Earnings on contracts


Reaction score
  • all prices are in Ukrainian hryvnia.
  • all examples will be given with Ukrainian mail (mail can be from any country in the world, cash on delivery is everywhere)
  • everything highlighted in black is an explanation for you.

What do we do
We will conclude contracts on a daily basis (on cooperation, on obtaining a loan, on the supply of goods, on hiring, on the conclusion of a lease, etc.) at the moment, there are a lot of areas now where people conclude contracts with each other. This is at least serious and solid. (Don't be intimidated by what you have read, read on).

The essence of your work
I will describe the sequence, and below it will be described how you can fully automate all this and work only 30 minutes a day.

So, we give advertisements on the Internet on thematic sites, forums and message boards. Something like this:

“I am recruiting a team of people to work remotely at the computer. Training is free, no investments, payment of $ 50 daily. Working time is two hours a day. We conclude a contract and start working. "

“A person is required to work in the Call Center. Guys and girls, nice voice, age up to 30 years, no investment, daily payment of 300 UAH / day. Working hours from 10.00 - 14.00. We conclude a contract and start working "

“Site testers are required. It is your responsibility to look for errors on our new sites and check if all scripts are working correctly. Daily payment. If you find an error + 10% of the daily rate. There is a lot of work every day. Payment 200 UAH / day +%. We conclude a contract and start work. "

“We are looking for rewriters, copywriters. There is never enough work, write as many texts per day and you will earn. Subject "cooking, internet, games, travel". Payment 50 r. 1000 characters. Daily work. We conclude a contract. After the agreement, we can make payment in advance 5 days in advance. "

“I will issue a loan, without collateral, without guarantors - at 3%. Up to UAH 10,000 We conclude a contract. We issue the amount after the conclusion. "

“Microloan quickly! Up to UAH 2000 at 2%, no collateral, no guarantors, a certificate from the place of work is not needed. We issue the amount immediately after the conclusion of the contract. "

“For all shops and owners of online stores, as well as for all businessmen who trade on aukro.ua. We supply you with our products for sale. In stock (we write anything here). Free delivery all over Ukraine. Delivery time up to 3 days. We conclude a contract for the supply of goods and start working. "

This announcement can be for resort cities, when houses and cottages are rented in advance in order to celebrate holidays or just to have a good time. Since there is a lot of prepayment scams now, this message would be a good option.

"Rent a cottage (or apartment) for daily rent (we set a low price). Euro renovation, fireplace, home theater, separate bathroom, terrace, barbecue. We conclude a lease agreement - no prepayment!"

"We need employees to fill out the forum. One message is 1 ruble, payment immediately upon request, there are no minimum wages. No prepayment. The message must be at least 20 characters, as you write, we will pay as much. We conclude a contract and start work."

Or on the Internet we are looking for the Terms of Reference of any site, we go to any site for freelance, we are looking for performers like this

"It is required to develop a website, we work under a contract. Payment of 100% after the conclusion of the contract."

It is also possible and necessary to advertise not only on the Internet but also in various city newspapers.

These are just a few ads and they are all raw, although even they work 100%. You take them to improve them, make them more impressive and readable. We need any topic where you can conclude a contract. This gives both the customer and the contractor more serious confidence in each other.

After such announcements, hundreds of people will rush to your mail, with whom you alone cannot cope (but more on that later). Only on ad # 2, which is given above from the site work.ua, exactly 82 people wrote to me 6 hours after the posting of this vacancy.

Everyone who writes to us. You answer with a blank, it is different for each ad, I will give an example for ad # 2. To anyone interested who will write to you, you write the following:

"Good afternoon (Name). You left a request for work in the Call center. The contract and software have been formed for you, and is ready to be sent by Nova Poshta (Nova Poshta is a mail that is located in Ukraine).

Your responsibilities:
  • receive calls and inform people about our services and prices;
  • take orders;
  • submit a report at the end of the working day.
We will send you a brief with services and prices, you will familiarize yourself with it. Our employee will contact you and conduct training.

We inform you:
  • training is free;
  • no investment is required from you;
  • daily payment to your bank account;
  • for delivery by Nova Poshta, contract and software payment is made by the recipient. "
After this message, people say that: "I am ready. What are my next steps?" You answer him: "Send your data for sending by Nova Poshta".

And that's all. The person sends you his full name, phone number, city in which he lives and the number of the New Post office.

Advice! To make your work more convincing, present your site to users. An example with a form to fill out will be at the bottom. Users will go to your site and enter their data there, it will look more convincing. But you can easily do without a website. Also, for persuasiveness, when responding to a person in this message "Send your data for sending by New Mail", you can add the following phrase "when the contract is formed for you, you will receive an SMS notification." This is + 100% confidence in you.

To send a message, go to this website we go through registration and replenish our balance to send SMS messages to our victims. The registration and sending process is extremely simple, everyone can figure it out.

So after an hour or two, to all your people who have given consent, we send an SMS from this service with something like this "Good afternoon (name), your contract has been formed for you and will be sent (here we put the date of sending).

That's it, a person sees that an SMS is coming, a solid number, everything is serious. They are already in seventh heaven with happiness that they have found such a free job, with a good salary.

So, the person is sure that everything is serious, for the following reasons:
  • we conclude an agreement (he is certified by a lawyer after all, so a person will always believe him, he thinks that the main thing for him is to look through all the clauses of the agreement very carefully so that there is no catch on our part. But the agreement we will have will be absolutely normal without any claims);
  • site (trust to the site too, the main thing is not a catchy design, a beautiful form for sending data);
  • SMS notification of the formed contract (SMS comes from a validated number, a huge plus).
All three of these requirements can be omitted and there will still be a lot of people, but trust is never superfluous!

Move on. What is left for us to do? Download all contracts on the Internet, they are freely available, everything is free, download, print. If you have your own printer, then it's generally gorgeous. In the contract in the column "Customer" we enter the left full name. We put the contract into a file. We buy a regular CD and write there any free program taken from the Internet for the Call Center to work. If people follow other ads, you can write anything to them, for example:
  • if there is a lease agreement, we just throw pictures of an apartment or a cottage on the disk;
  • if there is an agreement on the issuance of a loan, we simply throw information on this loan, the monthly% of repayment and so on, in general, any nonsense.
And so on.

We buy an envelope for the disk and also put it in the file with the contract.

And now the simplest thing remains, go to the post office and send this agreement to a person, to his data. Delivery across Ukraine by Nova Poshta of such a contract costs 45 UAH. We send a person our contract by cash on delivery in the amount of UAH 100. This is not a lot and not a little. I strongly advise you not to bet if the amount is small, as in our case, a person who thinks that he is five minutes away from a cool job picks up our package with arms and legs. In our second letter, which we talked about above, we immediately push the person to pay for our parcel with this phrase

- "The recipient makes the payment for delivery by Nova Poshta, contract and software."

Therefore, the person is already aware of his payment and he is looking forward to quickly conclude an agreement and start working.

Later he will ask the following question: "What should I do with this agreement?" You answer him: "Fill out the contract and you will need to send it by the same New Mail to our lawyer for its conclusion. Payment is made by our lawyer, when you send it you do not pay anything."

There are such divorces when you send overlay any technique that is not immediately possible to check for performance, but it is broken, but in our case, the person gets exactly what he wanted. He takes the contract, runs home, fills it out and rejoices at his new job.

What happens? A person goes to the post office, picks up our contract and a disk, pays a small amount, which they say to him at the post office, and it turns out that a money in the amount of 55 UAH comes back to us by mail. We subtract the cost of the disk and the printing of sheets, the net profit is 48 UAH. from one person. But do not forget that we will have hundreds of them every day. Ten such people = 480 UAH. = $ 25

So. We got a profit, but people expect work from you. At this time we are starting to play for time, promise that our employee will contact them, ask "when will it be convenient to call you? What would our employee contact you", well, or in a couple of days write, apologize and say that at the moment there are problems with the contract , we'll get back to you this week. If it freezes beautifully, the person still believes and hopes in your work!

Everything. All the work is done and profit is with us. And now I'm telling you how to put this process on autopilot.

Autopilot. Working with daily payments automatically. What do we need to do?

You already know what we need to do, advertise, advertise and advertise. On the day of those who want to work with only one ad, you will have at least 70 people (depending on which site to advertise on), on smaller forums, on sites such as work.ua, jobs.ua, rabota.ua there will be a huge flow of customers. Each country has its own such sites. Get ready that you will have at least 200-300 people a day ready to work! You will not be able to cope with this, and if you can, then it is stupid to devote yourself to work all day.

What are we going to do

Here's what: we go to the forum.

The first thing we need is an assistant who will advertise and look for potential clients for you, yes, yes, he must register on different sites and give job advertisements, give him only one specific advertisement and let him compose it for himself, as it is convenient for him. It is also very good to have such a person, because he will make a website for himself with a form where people will enter their data, and he will transfer the data to you. Give a person no more than one ad and let him throw his ad wherever he wants, if he has more ads, there will be a blockage for him and less productivity.

It turns out that people turn to him, he leads them to his site, they leave their data. Then he writes them our second message with the following phrase "- the recipient pays for the delivery by Nova Poshta, contracts and software." Anyone who gives him consent, he transfers the data of these people to you. For him, this is a very simple job, where you just need to advertise, and they will exchange with a person just a couple of phrases, and for this he receives 10 UAH from you. It's very easy and simple. He looks for clients for you, brings them up to date, and when a person is impatient to work, he gives you his data to send your package of documents. Such a person will find you at least 100 people per day. That is, his earnings will be 1000 UAH, which is $ 40. You can pay him less, but you better do not skimp, he does the work for you and the more his salary, the more his motivation to work! That's it, the first stage is over.

The second thing we need, on the same carding forums, or somewhere else, is to find a drop that will send your packages of documents to the addresses that you will provide to him. From one shipment, he will also have 10 UAH. His job will consist in the fact that you initially drop the contracts to him. After that, write him the data of the person that the first drop provided. And also write next to which contract he needs to send and what should be on the disk. He will only need to enter the name of the victim in the contract, where there is a column "Contractor" and in the name "Customer" he enters any other name. He must also write files to a disk, buy an envelope for a disk, buy a file, print a contract and attach it to a file. Then he goes and mails the documents to our victim. That's all!

Payment for drops
You promise to pay the first drop the first one 3-4 days after he drops the first list of victims. I counted the days, that is, 3-4 because the parcel takes 3 days from one point in Ukraine to the most distant one. In other countries, you need to check this time.

With the second drop, you negotiate for payment in this way. He sends the goods to the victim, and when he receives money, he takes a part of the money for himself in the amount of 10 hryvnias. from one person. He sends the rest to you.

What do we get with this kind of work?

You have people who are looking for people for you and there are people who send goods by mail.

The first you wrote that the first payment will be in 3-4 days. That is, on the first day they send you a list of people who are ready to work. You send these people from the site sms, which was written above. And you transfer the data to be sent to the second drop. For example, it will be 50 people. On the second day, everything is the same, you are sent a new sheet with people who are waiting for an agreement, you send them an SMS and transfer the data to be sent to the second drop. The third day is the same, but the second drop will receive the first payment from those people to whom the documents were sent on the first day. He takes his share, sends part of the money to you, and you can tell him to send part of the money to the first drop. You just give an invoice where to send it, and it conducts all payments. Moreover, it will be convenient to send to any payment systems,

It turns out that on the third day the first drop is paid for the first day, on the fourth day he is paid for the second day, on the fifth day he is paid for the third day, and so on. You have already started the conveyor with daily pay.

You only need to send every day all SMS from the site about the formation of the contract, and transfer all the data to send the contract to the second drop. And that's all. You can even devote SMS informing to one of these drops, so that you practically do nothing at all. Your costs per day for sending SMS and transferring data to the drop are a maximum of 30 minutes per day.

And now the calculation of the profit
Let's say you have 10 drops who post ads, each drop finds you at least 20 people per day, and this figure is very funny, but let it be 20. Ten drops = 200 people. Net profit from two hundred people = UAH 9600. Now we subtract from this amount the salary of the first and second drops 9600 - 2000-2000 = 5600. That is, your net profit per day was 5600 UAH. or $ 215. Your net profit per day is $ 215.

Let me remind you that per day I will look for drops for you a lot more people and you may have more and more drops of these!

And also, in order to increase profits and volumes of work, you can work in different countries, for this you just need 1 drop, which lives in this country. Which will mail the contract to people. And the rest of the drops that will be looking for the people themselves can be from anywhere.

An example site (site is a drop, and full of grammatical errors), but you get the point.

Examples of contracts