Earnings on medical books


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Medical books are sold everywhere: landing pages and even bus stops are pasted over.

Go to cafes, say that you are making honey books, leave business cards. Then people call back and order 3-15 pieces for the entire staff. So they can order 50-100 pieces a month. This is $ 300-600. This is a whiter version, let's move on to a darker one.

Create advertisements on job sites for bartenders, cooks (professions that need a medical book). Arrives in a day of calls 200-400. The bottom line is that you say there is work and you urgently need to go on an internship, the victim agrees. Ask if the victim has a medical book, because without it, I cannot start up an internship with people, food, and so on. There are two variants of events:

1) There is no medical book. Say that it needs to be completed as soon as possible for tomorrow, because an employee is urgently needed for the job. If the victim goes to the hospital, it will take 2-5 days to process it. Therefore, almost everyone buys them, the more it costs 2-3 times cheaper to buy than to take all the tests and go through the list of doctors. The victim says uncertainly whether he will be in time, and we say that we have a person who can help in this matter. We give our other number, which will be called and we will sell the book.

2) There is a book. We clarify whether there is a detailed passage form for it, this is a prerequisite for us. Few have it. You offer the victim to go to the clinic to the same doctor so that he can write out this form for free (it is made on demand). A person will most likely say that this is not possible, because he also bought a medical book somewhere. We recommend that he contact the person, give us another number, which they will call and we will sell the book.

The instruction is that say the place is yours, I hope you can be relied upon that you will have time to resolve the issue with the medical book tomorrow and then call me back, I will tell you what and when. The victim does not suspect that he will be deceived at this intermediate moment. The whole process is preparation for one day and the second is a meeting-sale.

As for security: if stamps are found, then there may be problems with this.

Where to buy books
1. Buy from the seller for 100 pcs. So they will cost 20-30% of the cost, which will pay off in 3 days + profit
2. Do it yourself:

Books can be bought (without stamps) are sold in 100 pieces.

Stamp-print through the program "stamp" on the printer or buy yourself a stamp.