Cybercrime detection rate in Belarus increased in 2024


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The detection rate of cybercrime in the Republic of Belarus for the first four months of 2024 increased by 19% compared to the same period last year, said Alexander Ringevich, Deputy Head of the Main Department for Combating Cybercrime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the country.

"Since the beginning of the Presidential Decree" On measures to counteract unauthorized payment transactions "(March 1, 2024), the situation should gradually stabilize. This is already indicated by the figures," a representative of the Belarusian Interior Ministry said at a press conference on Countering Illegal Payment Transactions.

Ringevich also noted that the overall detection rate of illegal acts in the field of high technologies in March-April increased by 0.6% compared to January-February. In addition, the detection rate of certain types of crimes, in particular extortion, increased by 1.4%, fraud − by 0.7%, and serious cyber crimes - by 2.1%.

The deputy head of the main Department for combating Cybercrime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus drew attention to the fact that the structure of cybercrime has changed.

"The trend is no longer embezzlement of money, but fraud, in which Belarusians independently transfer funds to malefactors," he explained.

So, according to Ringevich, in the first four months of the year, just over 2 thousand thefts from citizens ' accounts were registered, while in the same period of 2023, about 5 thousand such crimes were recorded. At the same time, the opposite trend is observed for fraud, the representative of the department added.

"The situation with theft has been reversed, including by building more effective barriers for cyber thieves: protecting access to a bank account has become more reliable. In addition, with the entry into force of the Decree, it was possible to slow down the growth of fraudulent activities, which peaked at the beginning of 2024," Ringevich stressed.