Edward Snowden urged to abandon ExpressVPN


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Former US National Security Agency employee and now human rights activist Edward Snowden warned netizens against using the popular ExpressVPN service for good reason.

According to him, the main reason is the information released about the company's information technology director Daniel Guerick. So, according to the US Department of Justice, Daniel Gerick and two other people (all three previously worked in intelligence) helped the UAE to organize hacking of accounts and electronic devices around the world. Now Gerik, who worked for the Emirates as a mercenary hacker, is obliged to pay a fine of $ 335 thousand and go to cooperate with the FBI.

The team is believed to have served as "mercenary hackers" for the UAE authorities, helping to develop software that allows electronic users to receive information from their gadgets without any action on the part of electronic users - they were ardent critics of the regime in the UAE.

Curiously, Guerik is currently the CIO of one of the largest VPN providers in the world, ExpressVPN. Either way, Snowden chose not to comment on the numerous questions under the post, including which VPN he himself would recommend. He also did not say whether he had any information about Guerik himself.