Everyday life of a scam shop owner


Reaction score
There is nothing at this stage yet. We, like all ordinary users, run through the pages of the World Wide Web, using all its endless possibilities. We are trying to find some three-year-old scheme, because we think that if it is old, then no one is working on it, and accordingly, there is no competition. Unfortunately, this is not so. If the scheme is old and nobody works according to it, this means that the chance that this scheme is still alive is 1%. If it is related to traffic, then, most likely, the traffic is already interrupted as much as possible, or there are a lot of pitfalls and it is no longer so easy to get traffic. In such cases, it is best to sit down and try to bring the scheme back to life by coming up with an addition to it, any new methods of traffic extraction, new types of monetization of this traffic, etc. Or - just walk by and forget.
In general, we ran on the Internet for a very long time and finally found material that we really liked. Let's take as a basis my story about earning money on drug addicts. Rather, we will breed them and then monetize them. The most difficult stage of our life - passed, there was work according to the scheme. But how can we work on it if it has already died, and it has no chance of recovery?

Writing an action plan
First of all, we need to understand what we want and what we can do. Essentially: We can do anything. What do we want? - Accordingly, money. We have no other desires and opportunities. I do not recommend working according to the scheme as any moral satisfaction, because you are simply wasting your precious time. Now there will be a small lyrical digression, you can not even read it if you are not interested in what I am doing.
“Recently I thought that human life is very short and no matter how stupid it sounds, it is. On average, an ordinary resident of a well-known country spends about 25 years on his education, then about 10 - 15 years to earn money in an ordinary profession. In total, we are about 40 years old, on average, men live about 65 years. Do you think it is normal that we spend almost half of our lives on training, so that later we can leave our pants behind? Isn't it a shame when some young person drives by you in a good car, lives in a good house, and you spent about 30 years to earn money on your one-room apartment? The young man moved in his time and did not waste his time in vain, or he got out of a good family and was just lucky. How much more pleasant it will be when you are young and with your labor have achieved exactly the same success as any other, who got everything ready? Nowadays, there are a lot of unfair things: Someone works in the office 12 hours a day to feed their one-year-old daughter and wife, and someone spends your monthly salary in one evening in a restaurant and considers it a little money. To prevent this from happening in your life, learn to manage your time wisely. If you need an education in the region in an emergency, get it in such a way that in the course of education you will have an income. Work harder, learn more so that by the middle of your life you can tell yourself that you did a good job. " and someone spends your monthly salary in one evening in a restaurant and considers it a little money. To prevent this from happening in your life, learn to manage your time wisely. If you need an education in the region for an emergency, get it in such a way that in the course of education you will have an income. Work harder, learn more so that by the middle of your life you can tell yourself that you did a good job. " and someone spends your monthly salary in one evening in a restaurant and considers it a little money. To prevent this from happening in your life, learn to manage your time wisely. If you need an education in the region in an emergency, get it in such a way that in the course of education you will have an income. Work harder, learn more so that by the middle of your life you can tell yourself that you did a good job. "

Let's get back to our work and begin to prescribe the procedure. that we need to implement. I will make a reservation in advance that we have a lot of work to do. First of all, we understand that now most of the drug addicts spend their hard-earned money on Hydra. This is the first pitfall that has formed and needs to be removed. We start thinking about how to fix it. What do we think will work in a person when the customer says “Yes”? - That's right, the herd feeling. What can we do about this? It's simple. If a hundred people tell you that this is an equal seller, it means that you, the one hundred and first buyer, will believe them and buy goods from him. This means that we need feedback from 100 people. How do you make them? It's still much easier. We create a separate channel in Telegram and from new accounts, putting an avatar and a typical nickname, registering reviews about our store, attaching photos and using the slang of drug addicts. So,
The second step I think is that we need to think over the concept of our store. How it will function, how we will sell and why addicts should choose us. Recently, with the guys from our project, we wanted to implement this scheme, and therefore I have some groundwork, but did not begin to implement it for some reason. I want to share all this with you. I'll just show you a plan of what we need and write in more detail about each item.
Feedback channel (More than 100 reviews, with product photos);
The main concept of the store, price list, traffic sources, making a deal, etc.
Areas that will bring us money. Telegram bot and website;
First trial runs;
I have covered the first point, so let's talk about the second. In the second paragraph, I believe that the name of our store, its design and the manner of communication of support should be provided. A drug addict should like the name the first time, and as an example I can cite the following: “KhimProm”, “Duffy Drugs”, “Icelab” and others. The name is serious, beautiful, I think, you will not have any problems to go to Hydra and steal some name and an avatar. By traffic sources, I mean where we will get our addicts from and how they will find our store. Everything is as simple as possible. Sending in Telegram for a thousand people costs 1,600 rubles. How much we can earn from a thousand people - will be at the end of the article. Making deals in the store is everyone's business. Either you install a bot and a website - a store and sell everything automatically, or you work manually and write off each client personally, but there is a chance that you will lose a lot of clients due to poor communication skills, so I do not advise you to spoil your earnings and others and run to make a bot. Shop price - we work only in UK, so we run to Hydra and copy the price list into our notebook at prices for 03, 05 and 1 gram of the position.

Areas where we will sell our products.
We are making a bot. We do it beautifully and to our liking, while looking at the bots of other stores. Site? I also don't think this is a problem, there are a lot of working stores on the Internet. In fact - you need a site for more trust. This point is as simple as possible, so I do not consider it necessary to describe it in detail. Each of you should put in some effort of your own.
So, we start and do test runs, but let's see what we have.
Auto sales bot in Telegram. Car sales website;
Information channel, feedback channel, operator - support;
The list of chats from where we will take drug addicts and the person who will send us a mailing list for these contacts;
When we understand that we have a perfect store, we make the first mailing list and look at what we have done.

I left all links to all sites at the end of the article so that there would be no stupid questions later.

1) Go to twopay.ru, make an auto shop, you can of course do it in the same directory, but rent there is 500 rubles / month, why pay more than fucking? To create a shop, you will need a left sim card for registering a kiwi, or just a left kiwi, or a number for reg, in short - you will figure it out, not stupid (I hope).

2) Choose a name that inspires respect based on the products (more on them later), beautiful and incredible design, so that our future client would simply go crazy with what he just saw. We saw reviews about the store, all sorts of contacts of those. support, conditions for RETURNING products if something suddenly DOES NOT WORK for a client))))), site news like UPDATING ACCOUNTS WAS "today's date". In general, we just do it so that you yourself go to your site and want to buy something. In short, any pizdabolism that will increase our conversion.

3) We fill in the goods, and we have kiwi vouchers for tens of thousands, HYDRA accounts (a platform for the sale of magical substances, if anyone does not know) also with a balance, LegalRC accounts with the old rega and turnips (dick knows finally what this is, but torchepedam like), Yandex.Money with balance. Well, I think the essence is clear, I have named only goods that are interesting to our future target audience. Do not forget to write colorful shitty descriptions for the products, with DETAILED instructions on how to use our phenomenal products and where they came from.

4) And now the loho-conveyor is almost ready, all that remains is to find buyers! Therefore, we will immediately screw up our target audience, and they will be SALT TORCHES. I think it's a secret for many, yes even I myself recently found out, but the cart has just a PHENOMENAL number of chats from 500 to 20,000 people (in some, wild unbridled traffic fucking and no moderation or anti-spam fucking bots) in which only spice-salt torchepedos are mainly from the periphery, usually these are chats of all kinds of stores.
Quite recently, by the way, a list of such chats was sold in one of the shadow channels for 2,000 rubles, lol fuck. Well, and then how FUCKING the contingent there you will understand in literally 2 minutes of reading any such chat (it's fucking, really). Actually, how to find them? Simple! We follow the site legalrts (links are all below), go to the forum search and look for the words CHAT, TELEGRAM and so on, collect all the links in a file. We perform the same operation on the hydra, but of course people are smarter there. Do not forget to do the same and search in these very chats for the word CHAT to find more chats that were once advertised. (yo we heard you like chats)

5) Great, our database of chat rooms with bastards is assembled and almost ready to bear fruit! And here you can do a little more than give a damn variations of the distribution of links to your store in these chats. We'll have to spend on telegram accounts, but I think even if you're a rogue, you have enough 20 rubles to replenish the balance of one of the services that I indicated at the end of the article.
5.1) For example, we make a channel with the self-explanatory name of the SCHEME, PRIVATE-THEME level, this is all shit, we post there a couple of rotten schemes taken from almost any darknet channel and fuck there, of course, an advertisement for our store, something like ALREADY 5 YEARS ON THE MARKET! DAILY SHOWCASE UPDATES! DARKNET'S MOST POPULAR STORE! and more emoticons, the people who love it! We will repost this post via chats or spam with a link to the channel. PROFIT!
5.2) We do everything that was described above until the moment of the advertising post (we create a channel, make out, a couple of posts with diagrams), instead of it we shit some scheme ourselves, in which, of course, we will have to buy something from our store (I usually BUY HERE HERE super-akkaunti-hydra-qiwi-eshe-zahochesh.twopay.ru). For example, you can write a scheme with the name [FRESH DRAIN] EARNINGS FROM 10.000 RUBLES PER DAY and offer salt mammoths to earn money by reselling bookmarks purchased from OUR hydra accounts with a balance! (fucking came up with a fucking idea, sell plz) Well, when entering the site to quickly buy the coveted hydra account, he cannot help but pay attention to fucking 10 THOUSAND KIWI VOUCHERS for only 500 rubles! Probably even a diagram in my head will give birth to how he will buy from us kiwi vouchers and for them buy accounts from hydra, waste-free production fuck.
5.3) It ’s stupid as a fucking spam with a link to our shop and we don’t blow any fuck at all, we are not academics to write fucking articles, right?
5.4) We also connect other traffic sources, spam on thematic publics in VK (full of such), and so on and so forth, then the guys themselves think.
Actually, that's all. Those who will be one of the very first and original profits from this topic are guaranteed, there are dozens, hundreds, thousands of fuckers with scorched brains from salt and spice! This manual can also be easily remade for any shit, the torchebes are still not fucking scared and are ready to throw their money put on the shelf of some chemical directly into your shop, the scheme for the Vulcan casino, or even issue an irrevocable loan. In a word, mutate.
And remember, friends, drugs are evil!

If we have successfully passed the first two points, it means that soon we will be with the money. We purchase mass mailing for about 5 thousand people and begin to diligently monitor our wallets so that they do not go into blocking. We substitute new wallets on time, withdraw money to exchanges and launder on time, in general, we control the whole process. The main thing is not to be distracted and make sure that our money is not lost. A thousand came - they took it and hid it, two came - hid two.
After all, we thought in advance where we would pour money so that Qiwi would not block us? - That's right, to cryptocurrency exchanges, instantly.

I decided to write about a fairly multipurpose Temko, namely, cart spam. There can be a lot of applications - both advertising of channels on order, and advertising of affiliate programs, as well as chernukha.

The essence
We don't need much for this, just a couple of services, these are:
Parser - https://vkparser.ru , for parsing numbers. And the spammer - https://tvigi.com, respectively, for spam (not advertising).

The parser costs a couple of pennies. There are also free analogs. The spammer can be used in the demo, so it's free. Next, we can go to VK, type in Telegram in the search for groups and parse the numbers from there.

Simply because 99 percent of the numbers will be registered on the cart. But in general, it doesn't matter, you can parse from anywhere, it all depends on your target audience
When you have a database of numbers, you need to prepare accounts for telegrams from which spam will occur. We register either through your unnecessary SIM cards, or with the help of an online sim.
Then we install https://tvigi.com, insert phone numbers from the database, and also write text for spam.

That's all. With the right approach, income will cover expenses many times over, the variability is wide. Although the scheme is very simple, few people use these opportunities, but in vain!

We count how much we have earned
So, my favorite moment. Let's imagine that we made the first mailing list for 1000 people and spent 1600 rubles on it. On average, 05 SK costs 1200 rubles, so we can roughly say that we pay off from the first purchase. I can roughly imagine that out of 1000 people, at least 50 people will buy goods from us, and at most 250 people. We are doing the first mailing for at least 5000 people. With 5 thousand people, I can imagine and see the potential that 1/5 of the total number can buy, that is, 1000 people. A million in three days?
The most important thing. Now be careful and never, you know, never deviate from this rule. Nobody will ever tell you this, so the next proposal is unique.
"Always divide from your earnings like this: invest 20% in earnings, take 80% for yourself"
Keep this sentence for yourself and remember it for the rest of your life. Please never back down from this. If you spent all 80%, then know that you still have 20%, from which you can easily make 100% and return to the game.

So we made the circuit, congratulations. Let's try to summarize everything that was described above.
Firstly: We find more or less living material and start thinking about it.
Secondly: We have thought out how to bring the scheme back to life and begin to think over its work competently;
Thirdly: We prepare everything and start tests.
In the latter, we are working.
The main instruction that I want to convey to all of you is that you do not need to work according to a template. Working with diagrams is, first of all, a creative approach that is important. If you work "to fuck off" - then guys, get it. If you follow the template I gave you, you won't earn much. Be creative, come up with your own.

Scheme two of the privatka!
Now I will tell you about the psychology of our clients, how to behave when communicating and what they are in general

Who are they?
In fact, all types of our clients cannot be listed. Both schoolchildren and quite adult people, inveterate drug addicts and those who want to try "nonsense" for the first time can write to you.
All the people with whom we have to communicate have one thing in common - they are too stupid to suspect a scam. No, seriously, they are too stupid, and if you throw them once, then you can safely dissolve them for money the same number of times.

What is the psychology of junkies?
Their psychology is similar to that of a child, now I will explain why. A drug for such people is like a favorite candy or a child's toy. If the child is not given what he loves so much, the child will start crying. It's the same with drug addicts.
The best trick for luring junkies is discounts. If you suddenly say that a gram costs not 2,000 rubles, but with a discount of 1,200 rubles, then he will not be able to control his desire and will definitely want to buy goods from you.
Such people are very weak, it is easy to break them with discounts, an additional dose as a gift and any other bonuses.

How to dialogue with junkies?
Forget who you are in real life. Your task is to maximize your role as a drug dealer. This means that we are serious people, we will not waste our time on nonsense, that is, if you want to buy, buy, if not, then no.
They are very simple to communicate, but there are really stupid people whose brains are completely drained by the next gram of salt. With them, you do not need to weaken your grip and in no case - do not break loose and pour mud at them. Continue the dialogue with them in the same serious tone.
Never make concessions, discounts and other things that they want from you. Remember, they need you, not you. Follow this rule and everything will be fine.

What do you need to know?
Before starting work, you definitely need to learn the vocabulary of drug addicts, their jargon, find out what a bookmark is, what they are, how they are made, what drugs exist, remember their approximate price and what effect they have. This is a must, without this, you will be able to breed very few people.
what you need to know before starting work. Your task is to master everything that I write in order to work efficiently and get profit.

What is the main thing?
And the main thing is that we must know all the prices for the goods that we will sell. The HYDRA website will help us navigate. It is easy to use, with the help of it, you can find out all the prices for the product and its name.
Basic vocabulary of junkies:
Heroin - gerych, gloomy.
Marijuana - weed, boshki, marik, marivanna.
Cocaine - flour, muffin.
Tablets are wheels.
Ephedron is a wateryaga, a crystal.
Hashish - garik, chocolate.

All these words are used by drug addicts quite often, and hydra will help you figure out the rest. Read about each drug out there, find out the price and be guided only by it.

Where do we start?
First, we need to find a shop that we will fake.
After we have selected a shop, we start faking it.

How to fake correctly?
To begin with, I will say that you need to choose a shop where there are not very many subscribers, so that you can wind up even more than the original shop and spend not so much money on it.
Any shop is located in the telegram, which means that we will work there. The first thing we do is create a channel and give it exactly the same name as the original shop.
We spin subscribers, we need to wind up more than a real shop in order to push the channel higher to the top.
The next step is to copy exactly the same description as in the real shop.
Next, we move on to the posts. We create exactly the same posts, add some of our own, and copy the prices and products completely.

What's next?
And then we just have to wait, the traffic will chase to us itself, since the creator of the shop will not suspect that his shop has already been faked and he drives traffic through the forums not only to himself.
Customers usually arrive in a day or two, but the amounts for which they buy goods are very good. On average, I had 3-3 clients a day, and the amounts were different, some even managed to buy for 10k.

You should have already selected the shops. Everything will be in the format of the task, so you can re-read and complete
Today your task is to register 10 TG accounts.
You will need to solve them a lot and always, this will be your almost free traffic.
You can register through the BifToGram application on Android or from a PC, duplicating telegram.exe into different folders.
If you are banned on PC, as soon as you register, you use Nox or Memu, or BlueStacks emulators and BifToGram is already there.
From all of you I want to see at least 10 telegram accounts and a list of shops that you have selected
Also go to deer.io and buy a vtope account, the price is 14-16 rubles per 1000 points, ideally.
Actually, this is a preparatory task, the next will be how much of it will be done
An important part, create on the numbers of the country that you will fake
Life hack: register an account in tg for 5sim, maybe even someone's account will come across, quickly go in, close all sessions except your own in the settings, then put two-step authorization as an email, take the left @etlgr_bot
This is necessary so that your account is not taken away the same way
Site for finding shops legalrc.net
Spend 9 RUBLES on the left kiwi, for your own safety

Actually time for the next stage of training.
It's time to design channels, links, etc.
The actual benchmark for you @ kfc24clubl
Your task is to create an account on which there will be a store for the operator, just put the name of the store and online by type. OPERATOR (ONLINE) or KFC (Online), it is better to look at the original operator and take everything from it.
Avatar and so on, this is important, pay attention to everything, take the avatar from the operator, you can take it from the competitors in the top so as not to get too worn out.
Let me remind you that your reference is @ kfc24clubl
Your task is to knock the channel to the top, spin no more than 200 bots per day, otherwise the channel will be banned in a couple of days guaranteed. 1 BOT = VTOPE points, put the minimum quality and that's it. As soon as your store appears in the top, junkies will start writing to you.

How to communicate with junkies?
The first thing they write is usually:
Fri = Hello
Town? = City where you work
Price? = Your pricing policy

Usually you ask the city and then it rushed, now I will give an example of a dialogue, the first junkie, the second you
  1. Fri
2. City?
  1. Kharkov
2. (Throw in the price, see how big the city is, on the map you immediately open the districts)
  1. CR 0.25 (Crystals, Salt, A-PVP)
2. Available on the railway, Kirovsky, Central
  1. Centre
2.900 rubles for QIWI = +79803333333

You are given 1 hour for payment, after payment send a photo or screen of the receipt.
Actually, how he throws off the money, we freeze it, they say we are waiting for the address from the treasureman, etc., and so on, during this time we withdraw our money to our Kiwi so that they do not block it.
Left QIWI can buy on deer.io, you need basic status.
The main question is usually associated with the registration of TGs for beginners.
Since bans are a frequent topic
First, you will need to profit from this or understand how it all works. For those who want to advance further, there will be more training, in which there will be no newcomers and the profit will be several times higher. There the site and bots are involved.

In short, the essence of the scheme:
We have 10 accounts, we made each of them a fake of some kind of original account (drug shop) and at the same time we slowly spin 200 bots per day for each, or even less leisurely. And we are waiting for all sorts of basils to come to visit us!

The principle of the selection of shops: on the site, in the description of the store, there is an operator's account in the cart, for example @pupkin. We go into the search for a cart, drive in this account and 1) if there are no fakes at all, it suits us, 2) if there is another fake channel next to the original account (this is the one with the loudspeaker icon), let's say @pupkinn with subscribers of up to 300 people, then this also suits us, so that we can wind up more subscribers on our fake channel than on @pupkinn and take the first place in the search! In general, then it will be a fairy tale ?
In general, you get the essence. We check the shop so that there are not too many PDPs, we make a copy and it is better to have a couple at once. We twist the PDP, we buy advertising. We make it so that there would be more traffic control, thereby we get to the top and voila, all the junkies write to us and throw off the grandmother, sit only accept the payment.