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We are glad to inform you about free advertisment on forum. Everybody who has service on closed forum can mae his advertisment here for free.
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Try to read all this ?

I would like to formally welcome all the new Carders ?who just joined. Its all love here and no hates. A lot of boys copy my ass but be happy to be at the right place.

1• This is the Mother of all Carding Forum??

2• Every other telegram channel Copies and Paste the exact same things I post here , some remove my watermark and some leave it there while some bear my names too (You can search it). So if u on this channel then u on the right source.

3• If you read a tutorial you don’t understand, you can message the admin and I will gladly reply you (there are many messages so reply might take some time so be patient) sometimes I become angry to reply some people but don’t worry ama reply u ❤️

4• Once you cashout from a job, Enjoy your money and try go legit to avoid getting caught or Karma ??

5• And finally I don’t force you guys for appreciation, I don’t need anyone’s money so I will never be in your inbox asking for appreciation or help, if you buy your tools here and earn that’s good, so if someone is in your inbox asking for appreciation or money it’s not me, am Self-Made, I don’t need anyone’s coins to make me feel better ?

I love you all.
I will give you guys free tutorials, don’t message me for it,I will give it to you guys here not privately,I don’t teach tutorials privately, I teach all free tutorials here.

The only tutorials I teach privately Are only for those willing to pay to learn it From the Scratch with every single thing u need to know like.

Carding / Selling of items like iPhones, MacBooks, Bank Logs, Tools are the Only things Vendors sell here ?

No other shit are for sale here ??

Even hacked apps are for sale for some reasons not that I need your money, the money you pay is used for development and if I give it for free, imagine 3k in my forum, if at least 2k try to use the hacked app, it will cause suspicion and the betting companies or the Software HQ will lose a lot of money and will try to trace us and it’ll all lead back to me ?

If I do it pay after use, way too many people will come for the hack app or software to use and will result the same situation ? I know its hard for some people here to Generate money in Bitcoins to Buy stuffs especially hacked apps that’s why I sell it so that people will not buy it anyhow to use and the price for them are mostly a lil bit high to avoid suspicion but then if u need any other thing hit me up I’ll work for u free ?