Drop and drop service as an integral part of carding


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Who are the drop service (Dropovods)?
Drops service (Drovopod, Drop conductors, Drop farming, Drop drivers) are called dummies who perform intermediate operations in the interests of third parties, such as receiving goods, parcels, bank transfers, and the like. Any scheme assumes that a drop is a link that receives and sends something. Drops, in turn, are subdivided into adjustable and non-adjustable.

Drop service are the people who handle, manage, and "lead" the drops. Drops, in turn, are a dummy in various kinds of fraudulent schemes, an intermediate link in a carding job.

Drop drivers are responsible to some extent for the success of the operation (for example, withdrawing money, get stuff), they insure drops in case of unforeseen circumstances.

Drops service is the process of recruiting and using "dummy" people for your every need. In the world of carding, many believe that drop farming, if done professionally, is a rather difficult undertaking and many are right! Providing drops to a wide range of people is a direct road to ripper, if a person or a group of people is not mentally and physically ready for this (lack of money, time, desire, brains; stupid parents who make you go to bed at 9 pm and take away the wires from the computer, if you got a deuce at school). That is why - among the drop organizers, the largest percentage of them threw, and more often than not, the reason is not in the self-interest of the drop provider, but in his physical inability to provide the service that was agreed upon. A lot of "pleasant" surprises can await newcomers here. When the drop guide builds the chain along which the goods (money) will go, he very often forgets that people are the links in his chain. Ordinary people with their own stupidity, ambition, laziness, self-interest, curiosity and the dropper sincerely believes that everything will go exactly as he wants and plans. Unfortunately, in any profession related to working with people, if something can go wrong, it will go wrong! It is worth considering as many factors as possible and analyzing the situation at each stage of work.

A drop is a controlled person who, on his own behalf, performs certain actions in the interests of a third party, or persons. These "third parties" are called drop conductors. A typical drop guide will be a person who receives credit money under an agreement that was issued for a drop.

This is a fraudulent scheme as a result of which they find "drops" - people performing some intermediate actions, for example, using money from stolen bank cards, they buy goods and transfer them to "drop service" or buyers service ("skup service"), thus taking the entire blow (if detected by the police) upon themselves.

Drop and drop farming as an integral part of carding.

1. First of all, it is worth starting with a psychological portrait of a future drop in order to assess his reliability and diligence, thereby minimizing the chances of a scam from the side thereof; for example, the best drops are female retirees. Unfortunately, these are quite rare on the Internet, so finding such drops in the usual ways is rather difficult.

2. Needless to say, it is better to find out as much personal information as possible about the drop: passport scan, phone number - at least.

3. Knowledge of the language of the country of the drop is obligatory.

4. It is worth communicating with the drop more often and keeping in touch, and not from package to package. If you pay attention to people, they have the illusion of their own importance. awareness that they are useful to someone. This greatly increases motivation beyond your promised reward, whatever that may be.

5. Drop should be instructed in some detail what and when to do it, excluding their own initiative, because people, unfortunately, do not pretend to think ideally, and can put their own shit on you. ". for the same reason, it is worth describing in detail the terms of transactions with colleagues in order to eliminate misunderstandings that may result in claims in the future.

Much depends on the drop, but no less depends on yourself. providing services to outsiders is a big responsibility (at least for me), so:

6. Plan your own time as efficiently as possible. communication with drops, communication with clients, own trips to the mail, personal meetings with drops, personal life - everything should be planned rationally. People don't like to wait, especially people to whom you have obligations.

7. Have at least an amount equal to the cost of several packs (bays) to compensate for the damage to the staffer (filler) in the event of a drop. Some drop conductors do not compensate for the kicks, this is stipulated in their terms, but this is nonsense. they have no future.

8. Turn on your thinking: for drop farming there is an almost unplowed field for activity: job sites, social networks, forums, a smart legend - the key to success and reliability.

9. Do not throw your colleagues. It's simple. I am not commenting on this statement.

10. Breeding drops is a dead thing. The people are much more prodigy, distrustful and learned by life than the bourgeoisie, so the percentage of drop drops will be much higher, no matter what clever legend you come up with. Drop drops lead to drop line losses. Loss of a drop conductor strikes sorrow, sorrow leads to hatred, hatred to the dark side leads (RIPPERS never sleep). The future of Russian drop organizers is only fixed drops.

11. Providing drops for stuff in your country is a pretty safe business (you shouldn't take this as a call to action). As regards efficiency, read paragraph 10. Practice shows that numerous threats and demands to return money or stuff coming from shops are a completely logical desire of shops to somehow compensate for the damage from fraud. Shops have no real leverage on you. Quite often, shops send these threats in a letter to the drop's address. It is worth preparing a drop for this, and logging the receipt of such letters by them, and (or) looking for drops who do not know English (German, Portuguese, French.)

12. Attempts to get drops in another country without knowing their language is a complete failure.

13. The percentage of drops used for bays is much higher than drops for stuff. Everything is simple here: money is a much more liquid and attractive product for a drop than a package with junk.
Anonymous transfers to your country from UK/USA drops (mules).
I would like to describe the methods of almost completely anonymous reception of stuff from drops (drops in their own country). These methods are simple, do not require unnecessary gestures or costs.

This may seem too paranoid to some. Someone will say that this is superfluous and in general you can sizzle directly at yourself. But perhaps these methods will be useful to someone.

1. Train guides.
Probably the oldest way to send parcels apart from mail, but, as it turned out, not everyone knows about it.

It's simple - the drop brings the train conductor a package / bag / sack / folder / envelope and says in which city they will be approached to pick it up. Naturally, no documents are required from the recipient, only a code word will be needed: "I am John, there a package was handed over for me from ***" Thus, the staff perfectly walks across the borders of the CIS. If the goods are sent to you often, then you may well get to know the conductors who will fulfill more scrupulous requests or may simply drop the price due to the frequency of sending. For example, with an already proven conductor through the same Russian-Ukrainian border, sums of up to 15k bucks were sent several times without any problems.

Cost: check with the conductors. Sending 2 laptops from central Ukraine to Moscow cost less than 20 bucks.

2. Drivers of regular buses and minibuses.
Almost the same as the first method with conductors. Only now the drop goes to the station and asks for a favor from the bus driver.
It is better to use guides for long distances, and buses - for close ones. And if the volumes of parcels are large (clothes for example), then it is better to go to the bus workers again.

I didn't send money across the border in this way, I can't say anything about it.

Cost: check with the drivers. Sending 2 small cardboard boxes about 200 km within the country cost 5-10 bucks.

A note on the first two points:
Sending transmissions through conductors and drivers is quite normal and they are used to it. So do not think that transport workers will be surprised when they hear such a request from you, for them this is an ordinary additional income.

3. Courier services.
Firms that carry goods on their gazelles and trucks within the country. But not all such companies are suitable - some of them require the presentation of a passport upon receipt, but the second part only needs the code that the sender receives. Naturally, we are interested in the second firms.

The drop goes to the office of the courier office, gives his parcel (find out in advance what is there with the packaging, they can rip off more money for repackaging), fills in the issued piece of paper, receives the parcel code and tells it to you. They deliver the goods pretty quickly, usually the next day everything is in place. You go to their office, say the code, sign and receive the package.

I will repeat once again: this is not the case in all services, some require documents.

Cost: at standard rates, delivery usually goes up to a certain distance (often 500 km), and above you need to pay an additional%.
Here are the prices of one of the offices (up to 500 km):
- every 1kg of weight 0.07 bucks
- every 15000 cc 0.15 bucks
If more than 50kg or the side of the parcel is more than 100cm then double payment
- a bag up to 10kg weight - 1.5 bucks
- bags over 10kg - 1.5 bucks + 0.07 bucks for each kg
So the prices, IMHO, are very affordable, even if you send clothes. A big plus of such offices is that there are no restrictions on the volume of any. They will even transport you a plane, the main thing is in disassembled form, so that the parts can fit into the truck.

But the drop can be in the same city in which you are. Then the first three methods are not suitable, but there are two more:

4. Taxi.
Taxi drivers do not care what to carry - even a box, even a person. If only not drugs and not a bomb. But here we need half-familiar taxi drivers and, preferably, private traders. The best option is when you went with a carrier a couple of times and he gave you his business card or mobile phone number.

If anything, a version of the legend - the receiver (that is, you) is at work and cannot leave for a long time, but here you need to urgently convey it.

Cost: the same as transporting the body by taxi.

5. Delivery services.
Firms that deliver all kinds of pizza, sushi, kebabs and diapers to your home. But not a delivery service of a separate institution, but a universal one that carries anything and anywhere.

They usually carry personal belongings without any problems. The legend can be used, as in the case of taxi drivers, but usually there were no questions.

Cost: about the same as a taxi.

Perhaps such precautions are superfluous, and on the other hand, they do not give 100% security. But nevertheless, you do not burn your name and documents in the mail, and there is no special fuss, such as, for example, with re-glue.

3. Your drop project in UK/USA

Hello everyone, in this article I want to describe the creation of my own drop project in Russia (although the scheme is suitable for the entire post-Soviet space).

1. Where are you,% USERNAME%, will you look for your potential drops?
My choice fell on the very same social network (yes, this is Facebook). This social network has a number of advantages for us:
1) A very large audience (poor students and others like them)
2) Good advertising platform (choice of country, city, age of those to whom the advertisement will be shown)
3) Not expensive advertising

2. Placement of advertisements.
We create an advertisement with the criteria we need of this kind: "A small income for students / schoolchild / etc.".

3. Recruiting drops.
When potential drops turn to you, try to mimic firms.
Say that you are a representative of LLC "Drop Project John Doe" and want to offer a job. You hang noodles on his ears, they say, Russian / Ukrainian / Belarusian customs do not allow more than a piece of bucks per person per month and you need people to receive and send parcels from abroad to your warehouses. You offer the n-th amount of banknotes for the n-th number of parcels. You can draw different documents for those who are especially interested. If the drop agrees, then we send him an electronic fake of the contract and tell him to print it, sign it, scan it and send it to you (we will mow it under a cool company).

In general, everything, here are some more tips:
- Don't pinch a lot on one drop.
- To transfer parcels, use the methods from the article above

4. How to get a real left passport

Why do we need a left passport? You can show your aunt at the post office and a student ID printed with the stamp program (another respect to the author), usually rolls. That was tip number 1.

We also need a left passport in order to open a bank account on it and pour the lavender lavender into it. Here, the left passport bought for 200 killed raccoons will do, which will look at another aunt and open an account for you (for those who are going to close the page: at the end of the article I will tell you where you can buy what). BUT! Any left-handed passport will not work. To begin with, you need to select a real person, punch through his passport data, and order a passport for his data. They can be taken, for example, from mobile databases that are sold everywhere (an extremely unreliable option) or spy somewhere. For example, in one state. structure, while they were looking for my case on my computer (my aunt was flipping through the database cells in front of my nose), I managed to completely remember the passport data of my namesake. In this way, we have in our hands a passport-clone of a real person. Now the bank will not raise a buch on the topic of the left passport, which is not in their database. Now he is in their database. Thus, you can even take out a loan for the left brow. The only passport control at the bank is the aunt who rewrites the passport. data. It is better, of course, to personally know your "double" (well, of course, it should not be a relative or a best friend). And if he works as some senior janitor of the third warehouse in some company, such as Microsoft, then even if the bank calls its HR department to find out if there is such John in their company, then 90 percent that he and does not know that he is going to take out a loan. Whoever went through this will understand. Well? I have already given three useful advice. Now the fourth, the most interesting one. How can we get a real passport with left data and our photo? For two weeks? For $ 2? Intrigued? See the continuation after the advertisement)

So. What do we do when we lose our passport? Right! We go / call the cop / passport. table and "zero" it. Now what? We pay the state. duty for the loss of a passport ($ 1, I think). Then we go take a photo for a new passport (another $ 2 - about - where is how). And now we are going to apply for a new passport. "What documents?" - you ask. "And the birth certificate" - the chubby aunt in the window will answer you. And what do we not have on the birth certificate? Right! Photos! Cut off? So any birth certificate can be passed off as yours. And your new passport will be with your photo and not your data.
IMPORTANT: only you must declare the loss of your passport not on your own behalf, of course, but on behalf of the holder's-birth-certificate. Now. Where can we get someone else's birth certificate? Option times. It can be snatched away from someone unnoticed at the time of presentation in the passport. table, and then also discreetly return. The owner of the document, clear pepper, should be about the same sex and age as you. Option two-s. The left birth certificate can be bought. Again, you need to drive in the data of a real person there. It costs about $ 30 in the completed version. Bare crust with a number - $ 15. If anyone has a calligraphic handwriting and a Stamp program (respect…) - you can save half. Option three (go my guesses). If the person who is going to the passport has neither a license, nor a foreign country, then you can try to say that he (that is, you and he is blah, started talking) lost both the passport and the certificate in the same purse, for example. I do not know what they will do in such cases, but there is essentially nothing to show. Maybe it will work like that.
In short, I gave the idea. Think for yourself. In any such case, you need to think a little yourself, otherwise you will be given a couple of years to think.

Where to buy what:
- birth certificate - through verified people
- passport - in the same place
work through a guarantor or through an eye-to-eye (personal meeting). Just be careful.

What can be done with a real left passport:
1. Make a trip. passport - go to the Canary Islands
2. Get a loan
3. To issue a car (it is dangerous, because if something happens, the traffic cops will find out that under such and such numbers is driving someone with someone else's passport)
4. Get / restore rights (it is also better not to ride with them, but you can try something on their bail (snowboard at the rental, for example)
5. Write to the real himself on behalf of himself a fake power of attorney for his car (Auto-hijackers!
6. Buy any tickets (train, plane, tram)
7. Eat in a restaurant and leave your passport as a deposit ("I'm driving for grandmas")
8. If the person has a credit card, and he won't use it in the near future, you can block it (“they stole it along with the contract, I don't remember any data”) and restore it with the same amount. It will not work in every bank, tk. some send them by mail to the real address of the holder.
9. Connect your left phone numbers. In fact, it is easier to connect the left number, but I will not tell about it, so as not to ruin someone else's business selling SIM cards.
10. Receive someone else's mail, money transfers, withdraw deposits, etc.
11. Anything at all!


1. With such manipulations, the real passport of the drop will become invalid (it will be marked as lost) and as soon as he wants to use it in some bank, for example, he will be taken by the ass, then it will be led to a misunderstanding (up to this point, a person can sit in the bullpen a couple of days, if he doesn't figure it out right away on the spot - other documents, there, witnesses ...), after which YOUR passport will become invalid and may be put on the wanted list and put on the Interpol stop list.
2. About the loan. Some banks take pictures of those who take loans from them (sometimes hidden). This is fraught. Firstly, if a person has already taken a loan at some point, then the pictures will not match. The security / credit committee will be very surprised.
3. Some of the organizations in which you will use your passport may send something by mail. Such moments should be avoided as the address in the passport is not yours.
4. In different cities and countries, things can be different. Check each step before doing anything.
5. Think well. No, NOT on the topic, whether you need it or not, I'm not your mother. Think carefully and check everything. Chat with people who can suggest something about the get / restore / registration system. Scrub the lines at the passport office, watch how the process goes. It would be just silly to sit down for a fake (I'm not sure if they are imprisoned for it or a fine is given) if you just wanted to eat at McDonald's on the security of a passport. If you snatch someone's birth certificate, God forbid you to flare up in front of his owner at least a gram. When the clone of the passport pops up, he will certainly remember you. Fortunately if he just kicks in the head. And if it knocks where you need it?
6. Wherever you leave your passport / driving license as a deposit, your photo will remain. First of all, they will go to the owner of the passport / license data, who (if you know each other) will tell you who owns the face in the photo.

Everything seems to be. In fact, everything I wrote here was just sucked out of my finger ten minutes ago and non this whole system does not work. It's just that my fingers itched on the keyboard to knock. If suddenly I guessed something, it’s probably just an accident. I have no idea about the work of our passport offices, banks and everything else that I wrote about in this article.

5. Moments at the customs
How it all began: after a hard night of work at 8 in the morning I finally lay down, at 14-15 a call from the FedEx service rings, a girl with a pleasant voice pushed Anastasia, calling me the name of a drop, asked if I was waiting for a parcel from France, I of course confirmed I'm waiting for her
Anastasia: Hello [drop], my name is Anastasia, FedEx company, are you waiting for a parcel from France?
Me: Hello, I'm waiting, but what about her?
Anastasia: Your parcel is at customs control at Domodedovo airport within 5 days, you will have to come to customs and take identity documents + proof of the cost of the parcel
Anastasia: The customs broker stopped your parcel. Have you transported food?
Me: Yes, I'll come, there was cheese from France
Anastasia: Tell me your email so that I can throw off the directions
Me: [here's my email] Thank you, something else?
Anastasia: No, it's all goodbye
Me: goodbye
(everything was something like this, maybe I was sleepy literally I can't write)
Rubbing my eyes, I immediately go to the email and see a letter from FedEx, open it it says from what time to what time the customs terminal and their office + map how to get there
I urgently call the drop, I say that I need to go to customs and pick up the parcel, agreed with him, in a couple of days we leave for Moscow, arrive at Domodedovo, go to the FedEx office, there are about 10 charming girls sitting there, explaining the whole situation to them, the girl takes a scan of the drop's passport + he signs a document that if he does not go through customs, he will have to return the documents to FedEx.
So we received the documents for customs clearance, we go to the customs, we go to window 19, wait for the queue (2 drops argued that 82 topics from Thailand were not for sale, but just a gift, then there was a man with a pile of papers and men who were processing the animal (by the way, the registration of animals outside queue)
after 3 hours our turn comes, the drop filled out the customs declaration, we submit it through the window, the woman checks it and says that it is not filled out correctly (there is no detailed description of the cheeses, the weight of each piece and the price) and in the description of the goods upon shipment it was written "SAMPLES OF CHEESE ", If SAMPLES, then it means for the company, and if for the company, then we need the documents of the company, then I enter into a discussion:
Me: how so? cheese for myself, I have a screenshot of a letter from a store with the names of cheeses and a total cost of 125 euros (otherwise after 1k already pay tax) + the drop has a passport that the package is his
customs: here it says SAMPLES, how do you prove that it is for yourself?
Me: how can I prove it?
Customs officer: how did you pay for the goods? by credit card? bring a screenshot from the store that you paid with a drop card
Me: Okay fuck with you, send her back

Total: Customs are harsh and merciless, after spending 3+ hours in the queue, we were simply lined up because of the words "CHEESE SAMPLES", it is better not to mess with her, but if you decide to save your pack, then you it is necessary:
Documents: the passport of the person to whom the pack was sent + he himself, the documents that FedEx will give you, proofs (printouts of payment, letters from the shop, what is the cost of the goods), if you send food, it is easier to score on the pack and after 5 days it will be sent back to the shop.

6. Article from the Internet
We all know the standard way of receiving stuff.

First of all, novices, I don’t know what can happen - they send the staff directly to themselves! (Directly to the apartment).
This is not correct, since it is inherently very dangerous Let me show you with an example:
1) You found a cardboard and hammered it into the holder's address, and wrote your own delivery address. (For example UK)
2) A track came to your e-mail, and you were terribly delighted, showing off to your friends about (for example, the new iPhone 12 pro)
3) You finally received the coveted product, and forgot about what could happen to you.

And then along the chain:

The cardholder calls the bank and is outraged - where did my money go? -> Then the bank is already ringing to the online store from where you ordered the goods.

This chain will try to take measures to combat carders (I do not exclude the moment that you can simply story).

Sooner or later, you will still be caught and taken action.

And of course, no one will bother because of some $ 5 keychain, because the funds to find you
will cost them much larger sums.

You can think of a drop to give through a chain of drops, this is also not only pale, but big and squirmed troubles, understandable only to you.
Remove the left huts, etc. - also expensive for a couple of parcels a week and not convenient.

Next, I will offer 2 ways to accept goods anonymously:

And so that we need

1. Passport.

Actually, I'll tell you about the passport right away.
Naturally, we do not need our own passport. and the passport is left for you, not necessarily bought for expensive and with plywood.
In fact, it doesn't matter if it was stolen, found or taken somewhere else. The main thing is that the person would be at least a bit like you.
Well, in fact, if you look at everyone in the passport, then the photo that you have in your passport is almost not does not look like the owner of the passport, I think you got the essence)
And a bunch of excuses if they get to the bottom, grew, changed, went to the army.
You can find a passport with special diligence for 500 rubles) well, even if you buy it for $ 100, it will not be as expensive as renting an apartment.

2) Left flat.

You can find an apartment where no one lives. you can find an apartment with homeless people who do not have a passport, and even if they do, I think friends do not work at the post office, who can give the parcel just like that, like the parcel came to my address. truncated the essence? maybe there are more ideas on what strata of society you can throw off the stuff.
It is advisable to look for such apartments not around your own post office, but near houses that belong to another post office. You just never know you are remembered by all sorts of old ladies who there bitches slow down constantly, and jab you at least with their appearance and their correctness.

In general, as the track is tracked in your country, in your city you can safely go to the post office and pick up your staff. The post offices seem to have not accepted anyone yet, but there is always a chance to become the first.

7. Article from the personal experience of the user from all the articles I re-read, I decided to write my own view on all this from personal experience.

1. What to do if there is no left passport, and there is no money for a drop, or how to take the staff yourself
2. Courier delivery
3. Post delivery

1. how to do without a left passport, and not spend money on a drop.

I personally did this until I called myself with the left. not a lot of crypt surname for example if you have a surname Vasiliev write Vasilis something like this and hissed on a box in the entrance which is open and never checked IMHO people live with me alcoholics and know that they have nothing when when they come they do not check the mailer once a month they take the receipt for payment.

you also need to buy a left SIM card and set call forwarding to your number do not forget to disable all paid services there. Well, what would the subscriber pay not call forwarding will not work if there is not enough balance for a minute to call you.

2. Express Delivery

You need to look through what the staff delivers to you if courier delivery (EMS, DHL, FedEx, and others) and depending on where you live, for example, in UK they deliver me to my left hut they don't even ring and there is nothing just a call at the door delivery take it well, it’s dangerous well, if your parcel is up to $ 200, then there is nothing to piss 5% that there is department K pinned who will strain the people from the USA because of $ 200 there the bank will close their eyes and their reputation is more important to them and will return the money to them and will score and the shop personally max can send you a letter asking you to pay like why withdrew payment.

Also can call before delivery they say delivery yes I will come back say I'm not there type. at work let's go there in about 30 minutes everything meet put a squiggle on the letterhead and take the staff give a little tea and leave he is joyful and you are joyful.

Personally being in another city here it is easier then the courier drives up to the entrance on a working day and calls type go down for the parcel if no one picks up the phone will stick a label on the door of the entrance that the courier came. delivery to the last name well, we have a left SIM card call us and go down for the parcel give $ 2 for tea and he happy forgets you also tracking the track in the status sent for delivery call this delivery service, and type you can check the parcel call the parcel number they say yes. they will deliver the type today say I'm not at home right now you can call the courier's phone number call the courier and discuss where to pick up the parcel.

3. Mail delivery.

Do the actions from the first point and then the day has come where you found a receipt in the mailbox of neighbors that you received a parcel in the post office fill out the receipt at home we write what we want the address is nearby well, where did it come like a passport. if you don’t have a left passport we write the number wrong in numbers a cryptic surname and first name what thread in a crooked handwriting (you can ask the hospital to fill in =) Well, it's so by the way IMHO they have a dick there you will understand what is written) and that's it come to the post office say you can pick up your last name and a receipt may ask the last name with errors. I personally I say the cameras are stupid they wrote their surname on the site and they wrote it themselves =) your passport number and others are not checked when no one will be they have their own affairs in bulk given receipt they took the parcel =) well, that's all =)