Generative AI has become a leader among hacking tools


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Why are companies afraid to use GenAI? The report identifies the main concerns.

Over the past year, cybercriminals have begun to actively use generative artificial intelligence (GenAI), in particular ChatGPT and Gemini, to improve their attacks, making GenAI a key threat in the field of cybersecurity. Experts emphasize that at the moment we are only on the threshold of a new era in hacking, thanks to the capabilities of large language models (LLM).

Richard Addiscott, Senior Director of Analytics at Gartner, highlights the initial stage of GenAI development and notes that the potential of generative AI in ensuring the security and protection of applications can already be seen. The analyst emphasizes the importance of understanding the prospects and opportunities that GenAI provides.

For information security managers, GenAI represents both a challenge and an opportunity to use new technologies to enhance security at the operational level. As cybersecurity incidents from third-party organizations become unavoidable, Addiscott advises focusing on developing and strengthening contingency plans.

Also, according to the Cisco Data Privacy Benchmark Study for 2024, 27% of organizations have introduced a permanent or temporary ban on using GenAI due to concerns related to data privacy and security. The main concerns are related to threats to legitimate rights and intellectual property (69% of companies) and the risk of unintentional disclosure of information to the public or competitors (68%).