Electromagnetic Warfare: China strikes at US hegemony


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No signal will escape the Chinese military now.

A group of Chinese military scientists led by Professor Yang Kai of the Beijing Institute of Technology announced a revolutionary breakthrough in the field of electronic warfare. For the first time in the world, they managed to create a system capable of tracking and analyzing the entire spectrum of enemy electromagnetic signals in a wide frequency band in real time.

Electronic warfare is countering the enemy's electronic systems using radio and other technical means. It is carried out by creating interference that disrupts the operation of radars, communications and navigation equipment. The goal is to deprive the enemy of the ability to detect their troops, control them, and coordinate combat operations.

According to Yang Kai, his system is characterized by its compact size, high performance and low power consumption. Previously, the creation of such a technology was considered impossible due to the enormous amounts of data that need to be processed in combat conditions.

Currently, China and the United States are in a state of tacit confrontation for dominance in the electromagnetic spectrum. Recent Chinese media reports about how an advanced Chinese Type 055 destroyer allegedly blocked the advance of a US Navy aircraft carrier group indicate the active use of new weapons.

The development covers frequencies up to the gigahertz range used, in particular, by amateur radio operators and Elon Musk's Starlink satellites. This increases the ability to detect enemy signals even in the event of a sudden change in the data transmission frequency.

For example, if the US military suddenly switches to civilian radio frequencies, the Chinese army can instantly detect and suppress them. To solve this complex problem, engineers have developed new signal processors and improved the structure of digital filters.

In addition, they have implemented artificial intelligence technologies to automatically analyze huge amounts of data in real time. These innovations allow us to distinguish useful signals from interference and determine their parameters.

Professor Yang Kai's experience illustrates China's advantage in telecommunications. He was directly involved in the development of international communication standards and has extensive knowledge in this area. Thanks to the hard work of specialists in the telecommunications industry, China was able to quickly turn the latest civilian technologies into effective weapons.

At the same time, the United States lags far behind in developing its own telecommunications technologies and mainly relies on European companies to deploy 5G networks. This strategic gap does not allow US military specialists to compete with Beijing's achievements in the field of electronic warfare.