Guide: Setup Firefox Privacy


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I choose Mozilla Firefox because it is the browser with the most customizations that you can design completely for yourself. You can read many privacy settings and decriptions.

Open Firefox and type about:config in url.

This feature is a mechanism for prohibiting the identification of so-called "unique network fingerprints of the user's browser" through system fonts. In the future, it is also planned to block HTML5 Canvas to prevent the removal of such "prints".

Is a user identification technique that takes into account all open parameters: browser version, set of plugins and extensions, screen resolution, and so on.With this parameter enabled,
(NOTICE:When you use this setting, websites cannot capture fingerprints, but they also cannot get the date and time. many antifraud systems will block you because they cannot see your system time. You can use extensions instead (Canvas Blocker etc.)

Blocking Ping tracking a tracking method where HTML code forces your browser to ping the specified URL. This URL is checked when you visit the website you are about to visit. This tracking method is different from other methods because it doesn't give users any choice. It just runs in the background without the user's knowledge.

This helps us control URL preloading.Every time we enter a URL, you should have noticed the URL autocomplete halfway through. This is known as URL preloading. It works like this: when you start by entering a URL, it sends domain requests to continue working with autocomplete. So, by disabling it, preloading URLs to the address bar will stop. This helps prevent offers that we don't need the fuck out of or that might be considered unsafe.

A function that hides your clipboard from websites.

Many cases of downloading media files were recorded. When uploading these files, it was proven that they were encrypted, and they and their data were difficult to detect. Firefox provides us with a way to make sure that nothing like this happens.

If enabled, it will allow your browser to extract information from your system and provide it to the websites you visit. Data collected from the system can also be sent to Third-party domains. The thing is, if you allow this option, it will collect information about the operating system, screen resolution, system type, FrameRate, FaceMode of mobile devices, possible access to user media, etc. And even worse, they can manage the permissions of audio / video tabs in the browser, as well as access to to the camera or microphone. Therefore, we can all come to the conclusion that maintaining this option is a serious threat. And to save us from potential threats, we just need to disable it.

IEEE 802.12.4 says that beacon enabled mode must be applied over the network. It sends personal network information to servers to inform them of its presence. This allows you to connect to new devices from time to time. It is useful to maintain network synchronization. But this is not necessary, as it transmits detailed information about the network you are on.
I advise you to set the value to "false" otherwise there is a chance that you will be taken by the ass.

Secure remote downloads are enabled by default in Firefox. And we've often talked about cases where the file being uploaded appears to be genuine, but could instead be malware. And you can never be too sure. By using browser. safebrowsing.downloads. remote. enabled, we can be one step closer to knowing that we are downloading secure files and nothing is marked remotely along with the file.
Set the value to "false" to make sure that you are downloading secure files.

WebRTC setting. I don't need to explain, use False.

I'm not talking about CookieBehavior etc. settings because you can adjust most of those settings from about : preferences using the gui.