Good credit score and the possible importance of getting the highest and best


Reaction score
Good credit score: A credit score is a number that allows lenders to identify a person's credit report and measure their credit risk. Credit ratings are challenging as we experience the economic ebb and flow of life, subject to constant change.


The keys to the (consumer) realm are good or excellent credit ratings, but bad credit ratings can throw you into the financial wilderness.

Credit Ratings
A credit score is a number that covers your financial history. It shows your creditworthiness, including data on loans, late payments, bankruptcy, foreclosures, court decisions and many other important factors.
The most commonly used credit rating is known as the FICO rating which was invented by Fair Isaac. The range ranges from 300 (worst) to 850 (best).

Poor - from 300 to 650
This range, also known as “subprime”, reflects the so-called “bad behavior” of the consumer, which occurs (in a broad sense) when the loan agreement is not fulfilled.
It warns lenders that there may be problems with your payments. If you are having trouble processing loans, be sure to alert your lenders and ask them to take new measures, such as longer repayment periods or lower interest rates.
If you have bad credit, you will have limited or no access to credit, and you will be saddled with an exorbitant interest rate even if you can get access. People with a misjudgment often turn to pre-payday loans when they want to borrow money, creating the opportunity to fall into continuous debt.

Satisfactory - from 651 to 700
Fair credit is not a bad thing. Instead, it is at or slightly below average. You can easily go from good to fair if you have a record of late payments and are too much in debt. As usual, consumers with good credit ratings can access credit, although they incur costs in the form of high interest rates and limited credit lines.
People with a fair credit history may be limited to medium-reward credit cards, but they should avoid cards specifically designed for consumers with poor credit history.

Good - from 701 to 759
About 17 percent of clients fall into the category with a good credit rating. You will receive many credit card offers with ratings in this range, you will be able to qualify for loans with good rates and pay lower insurance premiums.
If you have good credit and equity in your home, you are probably eligible for a home equity line of credit, which is a revolving credit account maintained by your home. You only pay the loan that you use with these loans and you can reuse the money you borrowed and returned. You never have to pay interest if you never borrow from the board.

Excellent - 760+

You get the best credit card, car loan and home mortgage rates at this level. Typically, a score higher than 720 is considered the "highest" score.
If you have excellent credit, you will have access to special car rentals and loans only available to highly qualified clients. For about 40 percent of consumers with a credit rating above 750, getting a loan shouldn't be a problem.

Good Credit Score
A good credit rating is an important financial asset. For these reasons:



Access to credit
Good players can help you get access to the best interest rates. They can qualify for credit cards that offer attractive benefits and convenient maximum spending limits.
Banks will be really happy to offer you a mortgage, and car makers will provide you with financing for car loans or rentals at a reasonable cost.
Access to credit also means you can borrow more. You will be eligible for larger loans and higher credit card limits. It will be very easy for you to get a mortgage or a line of credit secured by home equity.
It will also be easy to get a personal peer-to-peer loan when people lend money to borrowers through a peer-to-peer website.

Lower interest rates
Not only can you get more credit just by having a good score, you can also get loans at a better interest rate. While it is true that the very best rates are reserved especially for those with good credit, rates for consumers with good ratings are not bad.
Compared to people with good credit, you can save hundreds or even thousands of dollars annually in interest payments, depending on how much you do.

If you are looking to rent an apartment or house, you will find that most landlords check your credit history before offering you a rental.
A good credit rating requires a good credit history, making it much easier to get through the check and get the rental you want without spending a lot of time looking for a less choosy landlord.

The rental history also applies to employment. It usually seems logical to assume that a potential employer would prefer to hire a candidate with good credit over bad credit.
A good credit score shows your potential employers that you are able to live within your means and manage your finances responsibly.

The best treatment
Improving your credit rating will help you qualify for lower auto insurance rates because insurers have found that people with bad credit are making more claims. You can also open utility bills or conclude a contract for a mobile phone without paying a deposit.

Insurance rates
Insurance companies have two main ways to make money. The first way is to accept government subsidies. Second, it establishes premiums that are commensurate with the risk. into the auto insurance market, research shows that drivers with bad credit are more likely to file lawsuits.
We can speculate why this correlation exists, but more importantly, you benefit from lower premiums with good credit scores.

Starting a small business
Even if you have a great business idea, banks and other lenders may not consider you if you have a poor credit rating. Some commercial lenders may still offer you a loan if you have bad credit , but the interest rate will be high and you may have to post a lot of collateral. You may also need an assistant.
You can actually avoid these humiliations by maintaining a good credit rating.

How to get a good credit score
A good credit habit gained through consistency can help you get a good score. Here's how to get it:
  • Pay your bills on time. This is necessary because of all the factors that affect your ranking, your payment history has the greatest impact.
  • Use credit subtly. Keep your credit card balance below your credit limit. Do not exceed 30% and it is better to stay below. This factor, known as credit utilization, has the second largest impact on your bottom line.
  • Keep credit accounts open unless there are really compelling reasons, such as high fees or poor service, before considering closing them. Opening old accounts helps determine the average age of your accounts, which affects your score. In addition, closing an account eats up the overall credit limit, increasing the use of credit.
  • Avoid submitting a large number of loan applications in a short time. A credit check for making credit decisions can cause a small temporary drop in your rating, and a few can add it in a short time.
  • Keep track of your credit reports and information about a dispute you deem wrong or too old to be included (most of the negative information disappears after seven years).

What is the highest and best credit rating possible?

This article sees you have a good credit rating, explains how to achieve this, the conditions that may threaten it, and emphasized the importance of having one. Whatever your outcome, it's important to responsibly manage your finances and live within your means.