Five-time energy success of ENG8: a new era of thermonuclear fusion


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ENG8 increases the stakes in the race for fusion.

Gibraltar-based ENG8, which specializes in the development of fusion technologies, has announced a significant breakthrough in its experiments. According to a press release published by the company, the researchers were able to achieve a five-fold energy gain from the experiments performed. These results were confirmed at the Culham Innovation Center in Oxfordshire, which is one of the leading centers for fusion research under the auspices of the UK Atomic Energy Authority.

Thermonuclear fusion is a non-polluting and less risky way to meet the world's energy needs. Although this process has been occurring naturally on the Sun for billions of years, humanity is still trying to improve ways to reproduce it on Earth. Research in this area has traditionally focused on using magnets and lasers to create plasmas in which the nuclei of smaller atoms can fuse, releasing energy. However, to date, no energy gain has been achieved: the amount of energy spent on creating conditions for thermonuclear fusion exceeded the energy obtained.

Thus, ENG8's claim that energy output is five times higher than its investment is a significant achievement that may attract interest from energy companies around the world.
