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Hello everyone, people! This is Stalilingus on the wire !! How are you and your success in manipulation? I hope everything works out, and if not - don't be afraid to try again! Today is an article on gypsy hypnosis. I can't help but say it, but "I hate fucking gypsies!" (from the movie "Big Kush") By the way, we deliberately did not put a photo of our bastard street gypsies.
Let's see how these dirty bastards manipulate people and why some give them all their money, and sometimes even property. Well, let's go!

The manipulative methods and techniques used by street gypsy hypnotists are as follows:
The method is called “speech tricks”. The fact is that a gypsy on the street often cannot directly say: "Give me this!" Verbal tricks are divided into:
1) "Truisms". This word means a true statement that is in strict accordance with reality, but solves the fraudulent strategy of the fraudster. For example, a gypsy wants to sell a sweater of poor quality in a beautiful package in a deserted place; she does not directly offer "Buy!", but says: "Well, the cold! Great, very cheap sweaters! Everyone buys, you won't find such cheap sweaters anywhere!" And fiddles with bags with sweaters. Such an unobtrusive purchase offer is more directed to the subconscious and works better, since it corresponds to the truth and passes the critical barrier of consciousness. It is really "cold" (this is already one unconscious "yes"), the package and the pattern of the sweater are really beautiful (the second "yes") and really very cheap (the third "yes"), so without any words "buy!" the client is born, as it seems to him independent.
2) "The illusion of choice. " This verbal trick imperceptibly hides some hidden statement of a gypsy woman or a street hypnotist about the presence of an object or phenomenon in an ordinary phrase. For example, they don't ask you whether you will buy or not, but say: “How cute you are! And it suits you and this thing looks great. Which one will you take, this or this? ”, And the gypsy looks at you with sympathy: as if the question of what you buy this thing has already been resolved. Indeed, the last phrase of the gypsy contains a trap for consciousness, imitating your right to choose, but in fact they are deceiving you, since the choice "buy - not buy" is replaced by the choice "buy this or buy that."
3) "Teams hidden in questions." Street experience of gypsy hypnosis showed that if the command is hidden under the guise of a request in the question, then the effect is more reliable. For example, you need to close the door. You can say to someone: "Go and close the door!" Could you close the door? "The second option works better and the client does not feel cheated. Another example of a command hidden in the question:" Do you already know what to take?"
4) "Moral impasse". This method consists in the fact that the seller persuades not to “buy”, but to persuade him to “just try” his product. In this case, we have a trap for consciousness, since nothing dangerous or bad seems to be offered, and it seems that complete freedom of any decision remains, but in fact, it is enough to try, as the seller immediately asks another tricky question : “Well, did you like it? Did you like it? ”, And although we are talking only about the sensations of taste, in fact, the question is“ will you buy or not ”. And since the thing is objectively tasty, you cannot say to the seller's question that you didn't like it and answer that you “liked it,” thereby giving an involuntary consent to the purchase. Moreover, as soon as you answer the seller that you "liked", as he, without waiting for your other words.
So it turned out that they innocently persuaded only to try, but it turned out that they persuaded to buy, so much so that you can't refuse in an amicable way, since you find yourself in a moral dead end, to lie that the thing is tasteless is embarrassing. In other words, the point of the trick is that when a person has given the go-ahead for one thing, he must give the go-ahead for another, so as not to look like a scoundrel in his own eyes. Therefore, it is very important in all situations to remain confident in yourself, and to be able to say "no" to any person, especially a seller or a criminal fraudster. Paradoxically, excessive intelligence attracts criminal fraudsters of all stripes to such a person.
Therefore, if in a person, along with intelligence, there is no proper rigidity, he will easily become a victim of deception, falling under the influence of the outside. And do not deceive yourself. If such a person does not know how to switch modes of brain activity (that is, to speak with intellectuals in one language, and with the proletariat and even more scammers in another), then he will constantly attract various representatives of criminal communities specializing in deceiving a client to his person.
5) "Than ... - so ...". The essence of this speech psychotechnics lies in the fact that the gypsy connects what is happening with what she needs. A gypsy selling hats may say: "Oh, I see, you are lucky, this hat suits you very much, the longer you try it on, the more you like it ...".
6) "Stirlitz method". According to the laws of memory, a person in any conversation remembers the beginning and end, and the middle, as a rule, is forgotten and falls out of memory, therefore, the art of entering into a conversation and the art of exiting a conversation are important in street psychological hypnosis. The gypsy criminal art of waking hypnosis is that the gypsy, with intonation and clearly expressed non-verbal behavior, emphasizes the words that she needs and puts them at the end of the conversation.
7) "As soon as ... then ...". This speech technique consists in the fact that a fortuneteller, for example, a gypsy woman, seeing for certain the forthcoming action of the object of her criminal hypnotic influence, says, for example: "As soon as you see your life line, you will immediately understand me! "Here, by the subconscious logic of the client's gaze on her palm (on the" life line "), the gypsy logically adds the building up of confidence in and everything that she does. At the same time, the gypsy deftly inserts a trap for consciousness with the end of the phrase "immediately understand me", the intonation of which means another, hidden from consciousness, the real meaning - "immediately agree with everything that I do."
8) "Three stories". The trick consists in the fact that the hypnotist tells a certain story No. I, about in the middle, interrupts it and begins to tell story No. 2, which, approximately, also interrupts. Then the hypnotist tells story no. 3 in full, then finishes story no. 2, then finishes story no. I. Stories I and 2 are fully realized and remembered by the client, and story no. 3 is quickly forgotten and almost unconscious, therefore it is in it that the gypsy includes instructions and commands for the client's subconscious.
9) "Allegory". A representative of the Gypsy criminal community expresses an advantageous idea allegorically, in the form of a short story or anecdote, while the hidden meaning of the story is the thought that the gypsy undoubtedly wanted, bypassing the criticism of consciousness, to introduce into the subconscious of the object of her hypnotic manipulations. At the same time, the brighter and more emotional the anecdote or story, the higher and more reliably any thought important for the manipulator is introduced into the consciousness of the object of hypnotic manipulation.
10) "Scattering". This technique consists in the fact that by intonation, pauses, volume, touch, gestures, facial expressions, etc., separate words are highlighted, which contain individual commands and wishes of the gypsy woman. Such words are imperceptible to consciousness because interspersed into the conversation and mixed with secondary words (scattered throughout the conversation), but the subconscious of the object will only react to these words, because the commands hidden by the scattering technique work better than those expressed in a different way. To master this technique, you need to be able to speak with expression and underline the right words.

There are the following methods of hidden (fixed) messages:
a) Kinesthetic methods (the most effective): touching the hand, touching the head, any stroking, patting on the shoulder, shaking hands, touching the fingers, placing the hands on the client's hands from above, the client's hands taken in both hands , etc.;
b) Emotional ways: increasing emotion at the right moment, lowering emotion, emotional exclamations or gestures;
c) Speech methods: changing the volume of speech (louder, quieter): changing the tempo of speech (faster, slower, pauses); change intonation (decrease - increase); accompanying sounds (tapping, snapping fingers); changing the localization of the sound source (right, left, top, bottom, front, back); changing the timbre of the voice (imperative, command, hard, soft, insinuating, lingering);
d) Visual methods: facial expressions, eye expansion, hand gestures, finger movements, changes in body position (tilts, turns), changes in head position (turns, tilts, lifts), a characteristic sequence of gestures (pantomime), rubbing, own chin.
e) Written methods. In any written text, you can use the scattering technique to insert hidden information, while the necessary words are highlighted: in font size, in a different font, in a different color, italic font, paragraph indentation, a new line, etc.

Source: Based on the lectures of academician VM Kandyba

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Features of Ericksonian hypnosis in comparison with classical hypnosis​


Ericksonian trance is indeed one of the most effective, and at the same time, one of the most mysterious methods of psychological correction. And Milton G. Erickson (1901-1980), essentially a classic - is generally recognized as the greatest healer of the century, the creator of a new, non-directive, "soft" or Ericksonian hypnosis and short strategic psychotherapy.
1. The difference in approaches. We in Russia traditionally have fundamentally different approaches to hypnosis and hypnotherapy.
This is a classic hypnosis (imperative hypnosis) - when the hypnotist authoritatively controls the will of the hypnotized person and the entire hypnotic process. This technique in the USSR was clearly regulated by law.
And, Ericksonian trances (when translated from English-language literature, mistakenly called Ericksonian hypnosis). Here, unlike classical hypnosis, the client (patient) is in complete control of himself, and on the part of the psychologist (doctor) partnerships are created with clear feedback. The specialist only uses naturally occurring states of trance and directs it into a therapeutic direction.
In Soviet and Russian legislation, this concept (Ericksonian trances) is completely absent. We are forced to adhere to the new terminology “Ericksonian“ hypnosis ”,“ hypnotic ”trances, which has already spontaneously developed in Russia. It just so happened that the term “Ericksonian approaches in psychotherapy” is outside the legal field of the legislation of the USSR and Russia.
2. Interaction. There are two ideas about trance induction - authoritarian and individual. Some believe that the hypnotist is responsible for the trance state. By controlling the state of the hypnotized, the hypnotist puts him into a trance. In experimental studies, when scientists needed to create the same conditions for all subjects, the subject himself was responsible for the trance state. He had to put himself into a trance using certain mechanical means, for example, a phonogram. Erickson has always attached much more importance to man than to any technique. For him, trance is something in which you participate with a person, but in no way an action that you perform with him as an object. The relationship is equal. Nobody controls anyone.
3. Naturally occurring states of trance. Trance is not some exceptional state that you can only achieve with considerable effort. As you become more adept at recognizing its outward signs, you will begin to notice that people enter and exit this state many times throughout the day. Some go into a trance for a short time. Others experience a very light trance, while others prefer a deeper trance. It seems that a person intuitively knows what depth and duration of trance is needed and useful for him. And even now, as I say this, some of you are beginning to go into a trance of the level that you need here and at this moment.
One of the achievements of Milton Erickson was that he appreciated trance as a widespread, frequent phenomenon (traveling by car or bus, standing in line, listening to a lecture, waiting for a meeting) and began to use these naturally occurring states in his work.
4. The need for a state of trance. You have all probably heard about the effects of sleep deprivation. And if not, then almost any student can tell you about it. The consequences of a lack of food, water, oxygen, vitamins, physical movements are also clear to everyone.
Less understood is the need for a trance state. It is in a trance that our subconscious mind can produce that internal reorganization and restoration of the psyche, which we need in order to adapt to the reality so rapidly changing in our time.
It is sad that in our industrialized world we have lost many of the rituals of more primitive civilizations - ceremonies with singing, dancing and mythological actions, as a result of which people entered a state of trance.
By regaining the ability to enter a trance state, we become flexible enough to deeply change and thereby adapt to life, to pave our way through a transitional state to a new state.
Without trance, we remain tough and fragile, like a dying plant. And then we are vulnerable and defenseless, easily influenced by other people. By entering a trance state, you are joining the healing ancient world, regardless of the specific culture.
5. The magic of the impact of images. Milton Erickson was often asked to explain what hypnosis is, and then he usually answered: "Hypnosis is the transfer of images."
To understand what Erickson had in mind, one can recall the power of poetry over human souls. A person understands poetry not only with his mind, but also with his body (somatically). A poem can change the very essence of our life. One could reformulate Erickson's answer as follows:
"Hypnosis is poetry, it is inspiration." I would like you to keep this in mind as we continue our work.


What are the observed physiological changes that allow us to assert that the person is relaxed and his attention is turned inward? What did you see when observing people who were relaxed in the previous exercise?
  • Dilated pupils
  • Fixation of the gaze
  • Slow down blinking movements
  • Slow down swallowing movements
  • The pose becomes motionless
  • Muscles relax
  • Breathing slows down, becomes abdominal and more rhythmic
  • The heart rate drops. Decreased heart rate
  • The muscles of the face are relaxed, the face is smoothed, especially the cheeks, forehead, lips
  • Reduced reaction to external noise
  • Changes in complexion (blanching corresponds to a dissociated state, redness - associated)
  • Delayed motor reactions
  • The appearance of spontaneous ideomotor reactions - such as shaking hands, trembling eyelids, flinching.

* * *
Thus, Ericksonian trance is indeed one of the most effective, and at the same time, one of the most mysterious methods of psychological correction. Please note: as soon as the hypnotist begins to manipulate his clients, his "skills" are simply turned off. Otherwise, all banks would have been robbed. And all the girls are raped (joke, of course). In other words, the masters of Ericksonian approaches are guaranteed to be specialists who truly comply with ethical standards. How else?

Recommended reading list:​

  1. Milton Erickson, Ernest Rossi, Sheila Rossi (Milton H. Erickson, Ernest L. Rossi, Sheila I. Rossi) Hypnotic Realities: Induction of Clinical Hypnosis and Forms of Indirect Suggestion / Per. from English. MA Yakushina. - M.: Independent firm "Class", 1999. - 352 p. ISBN 0-8290-0112-3 (USA); ISBN 5-86375-113-4 (RF)
  2. Seminar with MD Milton G. Erickson (Lessons in hypnosis) / Edited and commentary by JK Zeig; Per. from English. TK Kruglova. - M.: Independent firm "Kpass", 1994. - 336 p. ISBN 0-87630-247-9 (USA); ISBN 5-86375-005-7 (RF)
  3. Erickson Milton (Milton H. Erickson) Strategy of psychotherapy. Per. from English. - SPb .: ZAO ITD "Letniy Sad", 1999. - 512 p. ISBN 5-89740-035-0
  4. Milton Erickson "My voice will stay with you" / trans. from English. - SPb., Ed. "Petersburg XXI century". 1995 .-- 256 p. ISBN 5-88485-009-3
  5. Milton Erickson, Ernest Rossi The Man from February / trans. from English. E.L. Dlugach. - M .: Independent firm "Class", 1999. - 256 p. ISBN 0-87630-545-1 (USA); ISBN 5-86375-006-5 (RF)
  6. Milton Erickson Deep hypnotic trance: induction and use. - M., Independent Association of Practicing Psychologists, 1996. - 84 p.
  7. Workshop with Betty Alice Erickson: New Lessons in Hypnosis. - M .: Independent firm "Class", 2002. - 208 p. - (Library of Psychology and Psychotherapy, issue 99). ISBN 5-86375-044-8 (RF)
  8. Rosen S. "Milton Erickson's Hypnotic Stories for Teaching and Psychotherapy" / Methodological Guide for Students of Hypnotherapy Courses / Per. from English. - M., Independent Association of Practicing Psychologists, 1998. - 196 p.
  9. Gordon D., Myers-Anderson M. Phoenix: Therapeutic Patterns of Milton Erickson. from English. O. Chekchurina. - Kharkov, "Rubicon", 1995. - 149 p.


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Five Techniques of Ericksonian Hypnosis in Conversation​

The founder of Ericksonian hypnosis is the famous psychotherapist Milton Erickson, who from a young age, after suffering from polio, was bedridden and by self-hypnosis achieved an improvement in his condition until complete recovery.

Ericksonian psychotherapy is a way of providing access to the inner resources of a person, which are necessary to resolve the psychological problems he has, to eliminate painful symptoms. Its most important component is Ericksonian hypnosis - a non-directive-permissive, flexible, indirect model of guidance and use of hypnotic trance, based on cooperation and multi-level interpersonal interaction between the therapist and the client.

Ericksonian model of psychotherapy involves the widespread use of multilevel speech. Verbal formulation can contain many meanings. Thus, at the conscious level, only one of the possible meanings of a word is processed, and at the unconscious level, all its meanings are processed.

Ericksonian hypnosis techniques can be useful for psychologists and psychotherapists in working with clients in order to improve their psycho-emotional state. They can also be useful for improving the quality of communication. However, the undoubted principle in their application is the principle: "Do no harm".

Ericksonian hypnosis techniques are actively used by gypsies, networkers, sales consultants. Knowing the techniques of Ericksonian hypnosis, you can notice manipulation by other people and resist them.

Ericksonian hypnosis consists of the following sequence of steps:

1. Joining is an adjustment:

a) under the timbre, the rate of speech of the interlocutor, the use of his speech predicates (visual, auditory, kinesthetic)

- visual predicates - the words "see", "bright", "hazy", "distinctly", "perspective", etc.

- auditory predicates - the words “hear”, “sound”, “creak”, “shout”, “deafen”, etc.,

- kinesthetic - “feel”, “touch”, “warm”, “heavy”, “rough”, “hard” or “smell”, “tasty”, “stale”, “aromatic”, etc.

b) under the posture, movements - by copying the posture and movements of the interlocutor, you evoke a feeling of sympathy in him, subconsciously, the opponent begins to trust you and open up in a conversation. It is necessary to ensure that this kind of adjustment occurs smoothly, unnoticed by the opponent, otherwise he may think that you are imitating him, which can affect the communication process in the opposite way. For example, if the interlocutor shakes his leg while sitting, you can tap your fingers on the table in time.

Adjustment masters not only adhere to the position of the interlocutor's body, but also adjust the pace of their breathing, blinking their eyes and other micromovements of the opponent.

2. Maintaining - as the report is established (adjustment) and the interlocutor's disposition to oneself, the introduction of one's own predicates, timbre and tempo of speech, a gradual change and transition to a more positive and resourceful position.

For example, when speaking to a person who is in an irritated state, adjust to their anger, but at a slightly weaker level. Because if you go too far, there is a danger of exacerbation. Once you have adjusted, you can begin to lead him gradually down to a calmer state, gradually calming his own behavior. Someone who insists on something can be joined and tuned in by voice, speaking a little louder and faster than usual.

3. Induction of trance. Trance is an altered state of consciousness in which critical perception of information stops and the ability to consistently analyze and comprehend decreases. Many people are afraid of the word "trance", associating it with cruel manipulation and associated with the action of various sects. However, in one day alone, a person can experience a state of trance several times, for example, taking a shower, listening to music or getting to work by public transport.

Techniques for inducing a trance in a conversation:

Technique of three "YES"

First, say a few statements with which the person agrees, and then your proposal, for example:

"Now you are reading my article, and you are thinking about how you can use all this in practice, and you feel some confusion about it, and you also think that not everything is clear, and perhaps you will read this article to the end."

In this technique, you need to build your speech in the present moment. The first phrases and words plunge a person into a trance, and the last sentence takes him by surprise. He becomes, as it were, forced to fulfill it.


Using this technique, you talk a lot, often jumping from one question to another. Constantly keep the mind of the interlocutor connected by asking the questions "do you understand, right?", "Isn't it right, isn't it?" And when your opponent's head is literally spinning, complete your suggestion with the sentence you came with. Often people do it, so that everything does not repeat itself from the beginning.

For example: while studying psychology, I began to understand that I do not understand a lot in people, but I just cannot understand what exactly from what I did not understand I still understand, and I probably will never understand the difference between what I have already understood and what I don't understand.

Triple Helix of Milton Erickson.

The Triple Helix is made up of three unrelated little stories. And in practice it looks like this:

You start telling the first story, and at the moment when you come to the most interesting one without any connection, you move on to the second story.

You tell the second story again until the climax, and again, without a bunch, move on.

The third story should contain the actual text of the suggestion, preferably if it is composed using the techniques of manipulation of consciousness, which are still to be discussed. So, you recite the third story, containing the text of the suggestion, and without interruption you return to the second story, completing it.

After that, you end the first story, from the place where you interrupted it.

Pay attention to the details, everything is important here. If you simply, haphazardly jump from one to another - this is not a triple helix - this is chattering. If you make long pauses between stories - this is not a spiral - these are five, in an incomprehensible way, related sayings, of course the effect will be, if only because you cause confusion in your interlocutor - he probably has not heard this before , so use confusion for their own good.

4. Suggestion

There are also several speech techniques here:


Truism is the most obvious statement, it can be:

a statement that is in strict accordance with reality is a trivial truth.

If in the course of a conversation you say: "... sometimes people make decisions influenced by feelings ...", "... people often feel relief after talking about it with someone ...",

Trance induction truism "Everyone goes into a trance in their own way."

A truism to create a learning mindset "Experience is a great teacher."

Forgetting truism: "People can forget what they know."


In this technique, the assumption is made that a certain behavioral response occurs. These sentences are built using turns of speech, which indicate the time or sequence of actions.

Typical turns of speech used in this technique:

before ... after ... during ... as ... before ... when ... while ...

For example: "Take a deep breath before letting me know what problem you want to work on."


Two behavioral responses are discussed here that can be contrasted. The effectiveness of the technique can be enhanced by using kinesthetics, thus a person is convinced of the presence of opposites.

For example: "The more you try to resist, the sooner you will realize that it is in vain."

"The harder the problem seems, the easier it turns out to be a suitable solution."

"The harder it is for you to study this course, the easier it will be to apply it in practice."

Choice without choice.

In this technique, you are given a choice of several options, both of which would suit you.

For example, "You will be able to apply the knowledge gained immediately or after a little training."

The right to choose.

The main condition for the success of this technique is the placement of intonation accents when drawing the interlocutor's attention to the reaction that you want to evoke from him, while offering freedom of choice. However, the other person feels relaxed and does not feel obligated to follow your recommendations. The important point will not be the information itself, but how you offer it. In this case, the option that does not suit you, you pronounce in a somewhat dismissive tone.

For example, "You can read this article right now, or not read it at all."

5. The withdrawal from the trance will occur immediately after the end of the conversation. However, for a softer withdrawal from trance, you can return a person to reality. For example, after a psychotherapy session, you can offer to pay attention to the client's environment, ask him about his health.

Thus, the techniques of Ericksonian hypnosis are effective and efficient in the process of communication between people, however, I would like to note that it is not worth using it for direct suggestion or changing the personality of another person, since this approach is usually useless or leads to a short-term result. It will be more effective to use it to assimilate skills and encourage the client to naturally desired personal changes that arise as a result of not hypnosis itself, but the learning process.