texts, NDAs, scripts and projects with GitLab, as well as a certain amount of other documentation covering a period of about 10 years.


Datadvance representatives confirmed the attack and commented on the situation:

"It is with great regret that we have to inform you that the infrastructure of DATADVANCE has recently been subjected to a hacker attack. At the moment, an investigation is being conducted with the involvement of specialists from official and commercial structures, in the interests of which we are not yet able to disclose all the details of what happened.

At the same time, all measures are being taken to assess and eliminate the damage caused to the infrastructure, as well as to answer the question of whether there was a leak of personal and other customer data and, if so, to what extent," the company said.

Dumpforums hackers started their activity in early 2022 and are responsible for many hacks, including mtw.ru, KDL laboratories, Bi.Zone information security company, online pharmacies Vita.ru.