Earnings on coupons


Reaction score
We go to the any wallet and select the "accept payments" tab.

We create a clickable button, I created it for $ 10. You can choose the amount depending on the ability to pay of the people to whom you will give the coupon, copy the code.

Then you poke on your button and go to the payment page in your wallet. Then we go into the code of the page element.

And we edit the page so that the "lucky" owner of the coupon is absolutely sure that he is transferring the money to himself. ALWAYS delete the example of entering the card, the fields must be empty! Since the example of input in our version will not disappear, even when the card is entered, which of course will prevent the lucky person from entering his data.

After creating the coupon, copy the HTML code.


And paste it into your site. Then we get a full-fledged coupon.

And when clicking on the link, the owner of the coupon goes to the site for cashing the coupon to his account.

Now about the nuances
1. You need to enter all card data, instead of one number.

2. After he enters the card details on which he wants to "receive" money from the coupon, he will receive a confirmation code.

60% - enter without any questions.

10% - why did you receive an SMS about writing off. BUT! Here we are talking about the fact that the write-off comes from Yandex, it is also written there. Just sms from looks something like this:

Debit: Payment System name

Therefore, we boldly declare that it is written that the write-off is from Payment System, and not from your card.

Well, 30-25% are those who bought it back.

3. The third nuance is that HTML will have to be updated every 2-3 hours.

Why: in simple words, the payment request will expire, it will give an error when trying to "cash out" the coupon.

Accordingly, we do 2 points again.

We click on the created button to receive payment, edit the page again, and again copy and paste it into your site.

Where do you get traffic, but anywhere. The coupon can be gifted under any pretext. I will write in a nutshell from myself.

I exhibited the laptop in groups for free, about 700 people wrote to me.

Of these, I answered 50-70 messages. The fact that I'm sorry, the laptop was given, perhaps you saw that I was still raffling a coupon (of course I did not raffle it), so I'll give it to you, keep it.

Since the coupon works for two hours, I answered and went about my business, realizing that this was not the most solvent audience, I did not really count on profit, but fortunately I was pleasantly surprised when I went to my wallet and saw $ 100 on it an hour and a half later.