Fun black scheme


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The essence of the scheme is to bypass apartment buildings by apartment and inform residents about the replacement/renewal of access equipment.

The scheme will live for an ultra long time. The color is gray. The yield is high.

In performance, everything is very simple, just do 1 cycle yourself and understand the whole point.

We will need:

1. 2-3 T-shirts / caps with the logo of CYFRAL, VIZIT, FORWARD, METACOM or any other brand of intercoms common in your country/region/city. It is advisable to order in another city.

2. Universal key.

3. Printer and ad paper.

4. Buy dummy keys on alishka, so that there is trust


* We find a fighter (preferably a guy 17-23 years old) suitable for students who are looking for a weekend job to earn some money, not particularly smart characters, socially unprotected citizens-the main thing is a more or less neat appearance.

*We conduct an interview somewhere in a public place, introduce ourselves as an employee of the company, if the character suits you-we take photos of documents and with documents in our hands. We ask when you are ready to start. Our working days are weekends from 11am to 8pm.

* I recommend finding a few people so that you don't have to be tied up under them, if someone can't, you'll be idle. 2-3 people is optimal.

* When asked about payment, say-a fixed daily amount in the region of $ 10-15 in terms of your currency will be quite tempting.

Job details for a fighter:

- We have a planned replacement of equipment in area X, your task is to go around the apartments in this area and collect money from people for new keys.

Opening hours are from 11 to 8 pm.

For an employee, we are a senior manager who monitors their activities.

How should an employee conduct a dialogue with tenants:

- Hello there!

But when the panel is replaced, the key is also replaced.

Here is the application form, please leave your details and signature.

Working day

Previously , we put up ads on the entrances where the detour will take place 1 day in advance .

We meet with the fighter, give him a uniform, tablet, pen, give instructions on which houses he should go around ( in advance, we go through the selected area and select house numbers).

We tell you to be in touch on your mobile phone, if, suddenly, something-called.

We explain that as soon as he finishes his scheduled round, he should dial us and we will meet with him and collect the database of those who paid for it and the money.

How do I enter my house if I don't have a universal key? All sorts of codes for different models are written here.

In the end, you can wait until someone comes out of the entrance and follow them in. Employees usually don't have any questions.

The employee transfers money every day after business hours. We calmly ask him how everything went, count the amount he brought, compare it with the number of apartments and keys in the database, as if we check that he did not put anything extra in his pocket.

We take everything, give out a salary, say that next weekend it is possible to work in another area and leave.

You can work for 2 weeks, after that it is worth lying down on it is worth lying down on the bottom. In no case do we work in our own city

The first time I worked under this scheme with friends, with a complete conspiracy (dyed my hair, bought colored lenses, etc.)



In 1 building with 5 entrances and 9 floors-180 sq. m

70% are at home at this time on weekends, 60% will open-this is 108 apartments. Let everyone buy a standard set of keys-this is 2*108=216$ 216$*7 houses minimum = 1512$

1500$ net for one day.


In general, after 2 weeks, no one will remember what the guy in the cyfral T-shirt and cap looked like, and in order to get to you, you need to get to him. The chain is not tricky, but it is quite difficult to implement.