DNS over HTTPS Firefox


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DNS over HTTPS is a relatively new technology that is designed to improve the privacy, security, and reliability of DNS connections.

Domain name systems (DNS) play a very important role - they allow you to match addresses entered in the address bar with corresponding IP addresses. DNS lookups are usually done automatically and usually without any encryption or protection from prying eyes.

Internet users have always had alternatives - connecting to a VPN service that uses a DNS provider that provides improved data protection, or using DNSCrypt for increased security and privacy.

DNS over HTTPS is another option that has appeared relatively recently. Mozilla has added the core functionality of this technology to Firefox 60+.

How to set up "DNS over HTTPS" in Firefox
Firefox Browser users can configure their browser to use DNS over HTTPS now. If you are using at least 62.x, then you should be able to customize the feature. Please note that using DNS over HTTPS can lead to connection problems, but all changes are reversible.

How to configure DNS over HTTPS in Firefox via browser options
  • Go to Settings> General> Network Settings and click the Configure button.
  • In the window that opens, enable the Enable DNS over HTTPS option, in the Provider used drop-down menu, select the default Cloudflare DNS or NextDNS, or specify another provider with DNS-over-HTTPS support by selecting Other URL .
  • For example, to encrypt DNS requests using openDNS, enter the following value in the Other URL field:
  • Click OK and your DNS requests will be encrypted.

How to configure DNS over HTTPS in Firefox via about: config
Note: This setting is recommended for advanced users.

To configure DNS over HTTPS, you need to change three parameters of the new TRR (Trusted Recursive Resolver) in the browser:
  • Enter about: config in the Firefox address bar.
  • Please confirm that you accept all risk if the warning page opens.
  • Search for the network.trr.mode parameter and double-click it. Set the value to 2 so that DNS over HTTPS is the default and your standard DNS server is used as a backup. This is the best option in terms of compatibility.
  • You can set the value to 1 for Firefox to choose the fastest option; 3 - to use only TRR; 4 - shadow mode: runs TRR in parallel with standard DNS for synchronization and measurements, but uses only the results of the standard resolver; 0 - to disable TRR by default, 5 - to disable TRR by choice.
  • Search for the network.trr.uri parameter using the search bar. In Firefox, you will need to enter the DNS over HTTPS server address. Double click on the parameter name. At the moment, there are many public servers available, among which are Cloudflare DNS , Google Public DNS , Cisco OpenDNS :

Note: Mozilla has an agreement with Cloudflare that restricts the data that can be registered and stored.

You can also use our secure Comss.one DNS server:
  • Find the network.trr.bootstrapAddress parameter and double click on it Set the value Cloudflare selected
  • Set this value you chose Google DNS
  • Set selected Cisco OpenDNS
  • Set this Comss.one DNS is selected
  • Restart your Firefox browser.

How to check if DNS over HTTPS is working in Firefox?
  • Once configured, enter in the Firefox address bar about:networkingand click the DNS link in the menu on the left. A page will open showing the contents of the in-memory DNS cache.
  • The TRR column will show "true" for hostnames that use DNS-over-HTTPS.

You can also check DNS operation using the DNS Leak Test service (click the Extended test button). Make sure that all DNS servers found are in the selected primary DNS. For example, if you chose Cisco OpenDNS: