Earnings on communication in telegrams


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Many people without experience write to me and ask about the easiest scheme to implement, on which they can make money almost instantly.
Therefore, I want to share a way to make money on Telegram, which is suitable for those who do not yet have experience in making money on schemes. But I also do not call to work on it.

You will need:
1. ANDROID based phone / emulator .
2. Custom telegram client called - PLUS MESSENGER, which is in the Play Market (not advertising).
3. @newfileconverterbot (not ads)
4. A minimum of social engineering.

What is the essence of PLUS MESSENGER, you ask. This app allows you to send other people's video / audio messages on your behalf. You dare, right?
The person to whom I told about this scheme for testing was looking for the adult segment in the anonymous telegram chat and in regular dating chats.
I went into the chat, threw a video message of the girl, where she winks, and then a ton of jerkers knock on drugs in order to try to get to know you. Conducted conversations, pretended that the "uncle" was very important to me, I like that kind of tinsel. You know, I think how to charm them.

Moving on to the circuit itself
Next, as you inspire confidence, so immediately come up with a story related to money. My man wrote that the Internet will soon end, or unlimited and the like. Usually they ask to show their tits, ass in return, you get the idea.
The bot, which I indicated above, will help us with this. It converts any video to Video message. Turn on your imagination and it will not be difficult for you to find material for all this.
I know, perhaps for someone it may seem like a button accordion, but still I decided to share the method. Earnings depend only on you.
Well, if this method is not enough for you, wait until evening. Our Committee has already bought out the fucking scheme that will be poured into you. Before communication)