Does Adobe spy on users? SDBN accuses company of collecting personal data of millions of Dutch people.


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Whether the charges are justified and what the media giant will do to avoid an international scandal.

The Dutch data protection organization Stichting Data Bescherming Nederland (SDBN) accuses the American company Adobe of illegally collecting and distributing personal data of millions of Dutch residents. SDBN, a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting user privacy, has already been featured in the infofield more than once, as it is simultaneously pursuing legal cases against Amazon and X.

Adobe, known for its creative and multimedia software products, is accused of secretly collecting data from visitors to popular websites and applications in the Netherlands, including telecommunications company KPN, the local pension fund and the tax service. According to SDBN, data is transferred to third parties without users consent, using hidden trackers and SDKs in applications.

SDBN claims that this practice violates the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (GDPR), exposing users to the risk of data leaks, fraud and other privacy issues. It is claimed that Adobe collects data from virtually all Dutch citizens, including those who have never used Adobe products.

SDBN demands to stop hidden tracking and compensate millions of affected citizens. The company filed a class-action lawsuit, demanding that Adobe stop illegal data collection, destroy the data already collected, and disclose all parties to whom this data was disclosed. The lawsuit is aimed at stopping the use of trackers on popular sites and hidden code in applications such as the Marktplaats marketplace and the Buienradar weather service.

Dutch Internet users can join the lawsuit by registering on the SDBN website. Anouk Ruhaak, Chairman of SDBN, expressed her sincere surprise at Adobe's involvement in the collection and trading of personal data.

If the accusations against Adobe are justified, it is unlikely that hidden data collection is limited to the Netherlands alone, which may well cause a global scandal.

Companies should respect people's right to privacy and adhere to the most transparent policies regarding the collection and use of their personal information. This is the only way to gain and maintain the trust of customers in the long run.