Earnings on unpaid debts


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We will look for people who have problems with the bailiffs, namely, there are outstanding debts to the bailiffs for a loan, mortgage delays, traffic fines.

That is, if advertising is online, then we write as follows: assistance in repaying loans / mortgages. Repayment of debts.

People with different problems will write or call us, and in order to understand whether this client is suitable for us, we will find out with what problem he came to us.

In case of a problem with a loan: Was the loan taken from a bank or microloans? Is a production business open in the bank database?

If this person took a loan from a bank and he has delays, then of course he has production business. We can see it ourselves, having learned from the person the name of the city and the date of birth. We see that he has debts, he suits us, but, we need to know if he has debit accounts in banks, if so, in which ones.

If he has many accounts, he will not suit us. We need people who do not have open debit accounts in top bank - everything that is bought by hucksters.

As a rule, such people who have arrears have credit accounts, cards, but not debit accounts. They have nothing to keep in debit accounts. It means that a person suits us and we work on him further.

In case of a problem with mortgage delinquencies: how many delinquencies? Have you started production business? If a person has a delay in mortgage, then most likely he is a debtor to the FSSP. And it will suit us as well. Let's ask about the created debit accounts and go.

With fines in traffic police - everything is the same. In case of non-payment, production cases are created in the FSSP and it is automatically our client.

If there is no water, we need people who have unpaid fines, where they come from, it makes no difference to us.

We talked on the phone with people, we make an appointment. We agree in any cafe. We arrive well dressed. In a shirt, trousers, with a daddy, you can not. Notebook, pen.

We explain that we will help to write off the debt at the bailiffs for 35% of the debt. We do not take prepayments, and we take money only after the result. People often ask how we are going to do it. Here, of course, as in any company that helps to make a military ID or avoid punishment for drunk driving, there is its own raisins, but to understand it, we will explain: “we act within the framework of the law, write bills of exchange from our legal firms and pay off your debts with bills of exchange, after which we are bankrupt our companies and according to the law we have every right not to pay off our debts, due to the fact that we are bankrupt. You don't need to know this, of course, the process is complicated and tedious, but we ate a dog, a cat and half of the zoo on this, so we will help you with your problem in 3-4 weeks ”

A person did not come to us from a good life, he will agree to anything, as long as his apartment is not taken away or his property and car are removed from arrest.

We explain that we need to have a power of attorney to represent the interests of this person in the bank. At the bank - in order to open a debit account and then notify about the presence of a particular amount of money in the account, from which it will be necessary to write off funds to the bailiffs' account.

You go to the notary, the client pays for the "trust". You become a representative (lawyer) of this person and you can immediately go to the bank and issue 2 debit cards in each bank.

Cards of the following any banks are required and others depending on the needs of the hucksters who work with drop lines and buy cards.

Usually cards are bought with a hold of 3 days. It is not difficult to search for hucksters, there are a lot of them on various shadow forums.

We issue 2 debit accounts in each bank. We explain that a person has a problem and accounts are created for the purpose of charity. They showed a power of attorney. We created accounts, and it turned out ~ 14 sets of cards (you can create less, you can create more).

We sell wholesale for $ 50-100. It will come out on average $ 1000.

Of course, we wrote down the card numbers beforehand (the most popular banks). Sold. Have made a profit. We are waiting for two weeks.

It's been 2 weeks after the sale (you can do it in a week). We go to the banks and introduce ourselves as a representative of our client. We open the door with a kick and give them a list of cards that need to be taken under control to write off the money that will go there.

Everything. The cards were sold, the money was rescued. These cards will be bought by cashiers from the hucksters to whom we sold the cards. Cashiers will start pouring money in about 1-2 weeks (with the condition that they still have to be bought). Fortunately, there are no problems with the cards, they are bought very quickly, and as a rule, there is even a deficiency with them.

The cashiers pour money on the cards, sometimes in millions, and the necessary part of the money that we owe the remains on the cards and our client is ultimately satisfied.

The production business was closed and the client is obliged to give us 35% of the amount written off. If this is $ 10000, then we get $ 3500. % can be made smaller.

What problems did you encounter? I have a man in Bryansk. He has already processed about a hundred clients and there were such cases when the cops called his client and asked to explain where the money came from on the cards that were created in her name. The client explained that she didn’t do anything and only wrote a trust for the person who promised to help. They called the person, my Bryansk person, and asked the question, why did the fraudulent funds appear on the client's cards that we created?

Not in the know where. “Comrade investigator, how do I know, I mediate on the Internet, sell lighting equipment, save electricity, do not burn out for years, generally a novelty, a super-cool topic. People found me, several people wrote to me at once, offered barter, I gave them products, they promised to help me with the debts. As a law-abiding and obligatory person, of course, I have no debts, but I thought that I could help people. I could not believe it at first, I thought that there was no miracle, and the first did not agree to send the lighting equipment. They offered to send them cards, which will be replenished by local patrons, help will be provided, and after the result, I had to send light bulbs. The result was, I placed orders for the required number of bulbs and wrote the address that these people indicated to me when ordering. Communication took place in a telegram, they were constantly added from new accounts, and I just deleted the old ones. I didn’t ask why all this is needed, apparently it’s more convenient for them. I myself do not have access to the cards, you can probably see that in our city the funds were cashed not by me, not by my client. "

When selling cards, in order to avoid headaches, it is necessary to indicate under white or black. Cashiers overtake the amounts from card to card, or even the same drug dealers with qiwi display 5 more cards, and such cards do not cause the cops to have any thoughts to load the card owner, since everyone is already aware of drops and drop lines. Catching is real only when cash out from these cards.
In general! We sell cards marked for white, gray. And we say that drops don't need problems.

Possible questions

How did you start looking for clients? I wrote off the debt to my aunt who works at the factory. After her, women and a security guard from the same plant began to contact me. Person 4 I served only from the factory, they have already told their relatives about me, those to theirs, those to friends, colleagues, girlfriends, friends in short, I think clearly. I didn't even give advertising anywhere. I created a public in Facebook, but it was quickly blocked due to complaints from any ministers, probably.

How to make sure that the person does not throw me after the performed service? Receipt. If you don’t know how to spell it, I’ll tell you. Usually, both sides are indicated, passport data and a condition. Everything is elementary. This will be necessary at first, since after 2-4 people you can dictate your conditions and take an advance payment of 100% right away, explaining that your reputation is already excellent, and you don't need extra crap.

How are we going to sell to hucksters, because arbitration will be written on them and he will be banned and he will no longer buy from you? Plastic hucksters are not responsible for the safety of funds, only for lock cards!

Do I need to tell the drop about the cards? We can say that it is necessary to create debit cards to accept funds from bills, so that they go towards repayment of bailiffs.

Do you need visibility like in your case about light bulbs? Need to prepare the ground for debris? Yes, it is easy to do, any left story, we can think of it if there is no imagination.

Is it possible to put everything on stream? Of course. You can even hire people to work on the deal via Facebook. We teach them what to say to clients, they look for people and bring them to us, we process and pay a pretty penny.


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How to get out of debt in 90 days?
Please note that the tips set only the general procedure and principles for dealing with debt. At the same time, special cases may require some changes. For example, it is difficult to determine the real rate on cards with a grace period (it can be zero). Or the payment of some debts (say, to relatives) can be postponed for a while, focusing on other debts. Such cases should be “put out of brackets” and considered separately.

1. Make a complete list of your debts: from mortgages and car loans to borrowed money from neighbors "payday". All cards, all installments, etc. This should be a table (in a spreadsheet editor or at least on paper), in which you must specify the following parameters for each debt:
- to whom and for what you owe;
- how much you owe (the "body" of the loan);
- real effective loan rate;
- minimum monthly payment;
- planned payments (this column will remain empty at first, you will fill it in later).

2. Sort the table by the size of the bet - from high to low. Among the debts with approximately the same rate, the higher should be the smaller ones. Prioritizing less debt is a controversial point, but it has primarily a psychological meaning: when you see that the efforts being made are clearly yielding results in the form of a decrease in the number of loans, this will spur your desire to continue the process. In addition, it is easier to work with fewer different debts.

3. If possible, refinance some of the debt. Now this is difficult to do, especially for people who previously had problems with loan payments, so this item is an option for the lucky ones who can do it. If you have a place to get new debt at a relatively low interest rate, do it, and with the money you receive, pay off the most expensive and smallest debts (at the top of the sorted table). Enter this debt in the table. If there is no such possibility, then it is not scary.

4. Determine the maximum monthly amount that you can spend on paying off your debts, and enter it in the table as future total payments. If you are serious about getting rid of loans, it might make sense to drastically cut your remaining expenses for a few months, leaving only the most necessary to increase the amount of payments.

If you want, warn enough close people (from relatives to some coworkers) that you are "on a financial diet" and ask them not to tempt you with invitations to restaurants, stories about new gadgets, etc. If necessary, ask for forgiveness in advance for your possible rejection of gifts to friends for birthdays, etc. If you decide to save with the whole family, explicitly agree with your partner and children / parents that you will control each other in spending, so that later there will be no resentment and misunderstanding. In general, the "financial diet" is a separate topic, but at least, at least take this issue seriously.

5. In the table you have drawn up, start filling in the "planned payments" column from the bottom up. For all credits except the topmost one, set the amount equal to the minimum payment. For the topmost loan, use all the money left over from the planned payout after completing the rest of the table. This distribution of payments will allow you to get rid of the most "expensive" debts in the first place, reducing over time the average rate of your total debt.

6. Automate payments. Set up automatic payments in your Internet bank for several months in advance for each loan. As the date of payment, indicate not the last possible day, but lay at least 3-4 days of stock.

If it is possible to set aside one day for all or part of the payments, do so. It is desirable that such a day be soon after the usual date of receipt of income (for example, salary), but not very close, since the salary can be delayed for a couple of days, which will disrupt the payment of debts.

Configure the delivery of transaction messages to your phone and / or email. If you have set up one “day of reckoning” per month, then develop the habit of logging into the Internet bank the next day to check that all payments were successful.

7. When you receive unexpected income (premium, sale of property, inheritance) send them to pay off the most expensive debt.

8. After paying off the most expensive debt, redistribute the freed up money to pay off the next one, keeping only the minimum payments for the rest. The result is a kind of "snowball" effect: each next debt will be paid off faster than the previous one.

9. Periodically review your table, make changes to it. Keep it visible. Explicitly mark "closed" debts (cross out, change font color, etc.) to show yourself that the process is going well. You need supportive motivation, especially when you want to give up everything and spend money on something pleasant (and this moment will definitely come). After paying off your credit card debts, close them completely (if you do not use cards for some schemes related to bonuses, grace periods, etc.).

10. Not every debt is terrible, not every debt can and should be extinguished as quickly as possible, limiting yourself in everything. Let's say a mortgage at a reasonable rate is a normal instrument that you can live with for 15-20 years without suffering losses. It makes little sense to spoil your life for several years, denying all the pleasures, in order to reduce the term of the mortgage by 3-4 years. A credit card with the bonuses you really need (this is important) and a convenient grace period is a good working tool for an attentive and competent person. But at least microloans at insane rates, as well as bank consumer loans, deserve to get rid of them as quickly as possible. It will make your life much calmer and easier.