Distribution of OPENVPN configs to mobile devices. Connecting devices with the configuration file.


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Good day to all!

Today we will consider such a topic as distributing OpenVPN configs to mobile devices. What, why, why? Let's take it in order.


What is OpenVPN and why is it so good?​

OpenVPN is an open source, cross-platform,flexibly configurable, and completely free VPN client. You probably saw ads with the sale of OpenVPN configs from our colleagues in the shop, and all because OpenVPN has replaced the proxy. It has not completely replaced them,but what is the best way for our work?

Advantages of OpenVPN​

  • Very easy to set up and install. In order to start a VPN, you just need to make two clicks, and voila, you are already in Los Angeles, and not in Muhosransk at your home address.
  • Antifraud likes OpenVPN. Yes, this is a fact. Antifraud systems have learned how to detetktit proxies(we are not talking about all services and antifraud systems), but they still have problems with OpenVPN, because OpenVPN works on the system that it is physically impossible to ban all profiles(or connection points),and even if you can ban one bridge, another bridge it is raised literally by running a couple of commands.This is very important for carding.
  • High anonymity. OpenVPN configs are very flexible in configuration, which allows you to disable logging, enable some part of it,or even keep a complete log of actions.Usually, all sellers claim that they do not keep logs, but it is impossible to know this.
  • OpenVPN configs are enough for a long time. Seriously, configs live for an incredible amount of time,unlike the same proxies. One config is enough for you to run an incredible number of tests that will be free of fraud. We tested one shop, then went to test another, and so on until the configs finally die off. Conditional$ 200 will give you the opportunity to test several offices in different countries at once.

Nuances in carding.​

We have already figured out that OpenVPN is a great tool that is a pleasure to use,but what if I tell you that there is an option to make fraud really believe that you are really in conditional America, without questions to the IP address? In other words, you will get a crystal clear IP address under cardholder!

And this option is to distribute an OpenVPN connection to mobile devices.

A lyrical digression. Why choose mobile devices?​


like slavery

In my opinion,you don't need to be a genius to understand that mobile devices are now an integral part of life. Fraud is very good when it sees a mobile connection. Why?

Firstly, because replacing the settings on mobile devices requires certain skills and knowledge, for example, to replace the hardware fingerprint on Android, you must first get root rights to your device, then fine-tune the device for kx,and only then spend not your hard-earned money, under the guise of the cardholder.The procedure described by me in two lines for an untrained user takes an average of a week to a month(This is not a demeanor, look in these your internets how to get root rights to a Xiaomi device, you are ahueete)

Secondly, because most people now do everything from mobile devices. The conditional ludoman will not wait for the moment when he will be at the computer to lose money, the conditional woman will not wait for the moment to order a dress while sitting at the computer, she has Amazon on her phone, the conditional hungry person will order food delivery directly to work,and all this from mobile devices. You can list them indefinitely.

Third,because antifraud does not know how to detect whether a Wi-Fi VPN connection is located. Yes, it just doesn't know how to do this, because it can't be checked using the browser's tools.

Distribution to mobile devices. Methods.​

There are many huge ways to distribute a Wi-Fi connection with a VPN enabled. Let's take it in order

Option #1: Raspberry Pi​

Raspberry Pi - or in the common people, raspberry. A small computer on which monjo can implement many projects. It makes both microcontrollers for irrigation and full-fledged devices for surfing the Internet,it all depends only on your imagination,but we are interested in it because you can put firmware on it that will support working with OpenVPN. Malinka itself will distribute Wi-Fi to the config that you choose.

I will not describe in detail how and what is done,I will only say one thing:the OpenVPN website has ready-made instructions on how to install the OpenVPN client.

One of the minuses is a headache with the primary setup

Malinka needs to wait
I can't put this option in the category-for beginners.More suitable for experienced users.

Option #2. Distribution from the desktop.​

There is a fucking cloud of options to distribute from a PC, I'm serious. Some of them are no longer relevant, some are paid, but I have identified a method with distribution via Double SSH Tunnel Manager. Not advertising,I can not vouch for this program, and I can not guarantee that you will not be thrown when buying a license and so on. I'll leave a video for you to review


Prog screen

From what is stated:

What can this program do?

- Turn your PC into an anonymous router for distribution via WI-FI Hotspot, and Ethernet RJ45 cable simultaneously (Tor, SSH, Socks5, VPN, IP6 Yggdrasil)

- Distribute WI-FI Hotspot (Tor, SSH, Socks5, VPN, IP6 Yggdrasil) from your computer - Distribute via RJ45 Ethernet cable (Tor, SSH, Socks5, VPN, IP6 Yggdrasil) from your computer

- Distribute the Internet via a virtual adapter (Tor, SSH, Socks5, VPN, IP6 Yggdrasil) to virtual images of VirtualBox, VMware - Distribute the Internet via a virtual adapter (Tor, SSH, Socks5, VPN, IP6 Yggdrasil) to Android emulators NOX, Ldpayer, Memu, possibly others

- By installing a USB Wi-Fi or USB-Ethernet adapter on a VirtualBox, VMware virtual machine (WIN 7,8. 1,10 DSSHTM), you can start the Internet (Tor, SSH, Socks5, VPN, IP6 Yggdrasil) on the host. Thus, the virtual machine image functions as a router, and you have a single virtual gateway with RJ45 Internet on the host, which eliminates the possibility of leaks of your IP address, as well as the BSSID of wireless cards.

- If the connection is broken, your traffic will never go through your provider.

I can't vouch for this program,but it is the most convenient option. It is also worth mentioning that this method requires an external Wi-Fi adapter.

Of the minuses-you need an external Wi-Fi adapter, a lot of outdated manuals, a lot of irrelevant information,not with all external adapters everything will start up the first time.

Option #3. Distribution via a router.​

It is worth mentioning that routers are now very smart, not just mechanics, and can work with OpenVPN configs. Picking and smoking manuals will take a long time,but at the exit you get a well-established system in which everything will work like clockwork. The configuration varies from router to router,Google your models, smoke manuals.
Of the minuses - the high cost of the router,not everyone can set it up so that the Internet does not fall off and does not return,you will have to smoke a theory about the network device.

One example of a router that supports OpenVPN out of the box.
Try it out, experiment,don't be afraid to Google,and then you will succeed!
Good luck!


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OpenVPN 2.6.9, a package for creating virtual private networks that allows you to organize an encrypted connection between two client machines or provide a centralized VPN server for simultaneous operation of several clients, has been released. The new version is notable for carrying out re-licensing. The project code was transferred from using a pure GPLv2 license to a combined license, in which the GPLv2 text is extended with an exception that allows linking to code under the Apache 2.0 license, which is not possible under normal conditions without re-licensing the code due to incompatibility between the GPLv2 and Apache 2.0 licenses.

The exception allows you to link OpenVPN code to libraries distributed under the Apache 2.0 license, and distribute the combined derivative product without complying with the GPLv2 requirement to distribute related libraries under the same license, while maintaining all other conditions, such as providing the source code of the derivative work. First of all, the change is aimed at providing the ability to link with the OpenSSL library, which is supplied under the Apache 2.0 license. All OpenVPN code that could not be translated to the new licensing terms, for example, due to the inability to contact the authors, has been removed or completely rewritten.

Among the functional changes::

* Added support for building with the mbedTLS 3. x library.

* Implemented the "--force-tls-key-material-export " option, which allows working only with clients that support exporting TLS key parameters required for generating session keys.

* Implementation of the "--tls-export-cert " functionality has been rewritten.

* Improved TLS 1.0 PRF (Pseudo-Random Function) failure handling.

* Key examples have been updated, as old keys expire in October.