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Drive Crypt Plus Pack - Full Disk Encryption


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Hello and welcome my fellow citizens! Allow me to introduce you the ultimate tutorial for unprecedented hard-drive security. DCPP proved to be one of the most reliable and secure programs ever used to by our society. Using current installation tutorial will guide you through basics that will lead to more advanced options in the future, such as hiding operating system in another operating system.

DriveCrypt Plus Pack provides true real-time "on the fly" 256-bit disk encryption. Providing advanced FDE (Full disk encryption) as opposed to VDE (Virtual disk encryption) or "container" encryption, DCPP is an important evolutionary step in the field of transparent data protection.

DCPP allows you to secure your disk(s) (including removable media) with a powerful and proven encryption algorithm (AES-256) at the sector level, ensuring that only authorized users may access it. The encryption algorithm used by DCPP is a trusted, validated algorithm chosen by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and stated to be the cryptographic standard for years to come. AES-256 is a FIPS-approved symmetric encryption algorithm that may be used by U.S. Government organizations (and others) to protect sensitive information.

  • Full Disk Encryption (Encrypts parts or 100% of your HardDisk including the operating System)
  • Pre-Boot authentication (BEFORE the machines boots, a password is requested to decrypt the disk and start your machine)
  • Allows secure hiding of an entire operating system inside the free space of another operating system.
  • Strong 256bit AES encryption

DCPP file encryption software is automatic and completely transparent to the user. Not only does this decrease user involvement and training requirements, but also it creates the foundation for enforceable security. The careful integration of boot protection and automatic encryption provides a high degree of security with minimal impact on users. Boot protection prevents subversion of the operating system (via floppy boot-up, for example) or the introduction of rogue programs while sector by sector encryption makes it impossible to copy individual files for brute force attacks. DCPP Windows encryption safeguards the operating system and the important system files (which often contain clues to passwords for Windows).

DCPP is the fastest and most feature-rich real-time full disk encryption system available.

Installation guide
  1. First things first - install the program anywhere you want to. It's wise not to call the folder DriveCrypt, try using Microsoft native names to hide it's location (although It will be still visible in Control Panel). Once you've installed and registered the program you'll hit the following window.


    You'll need to create a secure key store. Click the "Create" button highlighted in green.

  2. In the following window you need to select where you want the keystore to be created (i.e. Normal file, BMP or WAV file, USB-Token). Using an existing BMP or WAV file will reliably hide your keystore. If you are not sure, just leave the default selection (Key Store in normal file, native to DCPP) and press "Next" to continue.

  3. On the resulting screen, you need to select the name and path for your Key Store (e.g. "c:\solitare.dks", in this case) or Click "Browse ..." to specify an appropriate path. Do not use removable media to store that file. Click "Next "to continue

  4. In the final Wizard window you need to enter the password you would like to use to access your disks. You can enter up to two passwords.
    Note that the passwords are cAsE sEnsiTIvE and you need to enter them in the same order you would like to use them later on. Remember to hit Tab to jump from one line to another when entering password at Boot Authorization.


    Confirm the entered passwords to be sure that you entered them correctly. If the passwords entered in the verification line match with the ones you first entered, the Finish button will become visible. Press on "Finish " to terminate the keystore creation procedure and get the keystore created.

  5. After the first login into the keystore, you must create a new key. Please select the Keys Button, and you will see the following screen:


    Keys are used for Encrypting and Decrypting one or more of your Disks. Keys are collectively put into your Key Store. Each key is randomly generated by DCPP itself, the only information that you are required to supply DCPP is a key description. A key description can be any string of text that you wish to describe your key with, (e.g. "Rescator", "Tiberiy", etc :) without the quotation marks).

    Keys are always in one of two states, either they are enabled or disabled. Only a key in the enabled state may be used for Encrypting or Decrypting a disk. Keys may also be Imported, Exported & Deleted. Press the "New Key" button to bring the next dialog up.

  6. Key creation is very simple, DCPP requires only one piece of information from you, a key description (see below).


    To create your key follow these steps:

    • Type a description for your key in the "Description" field.
    • Click "Generate" or press enter.

    This will create a new key in the current Key Store, which you will subsequently be able to use, when encrypting or decrypting Disks.

  7. Now the most important part. Installing the Boothauth in MBR of your hard-drive. Bootauth is the system that provides Pre-Boot authentication. It executes code before the operating system is started up. It is necessary to have this component installed if you wish to encrypt your system boot drive/windows drive as it also provides initial "on the fly" decryption of files essential to load Windows. Bootauth is installed onto your default system boot disk (C: in most cases) and provides you with a fully graphical login mechanism; this allows you to authenticate yourself before windows boots and provides an extra layer of security for your computer.


    To install Bootauth, press the "Bootauth" button as shown in the above picture.

  8. You will be presented with the following window:


    Now, let's talk a little about a situation when something went wrong and you're pushed by "someone" to enter the passwords. For cases like that, you've got an option to delete all the information there is on your hard-drive by entering the "Destruction Passwords". Entering these passwords will eliminate your partition and you'll lose all the information on the hard drive. This is NOT your boot up passwords!!! These will remove all data off your hard-drive!!!

    If you're unsure, or don't want to enter Destruction Passwords simply press Next to continue.

  9. Now you've got an option to use the passwords for Boot Authorization that you used when creating a keystore (Step 4). Or you can choose to use passwords + USB Token (If you got one). If you are using an external USB Token, here you can select how you want to boot your system in the future (only password, only token, combination of token and password). If you are not using any external USB-Token, just press on Next to reach the following screen.

  10. This screen shows the default path to the Bootauth program to be installed. You may fill in this field manually or click "Browse..." to select the Bootauth program. It is however recommended that you leave this field as-is. Also on the above screen you can choose the graphical mode for the Bootauth program:


    • Vesa Fancy will present you with a graphical pre-boot screen each time you start the computer.
    • Dos Simple will provide you with a DOS stile pre-boot screen (use this option if your graphic card is not VESA compatible).
    • Black HDD Fail is used if you don't want anyone to know you are encrypting your computer with DCPP. On the pre-boot level you will be presented with a DISK failure message, however if you enter the right password, your system will boot.

    Important: Note that Black HDD Fail is not supported on UEFI based operating system installations !!!


  11. Congratulations. You've installed Bootauth on your computer and you're Master Boot Record will be replaced at next boot up. To confirm that Bootauth works the way It's design - Reboot your computer and enter the passwords created in Step 4.

  12. Now that you're sure of Bootauth working properly we need to fully encrypt hard-drive or partition where operating system is installed. To encrypt a disk, you need first to login to your desired key store file. In order to do that, Browse for your keystore, type in passwords and hit Login.

  13. From the "Drives" section, choose a drive that you want to encrypt. First locate the drive or partition where you've got an operating system installed, highlight the drive and press Encrypt as shown below:

  14. Here you should select the key you want to use, to encrypt the disk. Adding or Removing generated keys discussed in Step 6.

  15. Once you have clicked the "Encrypt" button you will be see a window much like this. Sit tight as this process can take up to 24 hours depending on your hard-drive speed/rounds per minute. Fast hard drives encrypting the data faster.

  16. After the encryption process is complete you will see another window that will inform you whether the encryption process was successful or not much like this:


    Note: In case of unexpected power loss or anything that might interrupt the encryption process, please try resuming the encryption process. DO NOT leave the drive only partially encrypted.

    After Clicking "Ok" you will be returned to the Disks Screen, click "Refresh" and the Disk's entry will be accompanied by a small green tick to indicate that it is encrypted.

You may choose to encrypt any other drives or partition you may have. The most important and crucial part of security is to encrypt the operating system, as It contains most of the evidence that you may even not know of. DriveCrypt Plus Pack contains many other advanced-user options that you might be interested in.

Download Information: After several complaints on the archive I suggest you purchase Drive Crypt Plus Pack v. 3.97 or look It up in Torrents etc.


Reaction score
purchasing/carding/downloading cracked versions from torrents - I dont like it

Rescator gets +1 from me, but I will PayPal to truecrypt


Reaction score
purchasing/carding/downloading cracked versions from torrents - I dont like it

Rescator gets +1 from me, but I will PayPal to truecrypt
No offense, just curious. Why not spend a few bucks on a decent software If there's no luck with carding It?

PayPaling to TrueCrypt will make you cry one day http://www.elcomsoft.com/efdd.html

Think about it. Best of luck!


Reaction score
truecrypt down !!!!!!

No offense, just curious. Why not spend a few bucks on a decent software If there's no luck with carding It?

PayPaling to TrueCrypt will make you cry one day http://www.elcomsoft.com/efdd.html

Think about it. Best of luck!

Hi bro,

i really surprised by this soft caus ei really thought that truecrypt was invicible and the best and more encryption tools.....so any recomendation now about good soft wich can bypass this kind of forensic soft????
Thanks you in advance for your answer...Regards


Reaction score
No offense, just curious. Why not spend a few bucks on a decent software If there's no luck with carding It?

PayPaling to TrueCrypt will make you cry one day http://www.elcomsoft.com/efdd.html

Think about it. Best of luck!

Do you have any sensible proof and you really understand this or its just your thought?about that decrypt software,EVERY CRYPT can be decrypted i think,to mount a crypt i dont see anything so special,but do you think someone will bother decrypting if it will take 10 years to do it? :) i dont think so even if you steal 10million dollars and there is probability hard will be empty,no court will say,take it to nasa and ask someone to work with harddisk for 10 years.:idea


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There are three ways available to acquire the original encryption keys:

By analyzing the hibernation file (if the PC being analyzed is turned off);
By analyzing a memory dump file *
By performing a FireWire attack ** (PC being analyzed must be running with encrypted volumes mounted).

* A memory dump of a running PC can be acquired with one of the readily available forensic tools such as MoonSols Windows Memory Toolkit
** A free tool launched on investigator’s PC is required to perform the FireWire attack (e.g. Inception)

Good luck with Elcomsoft Forensic Disk Decryptor :)
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It is no secret that that physical access to a running PC makes it vulnerable. Turn your PC off when you are finished working.
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Carding 4 Carders

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Creating an encrypted disk with a "double" bottom using Veracrypt​

VeraCrypt is a free fork of TrueCrypt used for end-to-end encryption on Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux, and allows you to encrypt a system disk, separate internal or external disk, or create virtual disks using container files.

In this article, we will look at the interesting ability of VeraCrypt to create an encrypted disk with a hidden partition. this method, also called the "ambiguous encryption" method, provides a plausible denial of the presence of a second volume, because without the necessary password, it is not possible to prove the existence of a hidden volume.

Creating a key file
To work with an encrypted partition, the presence of a key file is not mandatory, but if you protect the data to the maximum, it will not be superfluous, for example, as another factor for ensuring a sufficiently high resistance to coercive attacks, also known as the "thermorectal cryptanalysis method".


In this case, it is assumed that there are two key files on external media, one of which will be stored in a fairly secure place, for example, in a secure Bank cell.

The second copy is destroyed when a threat occurs. Thus, even if the presence of a hidden partition became known, and the password from it was extracted by force, you will not be able to access the encrypted information without the key file.

VeraCrypt has a key file generation tool that allows you to create a file with random data of a given size. To do this, run tools - key file Generator from the Menu, set the required number of key files and their size, and generate entropy by making random mouse movements. After that, save the key file (in our case, also making a copy of it).

Creating a secure partition
To create a hidden encrypted partition, you must first prepare a regular (external) encrypted volume. To create it, launch the volume creation Wizard from the Tools menu.

Select "Encrypt non-system partition / disk" to create an encrypted disk (in my case, this is a small SSD disk). If there is no separate disk, you can use "Create encrypted file container", because it will be mounted as a virtual disk in the future, and all subsequent instructions apply to it.

Setting the volume type "Hidden Veracrypt volume", volume mode "Normal" (because we are creating a new volume). In the volume placement, you need to select the disk on which the encrypted volume will be created. if you create a file container, you will need to specify the location where to create this file.

Volume creation mode "Create and format"if the disk is empty, or "Encrypt in place" if the disk already has data that needs to be encrypted.

We leave the encryption algorithm to AES, because despite the possibility to choose one of the five encryption algorithms, AES is quite reliable and fast (in VeraCrypt, hardware acceleration of this algorithm is supported and enabled by default, when using processors with the AES-NI instruction set).
Average encryption/decryption speed in memory (12 threads, App. AES acceleration enabled, MB / s, more-better):


Let's set a strong password (we discussed how to choose a strong password in this article).

Fun fact: the password of the” most wanted hacker "who used full disk encryption, Jeremy Hammond, was the name of his cat:" Chewy 123”;
Before formatting the volume, you will need to make several random mouse movements to create the necessary level of entropy for encryption. The "quick format" option should not be used, as it is supposed to create a hidden section. If you do not intend to store large files (>4 GB), we recommend that you leave the file system type as FAT.

Creating a hidden volume
In the volume wizard, select "Encrypt non-system partition / disk". Volume mode "Hidden VeraCrypt volume". The creation mode is "Direct mode". Select the device or container that was encrypted in the previous step. Enter the previously created password and click "Next".

Specify the encryption type for the hidden volume. As above, I recommend leaving the default settings. At this stage, we can add the use of a key file as an additional security measure.

In the next step, we will determine how much space to "take" from the main volume to create a hidden volume. The following volume configuration process is similar to configuring an external volume.

Connecting an external volume
Mounting a volume can take some time. this is due to a large number of iterations during key generation, which increases the resistance to head-on attacks by dozens of times.

To connect an external volume, click "Mount", open "Options" and set the option "Protect hidden volume from write damage" and specify the password and key file from the hidden volume.

You must enable the protection option when mounting an external volume, because the hidden volume is part of an external volume, and writing to an external volume without protection can damage the hidden volume. In the event that you are forced to mount an external volume by force (against which this mechanism was created), then, of course, you mount it as a regular volume, and VeraCrypt will not show that it is an external volume, it will look like a regular one.

An external volume can contain information that will look or be somewhat sensitive, while all the most valuable information will be stored on a hidden volume.

Connecting a hidden volume
To connect a hidden volume, click "Mount", specify the password and key file from the hidden volume. When a hidden volume is mounted, VeraCrypt adds the note "Hidden".

Attack vectors

Head-on attack:

Brute-force attacks are ineffective in the presence of a strong password - this is the scenario that VeraCrypt developers were preparing for, and in the presence of a key file, they are absolutely ineffective.

Extracting encryption keys:
Theoretically, once you gain access to a computer that is turned off, there is some chance to extract encryption keys from memory or the hibernation file and the paging file. To counteract such attacks, it is recommended to enable the option to encrypt keys and passwords in RAM in the settings -performance menu and disable the paging file and sleep mode.

Hidden control:
Storing data in encrypted form will save them in case of loss, confiscation or theft of the device, but if attackers have gained hidden control over the computer over the network, for example, using malware with remote control capabilities, it will not be difficult for them to get the key file and password at the time of use. Options for countering these types of attacks will not be considered, since the topic of network security is quite extensive, and is beyond the scope of this article.