Hackers extort half a billion dollars from Russia's largest landowner


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The agricultural complex named after N. I. Tkachev was subjected to a large-scale cyber attack.

A large Russian agricultural complex named after N. I. Tkachev, owned by the family of former Agriculture Minister Alexander Tkachev, was the victim of a successful hacker attack. This is reported by Kommersant with reference to sources in the cybersecurity market.

According to one of the interlocutors, the attackers carried out a large-scale attack on all the company's IT systems. As a result of the incident, data on the servers of the agricultural complex was stolen and encrypted by malware. The holding's website was closed on April 8 and 9.

The Agricultural Complex confirmed a technical failure caused by a hacker attack. Currently, work is underway to eliminate the consequences of hacking. The company expects to restore normal operation within the next 3-5 days. At the same time, the holding assured that the incident will not affect the supply of products to the population and partners.

According to the information, the main goal of the attackers was not so much to stop the company's work, but to pay a ransom for stolen data. According to the source, hackers issued a demand for payment of about 500 million rubles. The Agricultural Complex refused to comment on the fact of the ransom demand.

A cybersecurity expert from a large company believes that access to the agricultural holding's data could have been obtained through phishing mailings, vulnerabilities in public applications, or unsecured RDP ports (remote access protocol).

The attackers chose the Agricultural complex due to its financial stability and high probability of paying a ransom, experts say. "The attack was not noticed and no deterrent measures were taken, as a result of which the attackers were able to gain access to the infrastructure," the expert believes.

The threat from cryptographic viruses that encrypt data on compromised devices has been growing since the beginning of the conflict in Ukraine. Although the size of typical ransom demands decreased by the end of 2022, a new round of malicious activity has been observed since the beginning of 2024.

Data from Solar JSOC shows that in the first months of 2024, the share of such attacks, including the use of cryptographic viruses, more than doubled compared to the fourth quarter of 2023.

In Russia, paying ransoms to hackers is not regulated by law. However, according to experts, such transfers can be regarded as money laundering, since it is impossible to provide legal documents. Therefore, ransoms are usually paid through cryptocurrency. The amount of a typical buyout for several servers can be about 2 BTC or 13 million rubles.

N. I. Tkachev Agricultural Complex was founded in 1993 in the Krasnodar Territory. The company is engaged in a variety of activities, including crop production, meat and dairy farming, as well as processing of agricultural products.

In 2023, the agricultural holding's land bank reached 1.1 million hectares. At the same time, the company's revenue amounted to 84.53 billion rubles, and net profit reached 13.86 billion rubles. A year earlier, in 2022, the value of land owned by the company was estimated at 152.1 billion rubles.

The N. I. Tkachev Agricultural Complex is controlled by the family of Alexander Tkachev, former Governor of the Krasnodar Territory and ex-Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.