During the year, Sberbank identified more than 11.5 thousand fraudulent resources disguised as the bank's brand


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During the year, Sberbank identified more than 11.5 thousand fraudulent resources disguised as the bank's brand. 79 fake mobile apps were also detected, of which 17 were registered this year. This was reported to CNews by representatives of Sberbank.

Phishing sites and fake apps are usually used by hackers to collect data about people and then steal money, as well as to infect devices with viruses in order to hack accounts, blackmail and other purposes.

Scammers distribute links to fake resources through spam mailings, instant messengers, and fake apps through app stores.

Stanislav Kuznetsov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Sberbank: "During the year, Sberbank identified 11.6 thousand phishing sites using the bank's brand, including 4.5 thousand this year. In addition, during the year, Sberbank found 79 mobile applications that mimic belonging to the bank, of which 17 are in the current year."

One of the channels for receiving information is the "Report a fraudster" service in the SberBank Online mobile app. With it, any client can contribute to the fight against intruders and share information about a malicious resource, fraudulent phone or bank card with the bank. After detecting such sites, Sberbank initiates blocking them.

We recommend installing apps only through Sberbank's official channels. You can download the latest Android app on the bank's website, and install the iOS app at the bank's offices.


Since the beginning of the year, Sber has blocked 100 thousand fraudulent cards. Information about the bank cards of droppers — people who cash out stolen money through ATMs — is received by Sberbank through information exchange channels with other organizations, as well as from customers. Data from customers comes mainly through the "Report a fraudster" service in the SberBank Online app, as well as through the bank's website and support service.

All information is checked, and if it is confirmed to be up-to-date, transfers to the bank card are blocked. Thus, since the beginning of the year, the bank has received information about about 100 thousand fraudulent cards through various sources, and last year — about 320 thousand dropper cards.

Stanislav Kuznetsov, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of Sberbank, said: "Identifying and blocking droppers' cards is an effective way to combat fraudsters. But this is not enough. The share of Sberbank cards currently used in the shadow sector for money withdrawal does not exceed 10%. One and a half to two years ago, it exceeded 50-60%. It is not profitable to use Sberbank cards, so droppers "flow" to other banks. Conclusion — only the efforts of Sberbank will not solve this problem. A systematic approach on the part of all financial institutions and interested agencies is important here. Starting in July, banks will be required by law to block electronic means of payment for drops and suspend suspicious transactions for two days. We consider this an important step — this measure will significantly complicate the illegal activity of drops. We also consider it necessary to introduce criminal liability for dropping."