Five weaknesses that prevent you from carding


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If you get up in the evening from the table with the feeling that you have not had time to do anything, although you have been working all day, then you simply have to subject yourself to strict self-criticism and understand that you have organized your work incorrectly.

Probably no one can say that he manages to make the best use of his working day (although we are not always to blame for this).

Unexpected visits, phone calls and conversations consume a significant portion of the work time. But it would be unwise to blame everything on others.

To increase labor productivity, it is necessary, first of all, to understand that much depends on ourselves.

Transfer to tomorrow
You need to honestly admit to yourself in the existing shortcoming and solve any problem immediately, without postponing until later. The hardest part is to begin by overcoming your fear of immediate decisions.

Defeating your own weak will is easier if you set tough deadlines in advance for resolving issues. Experience suggests that this is a very effective remedy for weak-willedness. In addition, clear deadlines allow you to increase the pace of work and get more moral satisfaction from it.

Half work
Purposefulness also facilitates the decision-making process itself, because in this case we start work only with all the necessary material. Often, we are faced with large, multifaceted and difficult to solve problems. Resist the temptation to stall for time. In such situations, it is best to divide the case into a series of sequential steps. At the same time, it is again useful to set clear terms for solving particular problems of each stage.

Do it all at once
Many are accustomed to piling up a whole pile of folders with documents on their desk. Business papers are constantly before our eyes, and as a result, our thoughts are constantly jumping from one problem to another.

So that thoughts do not rush between cases, remove the papers. Only what is directly related to the issue under consideration should be on the table. This allows you to concentrate efforts on solving the main issue.

Do it all yourself
The leader's job is not to overburden himself with work, but to plan, direct, and control the work of others. He is obliged to create such conditions so that in a group, department or firm, employees work most effectively. He only directs and controls the progress of the planned work.

Alas, many managers do not realize that they often find themselves in the role of "subcontractors" when they have to solve specialized tasks themselves.

Instead of entrusting the work to specialists who are able to solve the problem much faster and better, they tend to do everything themselves, believing in their superiority or fearing to drop their own authority.


Fantasy. You are in the top two percent of job applicants if:
- were among the top ten university graduates;
- a former athlete or a well-known public figure in the past;
- fabulously beautiful (or fabulously beautiful, and even under two meters tall);
- a graduate of a prestigious university (or you have a natural talent to profitably sell yourself).


- Most likely, you are among the other 98% of candidates who have to go out of their way to make a career.

But what if in your previous job you didn't learn exactly what is required of you on this one?

Apply your universal knowledge that can be applied to any of a million jobs to solve any of a million problems.

It can take a long time to list the most important universal knowledge, the demand for which is steadily growing. We'll give you a small list, but if you have at least three or four of them, your future is bright.

1. Accounting talent. Those who know how to handle money, make financial decisions and analyze digital data are always valuable.

2. Ability to lead. Those who know how to cooperate with subordinates, bosses and peers in position, can give orders and instructions, listen carefully, demonstrate respect and understanding, can boldly knock on any door.

3. Ability to communicate. Those able to speak and write fluently will see that few companies give up their talents.

4. Ability to calculate time. Those who know how to finish work on time, overcome stress and “be ahead of time” are highly valued, companies literally hunt for them.

5. Ability to negotiate. Those who are able to objectively and balanced approach to solving problems do not need unnecessary advertising.