Ex-employee of the Samara regional FSB department Maxim Zhizhkun convicted of fraud


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The Samara military garrison court sentenced Maxim Zhizhkun, former detective of the Syzran department of the Federal Security Service for the Samara region, guilty of embezzling a total of 25 million rubles. from a hacker who was under investigation. Information "Kommersant" was confirmed in the press service of the court. As the investigators found out, Maxim Zhizhkun promised to “hide” the money from the security forces and criminal communities, but instead appropriated the property to himself. The ex-silovik was sentenced to 5 years in prison with a fine of 500 thousand rubles. and a ban on holding certain positions for two years. In addition, the convict was deprived of the military rank of "reserve captain".

Maxim Zhizhkun, former detective of the department in Syzran of the Federal Security Service for the Samara Region, was found guilty of fraud for embezzling a total of 25 million rubles. from a hacker (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The decision was made by the Samara Garrison Military Court. According to investigators, in 2021, Maxim Zhizhkun promised the hacker Anton Mochalov, who was then under investigation, to “hide” money from the security forces and criminal communities. The security officer was given $100,000, €170,000 and 2 million rubles, which the security official eventually stole "by deceit and breach of trust, using his official position." In addition, Mochalov, according to investigators, lost 68 bitcoins for a total of 187 million rubles. Dmitry Demin, a former employee of the regional FSB, was suspected of stealing cryptocurrencies, he was detained and sent under arrest. According to the investigation, Lieutenant Colonel Demin held the position of deputy head of the department - head of the regional FSB department at the time of the crime. The case against Demin is now being considered in the same court. The Chekist fully admitted his guilt and suggested that the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office, which controls the investigation, testify against the accomplices of the machinations. As a result, the GVP concluded a pre-trial agreement on cooperation with the Chekist under investigation, but the 235th garrison military court in Moscow refused to release the security official, extending his preventive measure in the form of arrest.

According to Kommersant, we are talking about a hacker from Syzran who, using a special program, hacked into the protection of other people's computers and stole, including passwords, in order to provide access to electronic wallets and other means of payment. After the arrest, the hacker, according to his testimony, voluntarily provided the security officers with passwords, explaining how the system works. The hacker himself was found guilty by the court of committing a crime under Art. 273 (“Creation, use and distribution of malicious computer programs”) of the Criminal Code, having received one year of restriction of freedom.

The criminal case against Zhizhkun was opened by the Main Military Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia on October 27, 2022. Maxim Zhizhkun was detained on October 28 in Samara. On the same day, the detainee was charged under Art. 159 h. 4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. On October 31, the court chose a measure of restraint for the security officer in the form of house arrest, which was later extended. As stated in the court ruling (available to the editors), the court took into account the submitted “information and materials of the 3rd service 9 of the Directorate of the Federal Security Service of Russia”, according to which Maxim Zhizhkun has “extensive connections among law enforcement officers, state authorities and administration, in connection with which, being at large, he can induce witnesses to refuse to testify or change them in his favor by exerting pressure on them, take measures to destroy, falsify or conceal evidence, and also hide from the investigation. The materials of the criminal case were received by the Samara Military Garrison Court in March of this year. The case was considered by Judge Eduard Abramov. By a court verdict, Zhizhkun was sentenced to five years in prison in a penal colony with a fine of 500,000 rubles. and a ban on holding certain positions for two years. The convict was also deprived of the military rank of "reserve captain". Maxim Zhizhkun's lawyer, according to the data on the court's website, was Yevgeny Eliseev, but it was not possible to get through to Kommersant's lawyer.