?Hack Random Home Routers?


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1. We should select an IP range. I have selected IP range that includes my public IP address.


2. Now let's scan for home routers.When you finished your scan, You can find IP addresses which has open ports such as http port(80), ftp port(21) and telnet port(23).I have found many IP addesses with port 80 is opened.So I stopped my scan.

3. Now you can access these addesses using your web browser because http port is opened and we need to find whether the web page is router log in page

4. If you see the alert error messages, it says TD-8817. So we can Google for it search "TD-8817 default username and password"

5. Now let's try to access these IP addresses using default logins we just got on step 4.

Default username and passwords are not same for every routers.

With username : admin and password : admin, we can log in to the router administration page

♨️Attacker can do several harmful things when they can access router page, such as:

♨️Redirecting DNS to malicious websites
Phishing Attacks

Because most of users doesn't change their router passwords. It's a very bad habit because hackers can access your router form anyplace through internet when you are online and It is very harmful to you. So you must change your home router's password. Keep it on you mind.

Carding 4 Carders

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Hacking a router and getting free Internet​

Instructions for installing and searching for routers:

Download Router Scan from the official website (http://stascorp.com/load/1-1-0-56)

Now we will need ip address ranges. You can get them from this site (https://4it.me/getlistip) by entering the name of any city.

The resulting ranges must be entered in the appropriate field in the upper panel of Router Scan. You can leave the default values in "Scan ports". In" Scanning modules", you need to select only the first three items.

After clicking "Start scan" in the "Good Results" tab, potentially vulnerable devices with the received authorization data will start appearing. If during such a check of the ip range of your city you found your router in "Good Results", then at this stage it is better to contact technical support or manually update the router's firmware by downloading it from the official website.

Connecting to the router and raising the VPN

The connection to the affected router is implemented at the expense of the browser. In the search bar, enter a query in the form

<router's ip address>:<port>

A login form opens, where you need to enter data from the "Authorization" column in Router Scan.

Next is the process of raising the VPN. Each router has a different interface, and some do not support this function at all. If you explain superficially, then first you will need to enable the PPTP service by entering the invented authorization data and selecting a unique local ip. Then configure NAT forwarding ports 1723 and 1729.

You can connect to the created VPN via the built-in Windows service, which is located along the path

"Start" - > "control Panel" - > > "Network and Internet" - > > > "network and sharing Center" - > > > > "setting up a new connection or network" - > > > > > " Connecting to a workplace"

By selecting " Use my Internet connection(VPN)", you need to enter the ip of the router and the previously invented authorization data. That's it, now all traffic of the attacking PC will go to the account of the owner of the hacked router.



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Hidden features of home routers
The vast majority of people set up a router exactly once-when buying, after which they only think about it when the Wi-Fi icon in Windows has an annoying yellow triangle that signals problems with the network. But in fact, the router is not just a device for distributing the Internet, but a small computer capable of some additional functions. Learn about the "hidden" capabilities of home routers that ordinary users don't know about.

Third party firmware

The new third-party firmware can extend the standard features of the router. By installing a different firmware, such as OpenWrt or DD-WRT, advanced users can turn their router into a server, increase the coverage area, unlock new security protocols, and much more. The new firmware opens up a lot of new applications for this home device, but, as a rule, a simple user does not need such an expansion of capabilities.

Changing the channel​


Older routers use the 2.4 GHz frequency. Together with the router, this frequency is shared by other household devices. Numerous devices clog up the channel, causing the router to run slower than its basic capabilities. Use the inSSIDer app to find a free channel and reconfigure the router to it in the settings. After this manipulation, the Internet speed may increase, although the problem is solved in an elementary way.

Downloading files​


As already mentioned above, a router is, in fact, a small computer that can perform broader tasks than distributing the Internet over Wi-Fi. If the router has a USB input, you can connect an external hard drive or flash drive to it. Most routers have the ability to upload files, and the router can do this on a schedule. Add torrent files or direct links, specify the time, and the router will upload the files to the drive.

Invisible Wi-Fi
Protecting Wi-Fi with a password is very important to prevent unauthorized access by neighbors. You can go further and make your Wi-Fi connection hidden from the eyes of others. Set the filter by MAC address. It is enough to place a list of MAC addresses in the router parameters so that only the devices whose addresses you specified can see the network. This protection will completely exclude unauthorized users from connecting to the router, because your device will not be displayed in the list of connections. You can find out the unique address of each device in the settings.

Router + mobile modem

You can use a mobile USB modem in a more familiar way than just connecting it to a single computer. Of course, you can also distribute the Internet from a PC, but in this case it must be turned on all the time. Connect the modem to the router via USB, set up a network, and use Wi-Fi on different devices. The mobile modem can be used as a backup Internet connection or make surfing the web in the country more comfortable.

Old router as a repeater
After buying a new router, you don't need to send the old one to the landfill. Turn the old man into a signal repeater to expand the range of your Wi-Fi network. Connecting two routers via WDS or bridge mode allows you to increase coverage. This is true for country houses or for those cases when a stable connection needs to be made to the most remote parts of the apartment.