Features of a personal signature


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How to distinguish a fake from an original visa? It is necessary to learn not to make mistakes in the features of the stroke, by which specialists or experts will be able to identify a fake.

When signing an important document, we hardly think - what is our signature? Why not just put a fingerprint, because it certainly cannot be faked? The answer to this question lies in the word "intentions". By placing a visa on a document, we imply an intention on our part to agree to the terms stipulated in the contract, check or will. As far as the possibility of falsification is concerned, the fingerprint of an unconscious person will not differ from what he puts in good health.

But with the signature, everything is much more complicated. The improvement of the methods of graphological analysis has made it possible to reveal many secrets of the personal stroke. This knowledge is widely used in forensic science.

"Forgery" in the strict sense is a legal term. In his opinion, the expert usually avoids this word. The visa itself cannot be real or fake. For example, a stamp or facsimile, of course, is not a handwritten signature, but most often they are used quite legally. However, the circumstances of execution or the sequence of events that led to the signing may be fraudulent.

For convenience, we will assume that the true signature is a personal sign of the person, executed by hand by the person himself. With this in mind, we can discuss options that are not originals. Common signs of non-authenticity can include the following:

Marked start and end
The forger first places his hands in contact with the paper and then begins to write. When he has drawn a flourish or part of it, he stops and only then tears the pen off the surface. This can lead to an emphatically diligent start and end of the stroke. The counterfeiter may decide, after the pen touches the paper, that the pen is in the wrong place, picks it up, and moves it to a more correct position. These "hiccups" betray a fake.

The creation of most non-original visas is really nothing more than a drawing. Therefore, the pen moves so slowly that small, sometimes microscopic, vibrations occur. The resulting line will not be smooth, dynamic, but will reflect the "shaking" of the pen.

Speed and pressure
Again, since the handle moves slowly, rather than in a dynamic motion as in the original, the line remains constant in thickness, and its pressure is almost unchanged.

Bug fixes
Most of us have made the mistake of writing our own signature at some point. What do we do in such cases? Either we will leave everything as it is, or we will fix it right there. This copyright correction will be completely different from what is often found on non-original visas.

There are times when some of these signs are displayed in authentic signatures, especially in old and frail people. Their very presence does not mean that the visa, upon closer examination, will turn out to be inauthentic. On the other hand, flourishes without these signs at all cannot be considered genuine. An elderly person's visa may, for example, contain tremors and hesitation. Then, on the contrary, it is doubtful if it is pulled out with a firm hand.

Often a counterfeiter precisely because of his “high level of skill” can produce a product that contains more signs of counterfeiting than its less perfect counterparts.