Former editor-in-chief of Hacker magazine and top manager of Group-IB arrested

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ASTANA, October 26-RIA Novosti. The extradition check against the F. A. C. C. T. employee Nikita Kislitsin, who was detained in Alma Ata, continues, and its terms may reach 12 months, Deputy Head of the Prosecutor General's Office of Kazakhstan Asset Chindaliyev said.

"The extradition check is still ongoing. I can't tell you the exact date right now. According to the law, we still have time. In general, such issues are considered within one year, " Chindaliyev said on the sidelines of the Senate (upper house of parliament) of Kazakhstan, answering a question from a RIA Novosti correspondent regarding the completion of the extradition check against Kislitsin.

Earlier, the press service of the Prosecutor General's Office of Kazakhstan reported that the extradition check involves clarifying the full range of issues affecting the possibility of extraditing a person to a foreign state. However, there is no pre-set priority for requests. The Prosecutor General's Office added that the possibility of extradition of Kislitsin will be considered in accordance with the requirements of international treaties and national legislation.

Currently, requests from the Russian Federation and the United States for his extradition are under consideration.

The cybersecurity company F. A. C. C. T. previously told RIA Novosti that its employee Kislitsin was detained on June 22 in Kazakhstan. The company stated that they provide him with comprehensive support and appealed to the Russian Consulate General in Kazakhstan. Later, Russian Consul General Yevgeny Bobrov told RIA Novosti that the Russian Consulate General in Alma Ata asked the Kazakh authorities to refrain from expediting the issuance of Kislitsin to Washington. According to the Prosecutor General's Office, the United States and Russia confirmed their intention to demand the extradition of Kislitsin. According to the Prosecutor's Office of Kazakhstan, the US authorities accuse Kislitsin of illegally accessing protected information, and the Russian side accuses him of similar crimes. Deputy Prosecutor General Ulan Baizhanov told RIA Novosti that the agency will study requests for the extradition of the Russian citizen. At the same time, in his opinion, the Russian request may have priority over the American one due to Kislitsin's citizenship.

Baizhanov earlier told RIA Novosti that Kislitsin has the right to request asylum in Kazakhstan. In this case, the competent authorities of the Republic may consider this request within three months, and the deadline for completing extradition requests during this time will have to be extended.